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I am doing a Persuasional speech for College and I decided to do it on Spanking and if its Abuse or Punishment. (Persuade the Punishment side)
And I believe that I need a public poll to get some views on this from the people themselves.
Now first, state whether you have been spanked before.
THen state facts about the person you are, meaning: Do you have a family? Have you been charged with a felony? (You don't have to tell me what it was for.)
Then tell me if the spanking you did or did not recieve affected your life today.
THen if you want to give an opinion, okay, but just don't rant off.
I need facts.
Personally, I will punish my future children with spankings. There is no way that I am going to let them off while I received spankings as a kid. I am a kind, warm person who smiles as much as possible and who learned from her punishment that certain actions were wrong. I did not learn to "HIT" others by this. So don't state that spanking only condones hitting.

2007-02-23 17:03:50 · 25 answers · asked by cyancat 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

25 answers

In my opinion, spanking is a good consequence/punishment for unacceptable behavior, after warnings and other methods break down.

1. Yes, I, my husband, brother and 2 sisters have been spanked as children.
2. I have been married for 12 years, 3 children, no felony's or misdemeanors (that goes the same for my, husband, brother and sisters)
3. It's my thought that the idea that we could get spanked as children, persuaded us to walk the straight and narrow.
4. I do use spanking as a punishment for our 3 daughters. This of course after ample warnings, and when "newer age methods" break down.
5. I have never been in a fight in my life. However I don't really consider that to much of a accomplishment, since I am a female, who's demeanor is not to fight (i don't really think spanking had much to do with that) Now my husband is a big/strong guy and trained in many different martial arts, he is capable of doing dangerous things, however he too, has NEVER BEEN IN A FIGHT. We both agree that being spanked as children, helped keep us out of trouble, and didn't teach us to hit others. My siblings share our view on this.

Good Luck

2007-02-23 19:58:10 · answer #1 · answered by olschoolmom 7 · 0 2

I have been spanked before. I am in a wonderful relationship with my wife, and we are expecting our first child in June. I have never been charged with a felony. The spanking that I recieved did not affect the way I live my life today. I personally don't believe in spanking, physical punishment is effective, but only for the short term. Learning a lesson takes more than being scared of physical pain. That doesn't mean that I plan on letting my children run rampant and be spoiled little cusses, either.

2007-02-23 17:10:23 · answer #2 · answered by makin_the_same_mistakes 5 · 1 0

I have never been spanked (except once by a babysitter who was fired after the incident). My parents would threaten but never do it. The babysitter was fired because she made me and my brother cry and my mother wasnt comfortable with a babysitter punishing her children in that way. I have a very stable and close family. Neither the spanking I received from my babysitter or the spankings I did not receive from my parents affected me in any way. I have spanked my child a couple times (lightly though just enough to know that what she did was bad) but I dont do it very often and I dont really like to do it. I believe sometimes it is the only way to let them know that what theyre doing is wrong. Time outs and yelling dont always work. I would never spank out of anger I would only do it if my child needed a little discipline. And I would never touch another person's child-that's just wrong. I dont think my daughter will be effected by spankings. First of all, she doesnt receive them very much and second of all, she has a stable loving family. I think the parenting and the stability of the family has more to do with how the child lives his/her life not the type of punishment the parent used.

2007-02-23 20:00:07 · answer #3 · answered by Amanda 7 · 0 1

I do not believe in corporal punishment for any reason. Why do people think it's perfectly fine to use violence on young children when they wouldn't expect the same thing in their lives. Can you imagine going to work and the boss coming out and saying, "Well, Bob, sales weren't very good last quarter and it's because you haven't been paying attention to your accounts," and then getting punched in the face? Violence is violence, and it doesn't solve anything. All it does is teach the child to be afraid of the parent. They don't learn how to predict consequences of their behavior further than knowing they'll get spanked if they get caught. A better approach is to have time outs and then ask the child why s/he was punished. If they get it wrong, you tell them the correct reason, then sit down and explain WHY the behavior is undesirable. Just telling a child "no" doesn't get through to them because they don't understand that you're not just saying no to say no. Once they understand that you really do have their best interests at heart the behavior will change. Children really, truly WANT to please their parents. Also, don't forget the praise when they do something right like,"Jimmy, I noticed you hung up your coat right when you got home. I just want to tell you that you did a great job, and I really appreciate it. You're such a help, and I'm lucky to have a kid like you." If a child is told that they're good, they'll be good because that is what is expected of them. If all they hear is, "Dont do this, don't do that, why can't you behave, ect.," they will constantly act up because they are trying to please their parent and from what they hear believe that the parent doesn't want them to act appropriately.

2016-05-24 04:48:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't remember ever being spanked, but I was emotionally abused with constant criticism and public humiliation. I am a wife and mother of three teenagers, never been charged with a felony. I used to spank my children out of desperation occasionally, but I soon found that it had no effect other than to make them angry and afraid. This is not what I wanted for my children. Since then I have slowly and painfully been learning a better way. My children are turning out great, I am very proud of the people they are becoming. Best wishes.

2007-02-23 23:07:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well I was spanked as a child. I think I learned alot of lessons from being spanked. That leather belt could make you having a great deal of understanding of what you did wrong. I do not think that is made any negative points in my life. I have also spanked my son til learning he is ADHD and he just can not control all his actions all the time. But there is times he will still get a spanking or 2 in a month, usually it is more than overdue.. and respects me after wards and apologizes to me and even tells me what he did wrong and let's me know that he will not do it again. So I know that spanking can help them.. not just hurt them. I do not try to hurt, I reasonably spank 3 times at most. I usually just sit him in the corner.. that seems to be worse than the spanking and even he will ask me to spank him instead of making sit in the corner for only 5 mins. But I do not see anything wrong with spanking.. as long as it is needed and does not bruise the child. Spanking are alot different than beatings.. hope this helps you some. Oh..and I have never been arrested or convicted of any type of crime. Must have been all the spankings I received as a child.. cause I just know better.

2007-02-23 17:21:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I am a father of four. I have received a spanking when I was a child. NO, I do not think it affected me as to whether or not I choose to spaank, as I studied child developement in school. INo, I am not afelon nor have I ever been arrested for anything.

I feel that spanking can be effective for somethings, like preventing from getting hurt in adangersous situation, ie putting afork in an electrical soket. The spanking can be a aversive stimulus to avoid repeating the undesired behavuior. However, as a rule, using pain to provide punishment is not a good idea. If you are trying to role model love and affection to the child, inflicting pain may be counterporductive. Counsequencing,, removing priviledges, giving a child a time out, etc may be more effective.

2007-02-23 17:10:03 · answer #7 · answered by Kerry 7 · 2 1

I guess you can call it spanking( Whipped is what it was called then). So i got whippings, and they hurt, they left marks, bruises or stripes ! I have a family, No i haven't been charged w/a felony! The whipping i got effected me in the way that I myself Would Not whip or spank my children in that way !! I think spanking is o.k. if done in a proper way , as long as it is not abusive spanking or whipping !! I consider what my parent did abusive spanking or whipping. Its how you go about spanking a child, you should never hit or spank a child hard enough to leave a mark on them or a bruise ! I believe that taking away something they like is a better punishment then spanking them ! It hurts them more when you take away something they like to do or play and it doesn't leave room for abuse !! You don't have to question if its right or wrong! You just take away a privilege for awhile ! that's enough punishment for any child! So a spank on the butt sometimes is o.k. if nothing else is working.

2007-02-23 17:24:14 · answer #8 · answered by monkeymomma46 5 · 2 1

I have been spanked before.. I have a pre-school. I havent been charge of felony whatsoever..

I was never affected by those spankings by my dad.. Infact they helped me realize what Ive done.. perhaps its the way my father did the spanking.. he talked me out the whole process and after I humble down and admit my fault and say "im sorry" we talked heart to heart and embrace each other.

This is also how I TRAIN my child.

I use spanking NOT as a punishment but as a Training tool. It becomes an Abuse if you apply spanking with the wrong purpose and method. You should not do that...There should be wisdom in this aspect!

Also NEVER NEVER use your hand to train or discipline a child.. Your hands are used for caring .. Use a rod. It may be funny, but I use a thin Glue Stick for this purpose .. I have several I place inside the house (1 on top of the ref., another in the bedroom, another in the hallway).. this is so I avoid using my hand and I have access to the 'rod' anywhere my child starts his unpleasant actions

Also note both you and your spouse should have the same convictions, same rules.. and being consistent and is very effective

If you believe in the bible, then it clearly says there that “He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him disciplines him promptly” (Proverbs 13:24).

Using the "rod of correction" is very effective in TRAINING a child when he is still small.. Example ; you can actually train a child not to touch a delicate flower vase on your center table by giving him a little "switch".. Its like conditioning your child that when he does something that is not good, the 'switching' will condition his mind that there's a consequence.

So there are lots of ways to use the 'rod' as a training tool..

The rod is ONLY used for disciplining only when he is old enough that he knows what's right and wrong.

But be sure you spank him that it wont injure him.. the purpose is to reinforce your discipline.

Also be sure not to show anger when your spank.. you have to control your emotions.. talk to him .always remember you are training him to be a good person. (again if you believe the Bible, by nature human beings are sinners ..so even if you dont teach a child to lie or disrespect, their sinful nature will show.. so that's why we need to train them early on)...

He may seem rebellious at first when you are switching him .. but later his heart will be soft.. the moment when he will come to his senses and say "Im sorry" and then cries.. this is the time you should embrace him and talk to him about what he has done.. and always remind him of your love..

If you are consistent you will reap the rewards of a good natured child and he will grow to make you very happy and proud of him

Both ou and your child will be closer when you train or discipline him (the proper way) than when you dont impose the rod of correction

havent you observed children who dont receive correction when they were young are those that grow to feel worthless and commit crimes?

I hope this will help in your research

I encourage you to check out books on child training by Micheal Pearl:


2007-02-23 20:36:43 · answer #9 · answered by axillon 2 · 0 1

I recieved spankings when i was young. I have a very loving family and believe that if i had not recieved spankings as a child i would not be such a respectful adult. No, I have never been arrested nor commited a felony. I just think spankings are used as a disipline method. It has worked on children forever, why mess with a good thing. Its not abuse unless you spank in anger, leave a mark or use a blunt object.

2007-02-23 17:17:57 · answer #10 · answered by J&A 3 · 2 1

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