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Is their belief of atheism makes them less responsible of doing good things. The only things I heard from them where negative. I don't hear happiness, joy, love, and encouragement like Christians do. It is like if they don't have hope for their lifes'.

2007-02-23 16:27:42 · 35 answers · asked by carlos r 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

35 answers

Atheist do fear God. if you are good, then you will be able to answer these questions, I ask you: with out a lie. or some stupid remark. but tell the truth.

Why do so many Atheist, come here to complain about Christans?

Our answer is because Atheist know and fear God, because they know Christans are right. and they want to learn more, but at the same time they do not want the other Atheist to know that, because you fear what they will say to you or even do to you.

But the truth is, they want to learn about God, also or they would not be here asking questions. because I know if I did not believe in something, I would never be there asking about it. I just would not care about it, to bother with it.

Also, do you ever see or hear of a Christan. go to any place that Atheist gather to talk about what they believe, and argue with them and ask them Questions?

Our answer is "NO" Why,?.... because we would rather talk to each other about our God and not about yours because we know we are right. we do not care about any other way, or we would be there, but instead you are here..WHY?

Think about it !!!!!!!!!! Is this not RIGHT. Or is this not TRUE?

and your question about being happy, we are happy. it's just that you carry so much hate, you cannot see it. If we are not happy, why is it you are the one that is so angry about everthing. also why does the way a Christan feels bother you? it is because you are so sad and unhappy and that makes you mad with angery.

If you would like to learn more about our God, just ask us, with out any anger or a bad attatude. you may find that you may get an answer that you can understand.

2007-02-23 17:15:25 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 2 2

God is imaginary. We do not fear what is imaginary. Someone who fears a god, by definition, is *not* an atheist. If we sound afraid, it's probably your preconception.

We do feel responsible for our actions, because we have no devil to blame for our errors and misdeeds, and no Jesus to let us off the hook. Only the people we hurt can forgive us, so it is them, not Jesus, that we need to make amends to.

I can think of three reasons for the *illusion* of negativity:
1. You meet cheerful atheists all the time. You just don't know that they're atheists.
2. Whenever you find out that someone is an atheist, do you start preaching? Yeah, that definitely makes us grumpy. We're not necessarily like that at other times.
3. Confirmation bias. The grumpy atheists fit your mental map, but the cheerful atheists make no impression on you, and you don't recall them.

You want encouragement from an atheist? Set your mind free! You are not born inherently depraved. You have a sense of right and wrong, both inborn and learned, and you are capable of doing the right thing without the help of any Sky Fairy. You have the strength and courage within yourself to do whatever you need to do. You are a valuable human being, not because a god loves you, but because you're YOU! :-)

We do have hope for our lives. It's just that we don't waste any hope on an imaginary afterlife.

2007-02-23 17:09:10 · answer #2 · answered by RickySTT, EAC 5 · 0 1

Despite all of the negative answers from atheists, I will try to give you one that is more welcoming. I am not Athiest per se, but I am Agnostic, which is similiar.

Personally, the reason I do not believe in God is because there is no proof, and no logic behind the theory that there is some man in the sky doing his bidding and creating the universe. It's impossible. Also, many Christians do not realize that the Bible was not literally written by God.

If you read the earliest manuscripts of the Bible, before the Catholic church got a hold of them, you will find that the translations detract FAR from the original writing. The original Bible was told entirely in parables and stories. When we read them, we are supposed to try to find the symbolic meaning, not the literal one. The translations fail to convey this.

For example, when it says that the Bible was written by God through man, it does not mean that God literally told someone what to write through BC telephone or something absurd like that. It means only that the writing within was inspired by the feeling of a greater presense, and the human need for morality.

So, no, I do not fear God, and I try to live a moral lifestyle just as any Christian might. I do, however, believe in logic and fact. Following myths and basing my life of a fictional story isn't my thing.

2007-02-23 16:38:01 · answer #3 · answered by Mugichari 5 · 0 1

Afraid of what?

An atheist who does a good deed (spending time with the elderly in a nursing home, working in a soup kitchen/shelter, helping with disaster relief, etc) is, on the whole, more selfless than a person of faith performing the same deed. There are no brownie points for the atheist, to be used for getting into heaven. They do it because they want to.

If you're talking about the moral definition of "doing good things", then you need to understand that morals are an abstract concept, and each person follows their own "moral code". Some have that defined by their faith, and some by logic and reason.

How many atheists do you know in the real world? If you spent time with them, you would see that they have lives similar to yours; with the one major difference being where they get their "happiness, joy, love, and encouragement" from. A lot of mine comes from getting to experience my niece and nephew discovering the world for the first time.

As for having "hope for their lives"...again, I would say that you're wrong. An atheist puts his or her all into this life, because they have accepted it to be the only one that they get. They don't hope for an (imaginary) afterlife. Personally, I have accepted the world as it is...sometimes rough, frightening, and unfair, knowing full well, that these things will come to pass, and that it also contains beauty, peace, and inspiration. Ultimately, my successes and failures can be laid squarely on my ability or inability to accomplish.

2007-02-23 17:12:28 · answer #4 · answered by Bill K Atheist Goodfella 6 · 0 1

have you ever talked to an Atheist exterior of the debating ring? I incredibly have many Christian acquaintances that are much less happy than i'm. I do have wish. i wish that my youngsters will improve as much as be decent adult men. I incredibly have wish that my marriage will final an exceptionally long term. I incredibly have wish that my relatives will come around to me no longer believing in a god. I incredibly have wish that Christians will provide up telling telling me i'm a foul guy or woman through fact i've got not got faith of their god. I incredibly have wish for a lot of issues that i will no longer be able to in great condition into this answer. My existence if packed with love, exhilaration and need. the only distinction between me and a happy Christian is that i've got not got faith in an afterlife.

2016-10-16 09:07:34 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Wow awesome. You obviously know nothing about philosophy and the world in general. I am an Atheist, and I am in NO WAY afraid of god and do you know why... because I don't believe in god, why would I fear something I believe to be fake? You don't hear happiness joy and love coming from us because 90 percent of the time we have to deal with people like you giving us a bad name. if you knew me and you knew my friends you would know that I am a very generous and kind person. But all you see is Atheist and you assume that I am a heathen, a horrible person, a degenerate. Well my friend your wrong. Re-think your views. I have hope for my life, I live everday with the knowledge that one of these will be my last and thats all I'm done. There is no afterlife, there is no hell or heaven only now. I have fun, I do things to my best ability because I know that this is all I've got. If you knew me you would know, but you don't.

2007-02-23 16:36:57 · answer #6 · answered by Satan 4 · 1 2

all this fire and brimstone talk makes me a little nervous.

Polymarchus told Socrates the best thing about wealth was ease in his old age. The tales of Hades and what was done to bad men in the underworld did vex those who owed money or had stolen property when thier bodies grew old and time came near.

This was the roman religion with Zues before christ.

As for religions: believing life has concrete meaning and purpose is comforting and makes many things perfectly clear to you. just follo the yellow brick road. do what you're told and you can live pretty good. house, tv, pc, 40 hrs and donate on sunday.

Others have seen that there is nothing and don't know where to go or what to do. your path leads nowhere even if the road be comfortable. Perhaps there's nowhere to go and in the end it's hard to stray too far, but we can try anything and i think this freedom is worth risking the unknown and searching for answers and truth.

2007-02-23 16:34:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You only hear negativity from atheists? How's this:

Do you all think that the Theist fear reality? They sound afraid.?
Is their belief of theism makes them less responsible of doing good things. The only things I heard from them where negative. I don't hear happiness, joy, love, and encouragement like atheists do. It is like if they don't have hope for their lifes'.

In case you can't tell, that's the mirror image of what you wrote.

Pot, meet Kettle. You're just as bad.

2007-02-23 16:38:31 · answer #8 · answered by scifiguy 6 · 1 2

I'm sorry? How do I sound afraid again?

On the contrary, my atheism means that I dont pray to an invisible father-figure and hope that good will happen. If I want there to be good in the world, I'll go out and make the good happen. No relying on invisible third persons who supposedly are all powerful but really dont do much except for apparently helping baseball players and making the virgin mary's face appear on a grilled cheese sandwhich.

It also makes me responsable for my own actions. You'll never hear the words "satan made me do it" come out of my mouth. I do what I do for a reason, and I accept the responsibility for what happens as a result.

2007-02-23 16:30:08 · answer #9 · answered by Jesus W. 6 · 7 2

Far Star - What church do you belong to? Have you ever heard of missions? Christians going out into the world to teach the heathens the word of god? The crusades?- Christians slaughtering countless innocents in the name of god? I say to you that you must not know much about the religion that you hide behind. It is the historical norm of non-believers to keep their personal beliefs to themselves while organized religion, in general, tries to convince them that they need to conform to the beliefs of that particular religion, or face persecution, or even death. Of course, as a believer, you have never taken it upon yourself to research these things on your own. You never learned to ask questions and Seek answers beyond the sheltering walls of your church. If your religious authority told you that the sun would not come up tomorrow morning, you would believe him, wouldn't you. I pitty you for being such a sheep. It is, indeed, easier to be an unquestioning follower, but you will never experience the true wonder and beauty of the universe that way.

2007-02-23 18:05:01 · answer #10 · answered by VistaMoon 1 · 0 1

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