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SCHOOL SUCKS! TEACHERS SUCK! EVERYTHING SUCKS!LIFE SUCKS! I am not trying to offend anybody. I am just so depressed all the time now! I hate it! I am only 13 and already ready to leave (life) and give up. I have allways been a perfectionist. YEAH NOT WORKING ANYMORE! I screw up too people! My friends and family and teachers have always thought I have been as close to perfect as you can get. I hate that because I am not. THEN, my reading teacher is the only person that has noticed I was depressed. I was happy because for once someone noticed I was not Miss Perfect. I know I am not. I told her I was fine though. She sent me to the counselor anyway. I told her I was fine too. She let me go because I would't break down and talk. Now I wish they would ask me again because NOW I want help. At the time (4 months ago) I hadn't had too much of a problem. A small one but it has gotten so much worse I am very shy. I am scared to just go up to that teacher and tell her the truth. more...

2007-02-23 16:00:57 · 13 answers · asked by tennisluver90 2 in Health Mental Health

Now I am first seed on the tennis team at my middle school. I am sad pretty much the whole time I play. I wish my teacher would come to me so I could tell her the truth. I shy so I am scared to just walk right up to her and tell her. I don't feel like I am that close to my parents so I REALLY DON"T WANNA TELL THEM!!! I have to do something though before i do something stupid though.

2007-02-23 16:04:03 · update #1


2007-02-23 16:10:31 · update #2

For you idiotic teacher! Do you remember what it was like to be 13? HOw bad it was? It has gotten worse now a days. Going home crying every night.Friends turning on you every single day. The way parents don't care and just can't wait for you to move out. OR how horrid peer pressure is. I am really not trying to hurt anybody I just want HELP!

2007-02-23 16:16:08 · update #3

13 answers

Sweetie... this will pass. I say this with confidence. But look at how this is tearing you apart. Life is not supposed to be filled with all these worries. You said in here that you want help, so why don't you go back to your counselor and actually be honest. You are never going to be satisfied with what you achieve in life if your not happy. Achievements don't make you happy, it's how much you appreciate life and have fun for what it is, flaws and all. NO ONE IS PERFECT. Just remember that you are a bright, intellegent girl, probably ver very kind and empathetic, you care a whole bunch about how others feel, what more could you want?
I remember when I was in 7th grade I was a mess. I felt like I didn't have any real friends, I always was afraid of embarrasement, I was so preoccupied with trying to be less obvious about my feelings that I forgot to say hi to the people thatwere nice and would like a friend as well. What's worse I got bad grades, and was lazy and everything. My mom was in a mental hospital and my dad always worked. I felt like I wasn't important at all. But you know what, I was so wrong. Now I'm 18, in college and I have gained SO MUCH confidence. I have no regrets and I realize that my dorkyness, flaws, and imperfections is what makes me beautiful and unique. I think once you realize that, you might become happier about your life. It sounds like you are a wonderful person but everyone needs help once in a while. For once instead of always taking care of other people let the other people take care of you! I'm sure you have people that love you and would do anything for you! Even people you barely know! Find strength from the inside to smile again, because before you know it the raincloud will pass and you will see light again! Talk to others even if you're shy about this feeling, they will be more than happy to help you! No one likes to see anyone depressed!
Keep your your chin up. also I found this a while ago on quizilla.. I think it describes you..

Little Flame in this

world of Vast

Your soul has been

worn yet it remains

strong with wisdom,

love, and practicality
Yes- unlike the Timid

Creature of

Innocence- You've

experienced hard

times in life. You've

endured, or may still

be enduring them- but

you keep your chin up

and your eyes fixed on

your destination in life,

wherever that may be

to you. You shine to

those around you.

People, weather you

notice it or not, tend

to look up to you and

admire you. It's easy

to respect you. You

have a warm heart

and, even at the

hardest points, you

make sure to look at

the others around you

to make sure that their

alright. You are

selfless in your way of

thinking and you've

taken your blows in

life with grace.

Although not always

perfect- you are a

shining beam of hope

to those around you.

Don't loose that great

attitude of yours. You

may have no idea

what that means to the

people around you...

Sweetie, remember that others look up to you, and when you stay strong and seek to help better your life it makes everyone who knows you inspired to also be optimistic. You can do it! Try to be open with your feelings, have someone to talk to about it, and then look on the bright side and stay strong.
I wish you lots of luck and love in your future! Best of Wishes and God bless you.

2007-02-23 16:26:24 · answer #1 · answered by genuine♥ 3 · 2 0

Please talk to your family or another adult you trust (like a friend's parent). They will get you the help you need. If you trust one of your teachers, they too will help you. You can also talk to your family doctor who can put you in touch with someone. Whatever you do, just talk to someone now. You don't sound like you are in a good place and getting in deeper won't help you. You are reaching out right now and that's good. Just keep doing that and talk to someone. Let them know how you feel and ask that they just listen to you and not say anything back for now. But you really do need to talk to someone. Kids these days have a lot more going on than when I was in school 20 yrs ago. And being shy is even harder (I know, I too was shy at your age).

Don't be scared - you have proven right here that you are capable of reaching out. Good luck! Make that call now or go talk to someone now - even if you have to wake your parents.

As for the "so-called" teacher that posted 3rd in line, do not listen to that post. He is an idiot and shouldn't talk to you that way. If you are reaching out, that is a good thing. You are only 13 yrs old. Adults are supposed to be there for you right now and you are growing up. Even though you say you aren't close with your parents, this might just be the thing that will help draw you closer. Please talk to them. And if for some reason it doesn't go well, do not give up. Go talk to a friend's parent (even have your friend in the room with you if that would help). Someone out there (an adult) will help you.

2007-02-23 16:08:12 · answer #2 · answered by Michelle 4 · 1 0

You need to talk to your teacher, if you're too shy, write her a letter, just like the one you wrote for Yahoo answers and give it to her during class. Then she will take the initiative you're craving and get you some help. You need help urgently, do not put it off.
Its ok to feel the way you feel, there's nothing to be ashamed off.
Life right now is too overwhelming for you and it doesn't has to be this way. There is help out there for you. Life is good you just need a bit of help to see it.
I've been through this, remember you're not alone in this.
Write that letter. Good Luck to you! I'll think of you!!

2007-02-23 16:16:00 · answer #3 · answered by Mightymo 6 · 0 0

honey, i am only a year older than you and i know perfectly well what is going on. i have been depressed for at least a year, but i just recently started cutting. if there is anything i can say to you, DON'T CUT!! no matter how bad it gets, resist the urge. it is addicting and it gives you nothing except a sore arm and some ugly scars.

i used to be the perfect student, but that has all gone down the toilet. please email me through the Yahoo! answers page. we can talk about this together. if you ever need a person to just rant off all your frustrations, i'm your girl.

2007-02-23 17:36:06 · answer #4 · answered by happyinblue 3 · 0 0

any sort of depression can be tide over by faith in GOD and sincere prayer.

Your prayer is from your heart. Further You must have to understood the fact that God is present in our heart. This can be realised in meditation. Further we are the creation of our own destiny. As per Hindu sacred religion, we carry all good and bad deeds life after life. There is no end unless we pray for unification of self with the divineliness.
Hence there is always a possible way to complete mergence with God in this life by a simple and wonderful meditation

2007-02-23 23:41:27 · answer #5 · answered by Master 4 · 0 0

Excuse YOU...I am a teacher and I don't "suck". I worked very hard. You aren't "trying to offend anybody", well gee, I think you did.

YOU are the problem, you are the one that is little miss perfectionist. You need to get a grip and get some counseling because it's you that has the problem, not everybody else.

I suggest you take care of this very soon, talk to a counselor at school. It isn't THEIR responsibility to ask you again, you get your butt in there and talk to them. That is their job, to help, take advantage of it and begin to be a 13 year old instead of a 30 year old. You need to figure out where all this started, who pushed you, etc.

I don't know what you are scared of, telling a teacher the truth, do you think you are the only one in the world with problems? I have news for you...

2007-02-23 16:10:32 · answer #6 · answered by MadforMAC 7 · 1 4

Anyone can go through depression believe me! It really sucks because i have been there. You kust have to take one day at a time and things will get better,maybe not right away but with the help of your friends and family everything will be ok!

2007-02-23 16:09:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

dont be so concerned with other peoples expectations of you. If you are always worried about what others think of you than you will always be depressed. no matter how perfect you are people are always going to find faults in you. happiness comes from within so you have to be proud of yourself. you should still strive for greatness but in your own way. create your own expectations for yourself.
sometimes life is so crazy it seems like nothing could solve your problems and its true. Nothing is going to magically come and solve your problems. it is up to you to overcome them. by making the right moral decisions you can learn to overcome suffering, live a rewarding life, and learn to forgive those that have caused you pain. If you want to learn about this way of life search for buddhism eightfold path. living by these eight rules has changed my life and allowed me to experience true happiness. if you strive to be the best moral person you can be than you can always be proud of yourself for being a good person. no matter what you achieve in your life, doing the right thing is all that matters. please feel free to email.

2007-02-24 04:01:06 · answer #8 · answered by Sarah 2 · 0 0

I was in the same boat as you when I was that age. And sometimes I still get lil doses of depression. One of the biggest things that teens go through around your age is finding out who they really are. For me it was accepting the fact that i was in a pastoral family. My dads a pastor and ppl used to call me the pastos daughter and i hated it cz felt like i lost my identity. What i ended up realizing was that there was no need to be sad.
You need to love yourself first, and second you need to know that if you say negative things they will happen.. You always need to be positive. Speak Life into bad situations. I went through it, i promise. Someone told me that, and i tried it and I realized that it boosted me up and it helped me to feel better.
I dont know if you are religious, but knowing that Jesus Loves You is the MOST conforting thing on the planet. Knowing that someone is there watching over you and although you may feel down now someone is guiding your steps. Jesus is one of my best friends, why? Bcz he will always be here for me when my parents dont want to hear me and when friends bail on me. Know that!
So re-cap
1.Love Yourself: cz if you dont no one else will!
2. Speak Life into bad situations
3. Know that Jesus Loves You NO MATTER WHAT!
even if you dont want him to, he will! I promise!

God Luck, Ma
Ill be prayn for you!

2007-02-23 16:18:31 · answer #9 · answered by putnamgirl78 1 · 1 0

talk 2 somebody u trust...
2 lessen Ur heavy pain there in Ur heart....

or talk 2 ur parents...
a PSYCHIATRIST may help...

u really hav a problem girl...

don't take otheres opinions deeply...
its an opionion right...
and they r talking bout ur work...
not urself....

don't give up...
we know that ur not PERFECT...
its jaz that u maybe...
do things wrong...
or ur jaz CLUMSY...

try 2 refresh urself...

see there's still people who understands u jaz like us...
and ur reading teaher...

look at the bright side...
ur lucky 4 some factors....
but i don't know what it is becoz i don't know u very well....

hav hope...
dry all those tears....
forget all the fears...

pray 2 GOD...
ask 4 guidance...
no one sucks...

but sometimes its jaz that the problem is not them....
sometimes its u girl...
sometimes ur the one that sucks...

but please dont pity urself...
enjoy life...
u know girl life's fun...
life's good...

but still...
the wheel turns round...

jaz be hapi...
there r more things 2 enjoy...
in the future...

now gud luck...
make ur path straight...
and good...


2007-02-23 16:22:34 · answer #10 · answered by hot chic 2 · 0 0

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