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My son killed 5 people and is on death row in Texas.

2007-02-23 15:37:05 · 36 answers · asked by Mary H 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

36 answers

Supposedly, if a really horrible person like Hitler or Stalin suddenly repented a minute before they die, they'd directly to Heaven without a single moment of punishment. However, if a person who never thought of murder, but were a non-Christian like Bertrand Russell or Mohandas Gandhi, they'd presumably go to hell and suffer for all eternity for not following Jesus.

One of the many reasons I gave up on Christianity...

2007-02-23 15:48:05 · answer #1 · answered by crypto_the_unknown 4 · 1 3

Mary, what could cause a person to kill 5 people? I believe your son should rot in jail not get the death penalty. God will forgive him if he repents and allows Jesus into his heart and then when he dies, he will go to heaven. I for one don't believe he deserves it! That's why I say, No death row.

2007-02-23 15:49:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is very old and not oft mentioned. When one who is evil and a destroyer the spirit will be carried from the body to Sheol. (This is the belief of Hebrews.) In those days there were also those you might call "Pagans." In their belief the spirit is conscious of all the evil and destruction done in life and what they truly meant and did to others and the spirit itself. The spirit stays in Sheol until understanding arrives and the pain of truth is accepted so the spirit can be cleansed. Then the spirit is sent back to the physical to find more knowledge and comprehension of self.

In the end of time the spirit evolved crosses from darkness to light.

2007-02-23 16:02:35 · answer #3 · answered by Terry 7 · 0 0

My condolences, for you and for the victims' families. I hope your son has accepted responsibility for his actions and made peace with himself.

Notwithstanding Bibles, preachers, and confident assertions from Christians (and Muslims) with no real evidence, as far as i can determine from my own research, heaven is completely imaginary. So, no, your son will *not* go to heaven. But you can still have peace knowing that he isn't burning in the equally imaginary hell either.

2007-02-23 16:20:12 · answer #4 · answered by RickySTT, EAC 5 · 0 0

No sin or combination of sins is impossible for God to forgive with the exception of one and that is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. Yes your son does have a chance but he must come to a realization of God and repentance. True faith must also be a characteristic trait in his life. Without these ingredients he is lost.

2007-02-23 15:45:54 · answer #5 · answered by Archangel 4 · 1 0

Moses killed a man in anger.
The word says anyone believing in his SON Jesus Christ will be born again. He will become a new creature in Christ. He must repent of his sins and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. If he does not know God, you need to start praying for him and his deliverance.

2007-02-23 15:44:13 · answer #6 · answered by texaslady73 2 · 1 0

I think the answer is a little more complicated than we are ready to admit. I would also like to point out that as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the answer given by noobsaibot is extremely limited and does not even begin to explain what we believe. I will tell you this, the Atonement of Jesus Christ is not meant to unconditionally cover pre-meditated murder, but there is still a repentance process in place for those who do commit murder. However, the repentance process is going to be much, much, much more strict than the repentance process for any other sin, except for the violation of the law of chastity. If you ever want to talk to Mormons about this, you can try reading in Alma chapter 24 and Alma 27 in the Book of Mormon. The Atonement of Jesus Christ provides the possibility of repentance and forgiveness to all who confess their sins, forsake them completely, and are willing to go through the repentance and restitution process. There are certain sins, such as murder, which I believe are nearly impossible to make up for in this life. However, it is also dependent upon one's level of knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You are judged in accordance with what you know. The light of Christ is given to every man (and woman) when they come into this world, which is like the conscience that everyone talks about. Here is a link below to learn more about the people who repented of having been murderous and war-faring and who turned to the power of Jesus Christ. You will note that they made a covenant not to kill ever again, and they would rather be killed than ever shed the blood of any person ever again in their lives. In addition, the rest of their lives were spent working and serving in the Church. This story is made reference to in the movie "God's Army 2: States of Grace," if you would like to check that out sometime. I know our current prison system has restrictions on how restitution is made, but we still have time before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to repent. In the spirit world, there is more information to learn about as well. I hope that you will be willing to study more about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and help your son start learning about the steps of repentance, because that the only way he can hope to be forgiven. I will be honest, it may take years, to be counted both in this life and the spirit world, but if you will study it out and pray about it, you will find the answers you are looking for.
P.S. I have visited a friend who was in prison for almost as serious as crimes as your son committed, and I have faith that he will also be judged in accordance with the knowledge he had before, taking his physical weaknesses into consideration.

2007-02-23 16:26:09 · answer #7 · answered by Cookie777 6 · 0 0


Well if someone sanctifies themselves through Christ, no matter their fault they can find salvation. Paul certainly killed more than 5 people, and he was redeemed. For what its worth, these words relate well to the topic, and are not my own, but are taken from a sermon of Jonathan Edwards, a Calvinist minister that preluded the Great Awakening. He said in his sermon "The Excellency of Christ"-------------

What are you afraid of, that you dare not venture your soul upon Christ? Are you afraid that he cannot save you; that he is not strong enough to conquer the enemies of your soul? But how can you desire one stronger than the “mighty God”? as Christ is called, Isa. ix. 6. Is there need of greater than infinite strength? Are you afraid that he will not be willing to stop so low as to take any gracious notice of you? But then, look on him, as he stood in the ring of soldiers, exposing his blessed face to be buffeted and spit upon by them! Behold him bound, with his back uncovered to those that smote him! And behold him hanging on the cross! Do you think that he that had condescension enough to stoop to these things, and that for his crucifiers, will be unwilling to accept you if you come to him? Or, are you afraid, that if he does accept you, that God the Father will not accept him for you? But consider, will God reject his own Son, in whom his infinite delight is and has been, from all eternity, and that is so united to him, that if he should reject him, he would reject himself?


Assuming you want your son to be saved, it might be good to send that to him if you can. If you are hoping he cannot be saved, so he gets hell which "he deserves" (if he killed someone particulalry close to you for which you wont forgive him) then I am sorry you feel that way. If you do not wish for him to gain salvation for some reason, or if you do, but feel that God will take pleasure in the death of your son should he not repent, take into account the following scripture:

"Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit. Why will you die, O house of Israel? FOR I TAKE NO PLEASURE IN THE DEATH OF ANYONE, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent and live!"

Naturally repentance will not save your son from the punishment imposed for breaching the secular law, but it will save him from the punishment of breaking God's law. Shall he not repent, he suffers both the fate of the secular law and God's law. Let us hope he at least gets sanctified in God's eyes.

2007-02-23 16:05:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Romans 10
Rev 18-22
John 3
Matt 25
Eph 2
Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life ...
Rejecting Jesus will send a person to the lake of fire,accepting His shed blood for sin is salvation.

2007-02-23 15:51:59 · answer #9 · answered by robert p 7 · 0 0

Every person baptized with water in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, is a Heaven-bound Christian, no matter what happens in their lives.

If there's a Heaven, and you go there, you will meet Adolf Hitler. Deal with it.

2007-02-23 15:46:26 · answer #10 · answered by fra59e 4 · 0 1

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