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For years people have been trying to conquer the world. Many have tried and failed. The British tried something a little different, through colonialism and established their "commonwealth" but I can't say they are a superpower today. Now the American government seems to by attempting the same thing through economic means, and more recently establishing American army bases throughout the world. These days, they have taken to deposing "un-American" governments and replacing them with governments they can manipulate. Will this combination of tactics allow the US to keep its place as the sole world superpower, or is it just a matter of time......

2007-02-23 15:14:24 · 20 answers · asked by Whatever 2 in Politics & Government Military

20 answers

Its just a matter of time. The weak, greedy politicians will leech all power away.

2007-02-23 15:18:44 · answer #1 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Every nation that has achieved world domination has not set out to do it deliberately. There is some debate about this with the case of Rome (Read Roman historian Polybius). But with other empires, Britain and the U.S - i think the notion of being a global power - is something that has occured unconciosly.

One of the common factors of superpowers / global powers has been not only military/economic power, but also they have spread their influence and their civilisation to other areas, colonised, and developed political, economic, cultural, social ties.

Trade is one factor. China is currently trying to use its economic power to buy political influence throughout the world. The Chinese attempt to buy votes in the United Nations by providing economic support to the Soloman Islands and other small struggling nations is having mixed results.

If you look at why Rome, the Greeks - Alexander, the British Empire and the United States have been so successful is because they have been able to export their cultural and political influences. The ability of the U.S to export its technology, its cultural influences, its constitution and political administration. I mean who on the earth's surface doesnt know the police 'you have the right to remain silent....'. Or even 911 for emergency!

Another common factor is that the great empires have been tolerant - allowed their own culture to be assimilated into other cultures - and also learnt from other culture's and assimilated it into their own. This was something the Romans were great at doing - especially with the Germanic tribes. The two cultures became that close that Germans wanted to be Roman citizens.
The admiration for which German tribesmen held for Roman laws - the adapted it into their own cultures.

There maybe some that argue that military prowess - suppression is a factor. But i have found that military prowess is something which aggressive nations have used - and failed to keep an empire.

The United States will remain as the lone world superpower - as long as it does not use its military prowess to supress other nations which will turn against it. This is the current danger that the United States is facing in Iraq.

2007-02-23 23:50:57 · answer #2 · answered by Big B 6 · 1 0

The best method of world domination, is to ultimately develop a society in which each country becomes better, is allowed to keep their local culture, and has citizens who don't feel that they are being dominated over by another government. Give them freedom to make their own decisions about government, make them better off economically. You can not conquer the world by weapons, but rather through the hearts and minds of the people.

Ultimately, I believe that if people feel they are being dominatd, they will fight back. But if it is a cordial relationship where we all have an interest in the sucess we will come together to form a loosely assembled world alliance. But no one country can be "in charge." It has to truely be an equal alliance.

2007-02-24 15:22:42 · answer #3 · answered by dchase 2 · 0 0

"Globalization" appears to be working, they have the EU and AU and have all but bought the industrial base right out from under the Americans. They look pretty dominate from where the blogbaba is sitting. The fact that you didn't even notice them in your question speaks louder that anything I could say.

Who are they you ask? They are the people who changed the face of mankind by making the concept of governing people obsolete. Politicians who govern countries get their authority from the people they represent, but corporate conglomerates have no need of popular support, they are privately owned and answer only to each other on their respective boards.

They are the new world order Herbert Walker mentioned.

Our owners.

2007-02-23 23:25:47 · answer #4 · answered by blogbaba 6 · 1 0

I'd guess that any plan at world domination should start out with a very, very good idea of how the world operates on the deepest level. Unfortunately, even after decamillennia of endless debate by billions of philosophers and politicians, nobody has a clue...

2007-02-23 23:34:00 · answer #5 · answered by crypto_the_unknown 4 · 0 0

Step one, get yourself an oil company. Or better, form an oil cartel or mafioso, like OPEC.
Step two, begin buying off U.S. congressmen and government officials in foreign banana republics.
Step three, repeat.

If that doesn't work, you can always invent a new computer operating system that "phones home" to your corporate headquarters without the user knowing about it, and sell this OS to the government (they'll buy damn near anything).

2007-02-23 23:30:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Every empire fails...Rome fell....Britian fell.... it is only a matter of time....The USA will fall and then China will fall. and so on and so on.

Only when the love of power is replaced with the power of love will the world know peace.

karlkalisnikov you disgust me.

Are you under a mistaken impression that Islam is the first religion to kill in its name or to sanctify those who do so???? You really need to read up on Islam, Christianity and Judiasim if that is the case. Perhaps you should educate yourself prior to passing Judgment.

You are no better than the 'terrorists' who hate Western Society.

2007-02-23 23:18:02 · answer #7 · answered by elysialaw 6 · 2 1

Become a predatory banker and get countries to allow you to print their money........ then over print their money and buy all of their natural resources with their their money before it becomes worthless......... also buy all of their media outlets (broadcast and print) so that no one will ever hear of your plan.

So, the best way to conquer the world is slowly, quietly, in the dark, behind closed doors, secretively....... like a virus


2007-02-23 23:25:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Invent a better widget. For example computers or an OS or the internet.

2007-02-24 01:27:16 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You liberals hate America for our world dominance..but it doesn't come from military force or pressure, it comes from FREEDOM

You can be poor or rich it just depends on how much you are willing to put towards your goals. People all around the world die to get here, come legally after years and years and thousands of dollars, or the ones who sneak by the millions over the border to come to a land of FREEDOM or to continue their corruption careers and there are those whom are born here some are lazy, some are go getter's, some are born into their wealth.

Except America does not seek out to take over the world, people come to us. In Canada, in U.K. in any country there are people waiting in line to come here.

NO one but the Islamic fanatics are trying to push their world view on countries...open you mind and read...it wont be on the front page of the NY Times...America does not tell you to forget your religion, or put a Vail over your head.

2007-02-23 23:28:10 · answer #10 · answered by Rick D 3 · 0 2

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