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I don't like the size i am. I don't guess I'm "fat"
but i don't like how i am. I would like to weight around 130. or so.
how can i loose weight without going on much of a diet?
do i need to just eat less or what?
I don't eat breakfast and at school for lunch i have a sobe drink and maybe a bag of lays baked originals.

2007-02-23 14:07:28 · 16 answers · asked by British lover 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

16 answers

All of this depends on how tall you are. (If you're 6 ft tall, you're thin, however, if you're 5 ft tall, you are indeed overweight.)
Therefore, assuming you need or want to lose weight, you are going about it all wrong. Also, keep in mind that you are still young and growing/developing so your body/height/weight might change until you're full grown. Right now, you need to focus on being healthy, and your diet doesn't sound healthy at all.
You should eat small healthy meals three times a day and excercise at least three times a week. You'll be healthier and feel great about yourself. If you end up losing weight by doing these things, it'll just be a benefit of a healthier lifestyle.

2007-02-23 14:17:13 · answer #1 · answered by leave me alone 3 · 1 1

Okay well the first thing you must stop what you are currently doing. Losing the weight won't be hard if your eating habits have been poor so far.. so here's what you can do:

Start eating breakfast.. Now I know what you are thinking.. I don't have time, I hate eating in the morning, it makes me ill.. blah blah blah. I've heard it all because I used to do it too! Breakfast is an essential meal of the day because it sets your metabolism for the day. If you start out by not eating (and therefore slowing it down) your body will automatically think it is starving and hold on to everything you eat for the rest of the day.

If the first thing you put into your body is a fizzy drink and chips, then you can’t expect to ever be the weight you are aiming for. I know that sounds harsh, but how do you think your body feels about you eating such unhealthy food. Something that is important for you to understand is the way you treat your body during your teen’s sets the pace for your life. If you go though your teenage years overweight, it only gets harder to lose as you get older. Not to mention, stretch marks never go away, so stop them now before they start.

I should say though, while I don't know how tall you are, 145-160 isn't an excess weight. You are still in the healthy range, so just make sure not to let it become a problem. Ok so now that I had been totally honest and straight up with ya.. here's what you can do to lose the few pounds you want.

Okay, so like I said, eat breakfast! A piece of whole wheat toast with peanut butter, a banana and yogurt is a great breakfast. If you can, snack a few times during the day.. again.. fruit, yogurt, anything (but no chips, chocolate... anything full of sugar). For lunch, try having some soup and a sandwich or a wrap. Something with veggies (like lettuce, tomatoes) and meat ensures you are getting all the nutrients you need.

Dinners can be tricky because it is pretty easy to fall into the trap of not caring in the evening. So just try to stack up on salad or veggies during dinner and keep the portions of the rest of the food smaller.

Besides this, make sure you are drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day and try to exercise a few times a week. (This doesn't have to be strenuous, even going for a walk is plenty sufficient.)

Try all of this for 6wks... and I promise you will see a huge difference. Don't think of this as a diet, just a healthy way to eat and live. And if you really feel like eating chips, just keep the portions small and eat them sparingly, this means no more than once or twice a week.

Best of luck to ya!

2007-03-03 12:31:30 · answer #2 · answered by Chloe M 2 · 0 0

I found the book to be very informative and easy to read.

I've lost 17 pounds in 12 days, I'm just concerned that I'm losing too much weight, too quickly. I will admit I haven't followed the guide exactly. I'm not sticking perfectly to the listed foods and meal plans (but mostly) and doing very little exercise, but the weight keeps flying off.

It clearly works and if I'd followed it exactly I think it would scare the living daylights out of me because of the amount that I'd lose. So thanks again for the information. I've never purchased anything like this before because they are usually full of trash, but 3WD has been a pleasant surprise.

Get started today!

2016-05-20 05:09:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

For one thing you really need to eat a good breakfast. Lose the potato chips as they have
lots of salt on them. There's nothing wrong with drinking Sobe drinks but you need to have
a decent lunch and supper. Try eating 5 or 6 small meals a day. The saying goes to eat breakfast like a king and when you get to supper eat like a pauper. If one of the small meals is for instance-cheese and crackers, apple and cheese-it doesn't need to be a lot.
Don't over do. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day along with milk and juice. Try having
a green salad with light dressing. Good luck. Enlist your Mom's help in
deciding what to take for lunch and maybe a snack.

2007-03-02 16:03:39 · answer #4 · answered by Garnet 6 · 1 0

Can't say if you are fat or not you have not given enough info. Since you don't like the size you are at you can change that start EATING BREAKFAST get more active maybe take up basketball ,jogging or even walking for about an hour a day,Lay off the chips and drink more water you should soon change into a size you like more.

2007-03-02 07:59:24 · answer #5 · answered by pretty face 3 · 1 0

You need to eat breakfast! You are not eating enough, period, and what you are eating is junk.
If you don't eat, your body thinks it is starving and hangs onto fat.

Drink lots of water, and eat 5-6 small meals a day. Choose a variety of foods with protein, good fats and good carbs.

Have a bowl of oatmeal or unsweetened cold cereal with skim milk, or a protein smoothie for breakfast. Have a healthy snack in the morning and afternoon, for example, a cup of lowfat yogurt, apple slices with peanut butter, whole wheat crackers with string cheese, or celery and carrot sticks with a little light cream cheese.

Have a nice big salad with chicken, ham or cheese OR a small sandwich on whole wheat bread for lunch, and for dinner, fill 1/2 your plate with veggies, 1/4 protein (meat, chicken, fish) and have only a very small amount of starch like potatoes, rice or pasta.

Ditch the chips and soft drinks. I believe that SOBE has sugar in it just like soda. Water, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, low fat dairy and whole grains make up a healthy diet.

2007-03-03 10:11:29 · answer #6 · answered by magicalpossibilities 5 · 0 0

you're at a great age to easily lose the weight (the older you get, the harder it is)

1) eat a healthy breakfast!!! a bowl of cornflakes and orange juice...might be cliche, but it really does work! it'll not only help with getting your body use to an eating schedule, but it'll also help with your energy levels.

2) cut back on drinking caffine! that helps tremendously. get rid of excess sugars if you can...i suggest trading a cookie for something with natural sugars, like apples or oranges. Also cut down on unneeded salts.

3) drink more water & eat more fruits and veggies.

4) cut down your portions...if you don't eat the whole day and binge at dinner, then you're not doing anything to shed the pounds.

5) i'm not sure what your schedule is like, but if you can go for walks/runs or go to the gym and use the cardio machines. I wouldn't suggest for too long, but it'll get your heartrate going and it'll make you sweat. Make sure you keep hydrated though!

Hope this helps:) I've been in your shoes before, so I'm sure you can do it!

2007-03-03 11:27:40 · answer #7 · answered by SP 2 · 0 0

145-160 may be overweight and it may not be. It depends on your height and whether you are athletic (muscle weighs more than fat). Can you give us more details about your size/shape/lifestyle? In general, I don't recommend a fad diet. I recommend:

1) Regular exercise (some type of cardio and some type of resistance/weight training) at least a few times a week, preferably almost every day.

2) Smart eating habits (maybe five small, light, healthy meals/snacks each day rather than three big, fattening, unhealthy meals).

Pretty simplistic, but also pretty smart. :-)

2007-02-23 14:16:36 · answer #8 · answered by I am that damn good. 3 · 1 0

Hah. this is funny to me. I use to be 160 when i was your age and now I am 135. I guess what i did...was join sports like wrestling, track, tennis and badminton. I have membership at my local gym and workout for 1 hour almost every day. EAT BREAKFAST! it speeds up your metabolism and drink water! no soda no chips. Eat less of course, but don't give up all foods altogether. just decrease your intake of food to about 1/4 and eat healthy! self discipline! and also no eating after 8. 15 lbs only took me 2 months.

2007-02-23 14:17:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well depeding on your height your bone structure etc..you need to find out what is your correct weight. Not to mention skipping meals is the worst thing you can do. If you really want to shed a few pounds you need to do some cardiol, eat 5 small balanced meals and drink plenty of fluids to clean all of the toxins from your body. Before commiting to anything you really need to except your body no matter what we are all created diffeantly for a reason. Please don't try to look like the waifs out there.

2007-03-03 10:28:51 · answer #10 · answered by pattiof 4 · 0 0

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