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I have researched the dog know what its history is and everything about the breed seems like the best family dog and is used for therapy dogs as well, which is how I became familier with the breed. I need a therapy dog for my disabled 5 yr old daughter. Are the negative feedback from experience or hear say?

2007-02-23 13:18:53 · 17 answers · asked by lola 1 in Pets Dogs

17 answers

the fact of the matter is that every dog on the planet is a killer. they are genetically very close to wolfs. which do what? kill and eat there food. i could take a lab and turn it into a pure killing machine. i could take any dog and turn them all into pure killing machines. i have added below what the American Kennel Club says about the Staffordshire Bull Terrier (pit bull).

From the past history of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, the modern dog draws its character of indomitable courage, high intelligence, and tenacity. This, coupled with its affection for its friends, and children in particular, its off-duty quietness and trustworthy stability, makes it a foremost all-purpose dog.

the point i am making is that the Pit Bull was not bred to fight they were bread to heard bulls. the traits that gives them the ability to take down a bull and keep them in line also make them prime candidates for fighting. they do not have lock jaw they simply have very powerful jaws. if people would do research on the breed they would actually find that they were the house pet of choice during the 1920s for all the same reasons that they are hated today. it is a sad state of affairs when ignorance controls peoples minds the way it does with these dogs. all we are doing is transferring our hate from blacks/hispanics/asians/whatever to these dogs. there is really no difference it is still bigotry.

2007-02-23 15:16:11 · answer #1 · answered by big_john_719 3 · 1 0

The BEST family dog? I don't know that very many people who are not pit bull experts will agree with you on that. As far as the negative feedback, though, it is from a little bit of both.

The fact is that a pit bull, generally speaking, is only as good or bad as the owner that trains him. Trained well, pit bulls are smart and can do a number of things. The fact of the matter is that thousands of people own really nice pit bulls all over the country, and they are good pets accordingly.

Trained poorly, they can be very dangerous. The fact is that approximately 50% of deaths from dog attacks in the past 20 years have been from pit bulls. There is a lot of debate how much of this has to do with the breed, but the general concensus is that they are merely powerful animals, and in the hands of an idiot they can become aggressive. You really need to know what you are doing to have a pit bull.

Personally, I do NOT recommend a pit bull for your disabled 5-year-old. There are MUCH better dogs to use for that situation. I do not say this as anything bad about pit bulls, but rather as a warning because your child is so young. It is better to get something smaller that is less likely to injure your child should anything go wrong (though any dog can potentially injure a child).

Good luck! I do appreciate you coming on here and saying something nice about pit bulls. They do get a bad rap. There is a kernel of truth in the fear of these dogs, but most of that fear is the result of ignorance and bad examples of a few really bad owners.

2007-02-23 13:32:48 · answer #2 · answered by Mr. Taco 7 · 2 0

My experience has been positive with every pit I have met [over a hundred] except one. That one was not people aggressive, though, she was simply so dog aggressive that she had to be isolated from the others when she boarded.

Most comes from bad media and bad ownership. Any dog that attacks someone and even looks remotely like a pit is labeled a pit bull and blasted in the papers. Owners get them young, thinking they're so cute. Then they grow up, get huge, and the owners suddenly realize they cannot handle them. A dog that intelligent needs a strong, calm, and firm owner that knows how to handle him. Unfortunately, most people don't know how to handle them. They let the dog become the alpha over them, and that's where the protectiveness and aggressiveness comes in.

Also, most attacks take place when a dog is loose. A good owner would never let their dog run loose, aggressive or not. Unfortunately, these dogs were bred to be fighters, and if they do attack, they attack the neck and face area. It's in their blood.

I've never seen a pit attack a human or bite a human. I HAVE seen little yorkie terrors, chihuahuas that we can't even touch without sedation, extremely aggressive and bitey jack russells. No one reports on these, though, because although they [in my experience] are more aggressive and bitey than pits [and for mostly the same reasons-bad ownership] they can't do as much damage simply because they are so small.

If someone wants a dog, they have to realize they can't just toss it on a chain in the backyard and throw food and water at it. It takes training, commitment, love, and leadership. Otherwise, the dog will not grow up right and it is the owner's fault. Not theirs.

I love all breeds of dogs.
Stop BSL.

For your child:
I don't know if a pit is right for you unless you are absolutely sure you can train it. If you get it from a pup, it'll be better. However, a big dog is much better than a little dog, I promise you. Unless it's something like a pug, little dogs are notoriously bad with children.

I suggest a boxer or doberman. They are amazing family dogs and GREAT with kids. They are also beautiful and intelligent. Or, get a nice mutt. I myself grew up from a very young age with both a dobie and a mutt.

2007-02-23 13:30:14 · answer #3 · answered by dark_reaction 3 · 1 1

They really r great dogs. But just that u hear all these things in the news about a pit bull attacking people because guarantee u they were abused before or part of a dog fighting ring. I think this dog as a therapy dog would be great and it will also give people a chance to get to know the breed instead of their reputation. Just liek rottis, bad name but i love them.

2007-02-23 14:17:29 · answer #4 · answered by it's me 3 · 1 0

Pit bulls get negative feedback because of how some people raise them. They get the dogs and teach them to fight, or they get a pit bull and do not train it and socialize it properly. This is when the dog will get into trouble.

A well trained, socialized and execised pit bull would be a great therapy dog for your daughter. Staffordshire bull terriers are especially notorious for how wonderful they are with children. They are sometimes called the "nanny dog".

2007-02-23 13:44:29 · answer #5 · answered by marina 4 · 1 0

Wow, you've gotten a lot of feedback on your question already! All I can do is tell you what I know. I have a 3 yr old male pitbull. I got him at 8 wks old. I wouldn't trade him for anything. He's the most compassionate dog I've ever met. Pitbulls do require a lot of attention. They are extremely intelligent. It's hard to say if one would be right for your little girl without knowing what her disability is. Could she handle a large dog? They're quite strong. And HEAVY. Mine insists that he's a lap dog. A 75 pound lap dog! He covers you with kisses when you're not feeling good. He loves to play! I feel pretty wierd when I go to bring him outside to "pottie" and he brings his pink fluffy squeeky toy out with him! Yeah, he's a real tuffy let me tell you! Seriously though, he's super with children. Very gentle. He's very loyal. They are very protective of their families. Not in a mean way. Don't get me wrong. If you're in trouble, they won't leave your side. We were in a car accident once. I was knocked out. When I came to I was disorriented and confused. My dog was right next to me. He never left my side. They are very intuitive. They can sense when you don't feel good. They are happy when you're happy. They're very affectionate. As for Mr. Taco man and his statistics for the last 20 years, I don' buy it. I'd like to know his source on that one. I just think that they are the most awesome dogs!

2007-02-23 14:34:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

everyone has bad things to say about them. If you hear that one has hurt someone then no one gives them a chance. Any dog will hurt someone that is messing with them or there family. If you raise them with your family then they will protect your family. Treat them just like one of the kids and they will be one of the kids. I have raised them for several years and not had a problem with them yet. I have 2 kids and my kids have pits. I don't have to worry about my kids when they go play when the dogs are with them. They will make sure the kids are safe, but you have to get them when they are no older then 8 weeks old and let them grow up with the family. The need to know how you want them to be. Training needs to be as soon as they turn 8 weeks. Like going out side to go to the bathroom. Sitting and staying comes after they learn to go outside to go to the bathroom. They are good dogs if raised right.

2007-02-23 14:11:16 · answer #7 · answered by woodhippie2010 1 · 0 0

Please reconsider, my beef isn't so much with the dogs, I am close with several, very close, I love them, but they have an instinct that kicks in that is dangerous, and unfortunately this breed seems to be the main choice of most irresponsible pet owners. They are the choice of people who want a bad a-- dog and they are in denial of the damage any dog can do, much less one that locks on until the death, they allow them to roam free and frighten people and injure or kill other peoples pets or children, I have had three different pits lock on to my dogs neck, and in my neighborhood a woman was dragged down and would have been killed by two pits roaming free, if not for a neighbor, who was also attacked while trying to save her, he pulled her into an unlocked van. The dogs that attacked my dog were family and friends dogs that are big babies, and I love them, they played with my dog and then flipped into kill mode, they try to rip out the neck, it is terrifying, and once the trigger is tripped they do not stop, for anyone. All dogs were bred for specific traits, some dogs are more suited for hunting, some for guarding, some for racing, etc...Think about it. They are loving, good dogs, but you have to realize the dangers and the responsibility of owning something, any animal, that is capable of inflicting great bodily damage.

2007-02-23 13:44:48 · answer #8 · answered by barbara b 5 · 0 2

I own a pitbull,and to be honest with you,she is the best dog I've ever owned.The breed is generally smart,and very loyal.She's great with other animals and even better with young Kids.In my personal opinion,anyone who has anything bad to say about the breed is ignorant.

2007-02-23 15:26:01 · answer #9 · answered by smallish baby budge 2 · 1 0

because pitbulls usually grow up in a cruel envernment and become very self defencive. I beleive it is how the dog is raised which will see how mad the dog it. loser usually use pitbulls for illigeal fighitng so they treat them bad so they get tough. but to be on the safe side i wouldent bring a pitpull around a child THAT young,, expecially if she is disabled. I suggest a female boxer because they boxers are WONDERFUL with children and great family dogs. Male boxers are wonderfull too but they play a bit rougher so i dont suggest to get one with a young child. later on in your daughters life you can introduce a male. best of luck!

2007-02-23 13:22:56 · answer #10 · answered by Zach19 1 · 0 1

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