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Iraq's not near to being secure. The armed forces are barely filling their recruiting quotas. The public is overwhemingly opposed to Iraq. The national debt is reaching $9,000,000,000,000. Iran's army is much tougher than Iraq's insurgents. They are not a direct threat. Time to wake up, GI Joes.

2007-02-23 13:18:49 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

Time to put away the video games, "troops."

2007-02-23 13:25:43 · update #1

If the U.S. military is "all-mighty" why is it taking so long to secure Iraq?

2007-02-23 13:40:30 · update #2

19 answers

Bush has no intentions whatsoever of "winning" this war with Iran. He is using this nation and plunging us into debt for the "Big Picture". Terrorists and terrorism have pretty much always existed. But, what is happening today is a deliberate, concerted utilization of terrorism for profit. Oil profits, that is. All of the following is fact. The tribal people of the Middle East had not risen above their neolithic differences to align and form a lasting union of tolerance among themselves, as other nations of the world already had, when greedy foreigners descended upon those lands and began to plunder the oil there. Royalty and tribal elites were bribed. And, the CIA was used by U.S. oil interests, including those belonging to the Bush family, to deliberately destabilize the region for control and to prevent the people in the Middle East from uniting and controlling the oil themselves. Halliburton had the contracts to build the Al Qaeda training camps. Our new Secretary of Defence, Gates, was the man assigned to teach the Al Qaeda forces how to fight back when the C.I.A. used them against Soviets. The U.S. eployed the use of Al Qaeda forces through 1999 in Bosnia. That's fact and public record. Keyword "Gates Al Qaeda". Bush's oil company, Arbusto, is business partners with the Bin Laden family and, as a gesture of friendship, gave Osama's brother, Salem, the Houston Gulf Airport in Texas. Bush and his family and his associates significantly helped to create the terrorists that our soldiers fight today. And, they deliberately contributed to the chaos and suffering of innocent people there. The people of the Middle East, betrayed by their corrupted leaders and weakened by such foreign powers, failed to rise to the realities of the 20th century in time for the 21st. And, their future is grim. Middle Eastern oil production peaks in 2012 and ends in 2070. The plunder of Middle Eastern oil is now a piggy-fest of who gets control of the remaining oil there. The societies there, so long destabilized, have disintegrated into episodic chaos and heightened religiosity as the quality of leadership plummeted. Foreign and local elite oil interests, concerned about security for their pipelines and oil fields now that factions of local power mongers, freedom fighters and religious fanatics threaten to disrupt the efficient flow of oil out of the land, placed foreign troops, including those from UK and U.S., in the region to ensure enough, but only just enough, stability to get the oil out. Many U.S. soldiers there now report that all they do is guard oil fields and a flow of oil profits that go to only a few people in the world. Even the plunder has grown chaotic with an estimated 500,000 barrels of oil going "missing" every day, securing someone's power in the future as oil begins to run out. $20 Billion U.S. taxpayer money that Bush sent in cash with his man Bremer was "lost" there recently to people who most assuredly participate in the "terrorism" trade. Bush marches through the region and wants to invade Iran now to lock up the pipeline routes. He is asking taxpayer for $622 BILLION more! He has not said what he wants that money for, though. And, he refuses to state his "plan" for Iraq. He just says he has one. In order to have an initial foothold for the plunder march through the region, the U.S. pays Israel $30,000 every year bribe for every man, woman and child, plus, has given them weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons which the Isrealis have recently threatened (then denied) to use against the Iranians. Those are the only WMD known in the region aften ten years of searching for more. The search for WMD is a propaganda ploy to convince ignorant U.S. taxpayers to keep supporting the "search". It is a ploy because arms dealers and their activities are well known by U.S. intelligence. Now, with a Democratic Congress and worldwide disgust for Bush and Cheney's lying and plundering and unspeakably irresponsible plundering of our own nation's financial security while racking up the largest national debt in the history of mankind, there may be some reasonable approach that will be considered and some way to help the people of those regions who have been disarmed and are now at the mercy of roving gangs of religious fanatics and other factions. Bush stated during the Presidental debates that "there would be NO nation building" there, though. He has no intentions whatsoever of promoting democracy there, unless it submits to his plans. Bush has no respect for the democracy in the U.S. He refuses to listen to the will of the American people or to our Congress. Remember, Bush does not represent the American people. He represents the oil interests and war profiteers. He and his gang have done nothing but destabilize and weaken the United States. Bush has aligned himself and his interests in the U.S. with the Christian Evangelicals, 40 million strong, whose leadership reported last fall in "Faith and Nation" that they advocate for the violent overthrow of the U.S. government if their religious agenda is not made into legislation. And, they are preparing to fight their neighbors. See the "Jesus Camp" videos. It'll make you sick when you see what those fanatics are doing to American children. Bush is contributing to the creation of even more terrorists in these Evangelical fanatics. Bush and his family supported Saddam when it suited them. They support whomever goes along with them or is most easily bribed with U.S. taxpayers' money. Bush supports the Shiites now because they seem the most easily "managed" and exploitable or amenable to the "Big Picture". That may change from day to day, depending upon the vagaries of the chaos. Bush hails from a family with a history for supporting terrorists. Bush's grandfather, Prescott, supplied at least one/third of Hitler's raw materials before President Rooselvelt and the U.S. Congress stopped him specifically with the Trading with the Enemy Act. When the oil runs out in the Middle East, U.S. oil interests will disarm and abandon Israel and the Middle East to the viscious remnants of their "terrorism" trade and practices.

2007-02-23 13:30:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Yes,at least this American knows we can.
1.Iraq is almost secure.that is why the British have pulled out of some areas,and the Iraqi government has taken over.
2.The military does not have a shortage of recruits,I have know idea where you cam up with that.
3.The American public does not want to lose in Iraq.Just because of some slanted polls you want to say they oppose the war well your wrong.
4.Iran's army is the insurgents,and they are a threat.
5.What does the national debt have to do with winning in Iraq.
6.I would rather be a GI Joe than a Barbie.

2007-02-23 14:45:58 · answer #2 · answered by shawnn 4 · 1 1

It is obvious that we don't have the boots on the ground for a land assault. With several carrier groups in the Persian Gulf, it would make it appear likely that an aerial assault would be more likely. However, there would be grave consequences to such actions. Let's look at them:

Conventional bombing:
Iranian army joins with Shiite militias in creating a pincer movement, with the US troops in the middle, having to fight on two fronts at once.

Outrage over more US aggression in the region actually enables the militant elements to recruit more for terrorist training camps, while at the same time muting the effectiveness of moderate Muslims to persuade people that Wahhabism is not the way to go.

Israel, which is perceived as a US ally, may be invaded on all sides while moderate Arab governments are overthrown and replaced by hard line militants

Nuclear bombing:
All of the above, plus--

Poisons the area, including our troops and the oil field and the workers there.

Some question whether or not the oil would be able to be used if contaminated with radiation.

2007-02-23 13:27:59 · answer #3 · answered by KCBA 5 · 4 1

limited tactical nuclear strike on nuclear weapons sites, entrenched in underground bunkers as well as against military (armor, air defense and naval) sites. No ground troops, just like the war over yugoslavia in the nineties. Only this time with the power of the atom. No more support for the insurgents in iraq, no more support for the worldwide terror network hezballah. No more daily threats of our immiment annhilation. Mess with the bull get the horns.

A direct threat is a nuclear power threatening to wipe you out on a daily basis, up the meds there sherlock. You embolden the enemy like a pro, you must be a democrat?

We have the ability to annhilate the planet many times over with our weaponry. We have the absolute ability to wipe a country off of the map. We have the ability to destroy our enemies. We merely lack the Will to do so.

Our enemies Have the Will and the desire to wipe us off of the Earth. They merely lack the means to do so. One day this paradigm will shift, and many will die. Either we will enrich and develop the will to annhilate our sworn enemies, or our enemies will enrich and develop the nuclear materials to kill us.

I see which side you have chosen.

2007-02-23 13:32:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Hate to tell you, but the troops just do what they were sworn to do, like it or not.
My son joined the reserves for college money that I could not provide, but 9-11 happened when he was in boot camp. Now he is in Iraq in the middle of a war he hates, but is honor-bound to serve in.

And I'll tell you another thing--if we had NOT stepped in after 9-11, things would have rapidly become worse!

Europeans have allowed terrorist activity for years, doing nothing about it...thereby making the terrorists feel safe.
So someone had to tell those idiots NO--too bad it had to be the USA, like always, saving the worlds' azzes.

2007-02-23 13:32:38 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

There is no win in this war. We can hope to contain and cripple their capability e.g. there factories and weapons making capabilities with precision air strikes.

I have said this before, we already won the "war." This is now classified as a counter insurgency. This really isn't a war. There is no country who could withstand us militarily.

How can we win another war you ask, the DRAFT. Oh, yeah, and the best part is some of you anti-American parasites will get drafted soon. You weasles who piss on the very best country in the world whose freedoms you reject and aren't willing to protect. Welcome to the Army kid. I can't wait for that to happen and see your sophomore sycophantic tirades end as a Drill Instructor helps you pack your bags to go to the brig because you won't be able to hack it. You will do something stupid in boot camp. Or, maybe you'll go to Canada. Either way, we're better off without you. See you, scumbag.

2007-02-23 13:31:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

They won't wake up. They run around with pee dripping out their drawers because they're so AFRAID all the time. I don't want people like them running our country because inevitably, it all boils down to their fear being much larger than their intelligence. They don't understand why the rest of us realize that 9/11 happened under Big Daddy Bush's watch and that he obviously can't protect us from it. They don't understand that we haven't even caught Bin Laden (thanks to Bush again) and it hasn't happened since 9/11. Their fear runs everything. It's time for some new thoughts, new ideas. No more fear fighting and peeing. I'm tired of it.

2007-02-23 13:33:45 · answer #7 · answered by Cerulean 3 · 2 1

I can only assume you are not American since you are so
anti-American. That means the answer is we do not care what you think - fix your own stupid country. As the mother of a GI Joe, a Captain & US Army Ranger, I can honestly say you have distorted the facts beyond recognition. I suggest you study instead of taking the word of greedy Democrat politicians & liberal "we will say anything to makeup news" reporters. Kiss my grits!!!!!

2007-02-23 13:31:12 · answer #8 · answered by Wolfpacker 6 · 3 2

We need their oil. so their nuking up . Therefore they have become a threat. We take their oil and make their Country another golf course with alot of sand traps. To kill the beast you must remove its' heart! Iraq is the heart, it is crippled, time to move on to the head where the brain still functions, Iran. It's simple either we stomp the beast in their yard or they come back to ours. I don't no which Country you live in amigo but it sounds like La-La Land to me. And trust me even La-La Land is vulnerable. One day all you ignoramuses will thank your lucky stars for the United States. And, well, if you don't we'll just crush you too.

2007-02-23 13:29:20 · answer #9 · answered by jaypea40 5 · 0 4

we beat the Iraq military in a mouth and Iran doesn't have a military that could beat us

2007-02-23 15:28:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

this GI JOE thinks that you are a moron. who is feeding you this garbage and why are you so naive to believe it? We could take Iran out in a heartbeat but it would not be PC now would it?

2007-02-23 13:35:43 · answer #11 · answered by Mon-chu' 7 · 4 3

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