You can sign your child up as an authorized user on your credit card. This will allow them to use your card that you are responsible for paying. Another option is to go to the mall or your local bank and buy a pre-paid gift card with a major logo so that your child is limited to the purchase amount.
2007-02-23 14:27:04
answer #1
answered by Mariposa 7
actually there is a secured credit card that has been around for decades and Bank Of America is using it to attract the immigrants in. While there is a called boycott on BOA because of this the fact is all it is is that you put in $500 (example) then get a card once its used up thats it unless you put more into the account and if you leave the country or are otherwise unable to pay it back the bank simply closes the account and takes the funds back that are in the account..
2007-02-23 13:05:44
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The best advice you will ever receive DO NOT GET A CREDIT CARD. Until you fully understand credit and that its the most important thing you can have in America. You can't have **** without good credit. Not even good, not even Great Credit, you need Perfect Credit. If you dont have the money now to buy it, you can afford it. Good luck!!!!
2016-05-24 04:11:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't think kids should have a credit card of their own.
2007-02-23 13:03:44
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
American Express. They only give you credit if you pay the full amount off at the end of the month.
Of course, if it gets 'forgotten' just one time, there's a negative mark on their credit report for 7 years.
2007-02-23 13:03:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
If you decide to let your kid have a credit card, I would suggest a prepaid!!!! Limitation.
2007-02-23 13:03:22
answer #6
answered by oltmprch 3
not sure but i dont think i credit card 4 a child is v wise it could put u in debt if ur not careful
2007-02-23 13:18:37
answer #7
answered by blossom 3
There is a VISA BUXX card but it is not a credit card, it is a prepaidcard. It's linked to the parents card. For more information type visa buxx in your yahoo seach
2007-02-23 13:07:31
answer #8
answered by Bigi Bal 3
Yes, but I would not suggest something like that, but if you belong to a credit union they usually have them.
2007-02-23 13:06:34
answer #9
answered by Earth to Mars 5
it's called a prepaid debit card, or u can give him ur credit card.
2007-02-23 13:04:03
answer #10
answered by Bao Wow 3