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1-Who created Satan?
2-How come no one knows what god looks like?
3-Why didn't he want people to reproduce?
4-Why can't god help the dying?
5-Did he creat aliens too?

2007-02-23 12:44:08 · 22 answers · asked by funki15munki 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

i'm budhist by the way, so i'm just wondering....

2007-02-23 13:01:36 · update #1

haven't you learned about evolution, or anything in science or history??

so how can you believe in god and evolution??

Does that mean scientists in that field are not christian??

2007-02-23 14:30:18 · update #2

22 answers

You need to study Buddhism, this will answer all your questions and more. Also try reading "The Third Eye" by Lobsang Rampa, this will help you.

2007-02-23 12:51:43 · answer #1 · answered by Xfile 3 · 0 2

1. God created Satan. The real question is did God create evil. I do know that God created angels and humans with the capability to choose good or evil.
2. No living human being knows what God looks like. Just be patient, you'll find out soon enough. Our mortal bodies simply could not handle the majesty of God.
3. Huh? He said be fruitful and multiply! That involves reproduction. Sex was God's idea.
4. God can do anything. I'm not sure what kind of help you are speaking of. If you mean preventing them from dying, well the wages of sin is death. That's what we're due. But there is always eternal life.
5. Aliens.... If they do exist, then yes God created aliens. I think perhaps people have come into contact with angels or demons. But if there is an alien civilization out there, then yes, God created them. Just because He didn't give us the 411 on them doesn't mean a thing. It's rather arrogant to think that if God created aliens then he would have told us about it.
That's my 2 cents. May God bless you in your quest.

2007-02-23 20:54:41 · answer #2 · answered by luckyme 4 · 0 0

I'll answer from a Biblical viewpoint

1-God created everything, including Satan. However, God didn't create how individuals would behave. The key is, Satan is not more powerful than God and his days are numbered (Revelation 20:10).
2-No one knows what God looks like because God is not physical. Technically though, when He entered the world as Jesus, God looked like a Jew!
3-Don't know what this question is about. Sex is a great gift from God and He told Adam and Eve to have kids (Genesis 1:28).
4-God does help the dying, He offers them new life after death (John 11:24-26).
5-God made everything, so if aliens exist, He made them too.

2007-02-23 20:57:23 · answer #3 · answered by Adam H 1 · 0 0

1) Satan was originally one of God's angels, created to serve God and humans. But he rebelled against God when he tried to take control of the earth and man away from God by tempting them at the beginning of the Bible. Since then, he has been an enemy of God.

2) God is a spirit. He lacks a physical body. So it would be difficult to describe him in "human terms". There are describes of him in the Bible, he appears as a shining being made of fire, and similar non-human discriptions.

3) God did want man to reproduce, in fact the first commandment that God gave to mankind in the Bible was "Be fruitful and multiple and fill the earth".

4) Because of sin, every person will die at some point. There are times when God rescues people from death. There are times when he does not, because it is time for them to die. He does, however, meet them at the point of death and guide them through death.

5) The Bible is silent on the issue of whether there is alien life on other planets. It does not effect the main subject of the Bible, who God is and how to relate to him, so it says nothing about it.

2007-02-23 21:05:56 · answer #4 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 0 0

1) satan was a angle that got pissed off...so God made a angle that became Satan.
2) God has never been seen...thats one of the reason he sent Jesus...more of a poster child for the religion.
3) He does wont people to reproduce...he just wonts them married first.
4) If he helped all the dying people then what would be the point and why would any body care about taking care of them selves if God will fix everything...Life is a test and somethings we have to do on our own.
5) On the seventh day he rested...after that no one knows...maybe on the eighth day he created another planet with really cool aliens...no one really knows.

If their is anything else just ask.

2007-02-23 20:51:45 · answer #5 · answered by Spades Of Columbia 5 · 1 1

1) GOD created satan. satan was the angel of music. one of the most beautiful angels created but pride caused him to rebel against GOD and he took 1/3 of the angels with him when he was cast out of heaven. 2) Because GOD is so pure that any one who looks upon HIS face could not handle it and would die. That's why Moses was only aloud to see HIS back. 3) HE did want people to reproduce. When HE created Eve for Adam GOD said. "Multiply and fill the Earth. 4) GOD is very concerned with death. HE sent HIS only begotten SON to die in our place so that we can live forever in Heaven with HIM. 5) I do not believe in aliens as aliens but those of the spirit world. The Bible says that satan can even take the form of an angel of light so why couldn't he take the form of an alien or even a "UFO"?

2007-02-23 21:01:56 · answer #6 · answered by windwalker 3 · 0 0

1- God created Satan.
2- No one has ever seen the face of God the Father.
3-He does, He said to replenish the earth.
4-Many times He does, if it's His will. His way is not our way and
He knows what's best.
5- If there are aliens, He created them

2007-02-23 20:55:06 · answer #7 · answered by Auburn 5 · 0 0

1. God
2. I personally don't know whether God has a physical body or not. If He does, it would have to be similar to ours, because the Bible says He made us in His own image. No one knows what He looks like because the Bible also says that He's so beautiful that we would die if we saw Him.
3. He does want people to reproduce. But only in a situation where they can raise their children in a happy two-parent home! He wants us all to have perfect ideal families, not these broken screwed-up groups of people that we call families these days.
4. He can, but He knows best. He knows when it's a person's time to go to their eternal rest. We can't possibly know when it's time. He does save many many people who modern science says should be dead. Those who haven't finished their purpose.
5. If there is a such thing as aliens, then yeah He created them.

2007-02-23 20:53:19 · answer #8 · answered by married_so_leave_me_alone1999 4 · 0 0

1-Who created Satan?

God created an entity who chose to rebel of his own free will. This entity is now called Satan (the deceiver). Just as we choose to rebel.

2-How come no one knows what god looks like?

No one can see him and live. My guess it is due to sin not being able to survive in his presence.

3-Why didn't he want people to reproduce?

Not true. Why do you think this?

4-Why can't god help the dying?

He has. Dying for a Christian is a temporary state of being until the resurrection.

5-Did he create aliens too?

I do not know... The Bible is silent on this as far as I have read thus far. Angels are aliens as they are not human. The Bible is the manufacturer's guide for a successful life. Aliens and dinosaurs have no role in this.

2007-02-23 20:51:58 · answer #9 · answered by Chi Guy 5 · 0 1

1. unknown
2. Jesus knows what God the Father looks like.
3. God does want us to reproduce, in a Godly way of coarse, not immorally.
4. God is going to help the dead by resurrecting them all one day, then the evil ones will go to eternal punishment and the ones that loved him and followed him will go to Heaven.
5. We're not sure aliens exist, but if they do, to be sure God created them because he created the entire universe.

However these are all part of theistic Q's and A's, not eastern philosophy.

2007-02-23 21:08:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1 - Satan was originally created as a perfect angel. When he rebelled against God, he was called 'Satan' because it literally means 'resister'. So the answer is - the perfect angel was created by God, but when he used his gift of free will to choose a course in opposition to God, he made himself a resister, aka Satan.

2 - No one knows what God looks like because according to the Bible human's can't see God and live. If just being in his presence caused Moses' face to emit rays so much so that the Israelites were afraid to look at him, imagine what it would do if you DID look.

3 - He DID want people to reproduce. In Genesis he gave the command to Adam and Eve to go forth and multiply and fill the earth.

4 - It isn't that he CAN'T help the dying. I'll try to keep this short, but I make no guarantees. He has a time set in which he purposes to 'bring death to nothing' as is quoted in the Bible. But there is the issue of universal sovereignty (or God's right to rule) that has to be established first. So all in all, the situation is like a courtroom drama. Satan called God a liar and implied that mankind would be better off doing thing the way they want to without God telling them what to do. Adam and Eve bought into the lie that Satan told and decided they wanted to be free of God's rulership, so they rebelled and ate the fruit. Furthermore, in the book of Job Satan clearly states that humans wouldn't be faithful to God if they had a choice. According to him, we're only faithful to God for selfish reasons...so we're all being tested as well. But God immediately put in place a way to 'buy back' the perfect human lives that Adam and Eve lost (they passed imperfection and sin on to all of us) through the ransom sacrifice of his only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Since Christ is the only other perfect human being to ever walk the planet, he was the only person who could provide a ransom (as you probably already know, a ransom is something of equal value to buy back something that was lost). God's original purpose was for the earth to be a paradise (he placed Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and told them to have children and then expand the garden which would have eventually encompassed the entire world) and for humans to live forever (note in Genesis that they had the prospect to live forever...only if they were disobedient to God's standards and laws would they die). SO, the answer is - God CAN and WILL help the dying by removing death altogether from the world. But he will do so at a future time and only after the issue of his right to rule has been settled.

5 - Who knows. The Bible doesn't mention aliens, but then its purpose was to help us gain eternal life...not find aliens.

2007-02-23 21:05:21 · answer #11 · answered by Kelly L 3 · 0 0

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