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Because of nuclear weapons? Let Iran build its weapons and let them use them. If they bomb the USA, then the USA will finally have to reason to fight and bomb Iran. In the meantime, they have their beliefs and their ways. Let the "other countries" take the burden and the load, then maybe they'll appreciate it if the USA does nothing.

This war stuff and BUSH is getting ridiculous.

I think Bush is trigger happey and he wants to get one last dig in, before his presidentail term is expired.

2007-02-23 12:35:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

The event of a few Americans being killed (2 a day are killed in Iraq anyhow - Thanks Bush) on US soil, by Iran is slim to none. A missle traveling from Iran to the USA would have to be a serious rocket, which nobody has, yet. They'd have to launch it from the ocean, but by then, what intelligence that is in the Bush office, will recieve that information to intercept it.

2007-02-23 12:46:14 · update #1

14 answers

I'm not really reading up on this or anything, since no matter what they will do what they think is necessary. but if the whole world like some have said is afraid and if we would go to war with them is all these other countries go to help or is it going to be the U.S. and the Brit's? Why ain't other countries chipping in on this if they are afraid? why don't some other country start the war with them first and will come in later?

2007-02-23 14:06:34 · answer #1 · answered by wishstar28 4 · 1 0

I agree that Bush is trigger happy. I believe it is becuase of American policy. They are determined to deny their enemies nuclear weapons by whatever means. Never mind the fact that they have violated the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, the anti-ballistic missile defense treaty, the 1967 outer space treaty, and a whole lot more treaties (need I go on?). The Americans made 50000 nuclear bombs in the Cold War. They still have 14 operational Trident Subs, plus about 30000 bombs, which the Bush administration is not going to disarm in violation of yet another treaty that was signed with the former USSR (the Bush administration argues that the USSR no longer exists, so the treaty doesn't apply, but Russia is CLEARLY the inheritor of the treaty, and they have honored it - at least better than the Americans have anyways).

But back to the topic ... the Bush administration will make a big fuss over Iran because it is determined to pursue American surpemacy all over the world. The Bush administration are right wing individuals, who, like the CDP (Committee on Present Dangers) who, like Edward Teller, thought that losing 20 million Americans in exchange for the destruction of the Soviet Union was "acceptable" so long as America "won". In other words, this is not about morals, this is becuase of politics ... they want American domination, and are willing to get it at any given cost.

Unlike the person above me, I do not believe that the Iranians will actually conduct a nuclear attack America ... unless they have suicidal intentions. Remember what I said about 50 000 nukes that America built. They will face massive retaliation. (Like North Korea, which does have nukes, and missiles, but is not going to attack America - in fact it won't even attack South Korea, because it knows that it won't stand a chance against America, who will intervene) True, they are undoubtebly working to build an A-bomb, but I think that the Bush administration is doing this because they are extremely conservative.

If they actually do invade Iran, they will be faced with a situation like Iraq (if not worse - Iran is 3 times bigger and supports terrorists in a way Suddam never did).

2007-02-23 20:53:54 · answer #2 · answered by ch_ris_l 5 · 0 3

To legitimize the Military-Industrial Complex and maintain its funding the United States needs an enemy. From 1946-1991 you had the Soviet Union and its communist satellites to fear. That fear allowed each successive administration to sell increased military expenditures to congress and the American public. From 1992-2000 enemies were hard to come by but in 2001 came Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Unfortunately, a stateless shadow group was too abstract a concept for the average American to grasp so the Bush Govt sold the people a bunch of crap about Al Qaeda links to Saddam and Iraq. Here's an enemy that can be easily reviled. But now he's dead. Who's next? Ahmadinijad of Iran! the Military-Industrial Complex can continue to get rich now that you have a villain again. He's Arab (actually Persian but to Mr. and Mrs. average Joe USA that's splitting hairs). He's a fanatic (not really, he's a bit kookie. even to his own citizens) and he's got his finger on the button! (well, no. nothing is done in Iran without Ayatollahs say so). Fear not America. You will not be nuked anytime soon. 24 is just a tv show.

2007-02-23 20:59:40 · answer #3 · answered by Odin 1 · 0 2

one reason is when the terrorists and their allies the American media convince the American people to withdraw our troops, then Iran(that has been at war with Iraq for years) will invade Iraq and take it over, with it's rich oil reserves, with this oil they sell , they can complete their nuclear weapons program. So what you say, they will not have missiles to reach America, true, but they can develop "dirty bombs", you know the small kind they can place in brief cases and smuggle into the USA and detonate alot at the same time, killing millions of Americans, these bombs will have 2 to 3 times the power of the bombs dropped on Japan, So go libs, pull them troops out, have it your way, I'm just glad i don't live in a big city, where the bombs will be detonated, but just think alot of those libs will go up in a puff of smoke, in those big cities

2007-02-23 21:56:03 · answer #4 · answered by DukeofDixie 7 · 1 0

The way I've seen it is Iran rogues "making a big fuss" over USA for about 30 years.

2007-02-24 00:14:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Evidently, you like a few others, have forgotten that in the late 70's, Iran, invaded and took over the US Embassy in Tehran. And held US citizens as hostages... Oh yeah, Their current President was one of the Terrorists in the take over of the Embassy... Besides, I would rather the war stay on the waring idiots play ground, not on ours...

2007-02-23 20:49:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The whole world is concerned about this. Just like the whole world was concerned when North Korea did it... The world depends on oil. No one wants Iran to control it, so th UN stepped in to control Iran. The U.S then moved ships closer to Iran. Its kinda like a stand-off!

2007-02-23 20:47:00 · answer #7 · answered by ms.jackson... 4 · 3 0

It's not just the USA that's making a fuss over Iran getting Nukes, Skippy. It's the ENTIRE WORLD.

Yeah, just let them kill a few million Americans. Then, we can do something about it.
Nice logic.

2007-02-23 20:40:45 · answer #8 · answered by charbatch 4 · 5 0

I suggest that you review the history of US Iran relations for the past 30 years.

We have more than a few reasons not to like them.

2007-02-23 21:33:04 · answer #9 · answered by MikeGolf 7 · 1 0

It isn't just the U.S making a fuss, it's everyone. Everyone is making a fuss about it because they are creating weapons of mass destruction. (nukes) In the process they are going against U.N rules and regulations.

And why let them use the weapons and then we do something about it? We stop them before they are made.

2007-02-23 20:43:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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