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Heres the current list...and its not small -

Worldwide Islamic conflicts: Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Thailand, Somalia, Sudan and Dafur genocide, Chad, Philippines, Indonesia, Egypt, Kosovo, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Palestine, Tajikistan, Iraq, Algeria, Southern India, Kashmir, etc..

Give me a number. How many more Islamic wars or acts of terror would be required for you to reconsider whether Islam itself is the cause of Islamic violence?


"Well, ok Im not unreasonable, I mean, if another 10 or 20 conflicts arose under the same 'jihadist' rational, I suppose I would have to relent"

"None, its impossible for any religious doctrine to brainwash people and inspire violence for an idea of God"

"Almost all armed conflict today is Islamic....how many more do you need....at some point you must relent to the obvious....theres wishful thinking then theres objective facts...the numbers are objective and plain to read".

2007-02-23 12:08:24 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

Islam is not the cause. Did you forget that the Christian US is at war?

2007-02-23 12:14:18 · answer #1 · answered by Justsyd 7 · 3 2

What a lonely life a troll must lead.

Now, child, tell me just what good YOU do to the world with this goading? Look into your heart and see if your motives are pure or as filthy as your attitude.

You buy into the Illuminati plan to incite Muslim and Christian so that we all blow each other up. Look beyond the obvious. Look beyond, far beyond, what the media and popular press tell you.

Obviously you are smart enough to read so I am sending you a link. It is the autobiography of the spy Hempher as he tells in great great detail the machinations of the Christian British in the Muslim world. The Brits subdued the Chinese with opium. They had many nasty ways to subdue the Indians. They practiced genocide in these countries and upon Aboriginal peoples around the globe. All in the name of money and power.

But none of these things worked on the Muslim community which was quite tight at the time. They had to find new and devious ways to break the Muslim world and begin to corrupt Islam from within.

Hempher succeeded beyond his wildest dreams, and now we pay. The seeds Hempher sold in Saudi Arabia are NOW bearing fruit in the form of war after war. Their divide and conquer strategy fractionalized the Muslim world. It was not always thus.

Today we reap the whirlwind. We are ALL responsible for the world situation. None of us is immune from blame.

I dare you to read the following and not find it gives you a different view on history as you were taught.

2007-02-23 20:32:49 · answer #2 · answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6 · 0 0

I wonder if we put the Christian-fuled wars next to the Islam-fueled wars which would be more bloody.

It seems the writer of this question is under the impression that the Christian church is completely innocent and peaceful when it comes to war. To which I need only say: The Crusades. Not to mention: The Spanish Inquisition. There are hundreds more.

Given that Christianity had a head start on Islam, I would say chances are that more blood has been spilled in the name of Christ and 'Truth' than has been spilled in the name of Islam and Mohammed.

But that is the nature of a fundamentalist. So quick to point out the faults of others, so slow to see the faults right there at home.

2007-02-23 20:20:53 · answer #3 · answered by pasdeberet 4 · 2 1

Why don't you try reading a bit further back in history. You may not want to acknowledge it, but Christianity is responsible for just as much bloodshed.

Most Muslims are peace-loving people. Most of these conflicts are caused by Fundamentalists. Comparing Muslims with Islamic Fundamentalists is like comparing Christians with the KKK.

2007-02-23 20:41:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anthony Stark 5 · 1 0

It's easy to say that Islam (which incidentally means peace in Arabic) is the cause of the listed conflicts but it is in fact political and power mad megalomaniacs who use the religion as an excuse to justify trouble. Furthermore a number of your listed conflicts actually occurred as a result of colonial and imperial mismanagement. If the great European forefathers hadn't expanded into lands that didn't belong to them they wouldn't have created vacuums that needed filling when they then left with insufficient infrastructures and societies that for generations had been made to feel like second class citizens in their homelands.

2007-02-23 20:27:19 · answer #5 · answered by zbak 2 · 1 0

Look here. im a muslim and im living a happy life and i havnt so much as hurt a fly. are u telling me to reconsider my religion because some extremisit crazy fools are stirring up violence and terrorism in the name of Islam?

the point is im living a happy life as well as millions of other real, sane, peaceful muslims. People fight wars, not religion. Particularly if the religion itself promots peace. and don't deny islam doesnt because unlike many people (lyk u) I HAVE READ about ISlam, i am a muslim ,been raised as one, went to an islamic school so i am more than qualified to vouch that islam is about peace.

2007-02-23 20:24:19 · answer #6 · answered by ... 3 · 2 0

In the Quran it is stated, the Jews and the Christians will not relent their opression towards the Muslims until the Muslims follow Jew's or Christian paths.
Anyway you are generalising my friend. There are about half a million Muslims in Singapore and they live together in harmony in a multi-religious and multi races community. There are also examples in Malaysia. Do you hear terrorism in these countries. Where as in the Muslim country itself, if there is a conflict, it is because of different ideologies.
If you notice all the countries you mentioned, are countries where muslim are not accorded equal rights and they are always under-priviledge. As long as the Muslims are accorded the same and equal rights, they will feel contented.

2007-02-23 20:24:16 · answer #7 · answered by halo 3 · 1 1

When the Russian Block was at war...did anyone say it was a Christian War? How about the African nations? South America?

Islam isn't the reason for wars - Politics are? When two groups are at odds - they tend to fight!

Read the Quran..It is just as peaceful as the Bible...yet just as bloody also!

Blame the Man Who Throws The First Punch- Not The Religion

2007-02-23 20:20:59 · answer #8 · answered by Amen Raw 2 · 2 1

I am from one of the country that you say above. I am grow up in muslim country so I know how Islam hate other beleiver, how violent they are. But there are some moderate muslim are keep saying that Islam are all about peace and Love. That is totally wrong. Too many innocent people hurt/kill because of muslim. There are many church/temple have been burn down by force. They spread fear very fast among other beleiver. It is happening worldwide in majority muslim country until today. Too many crime happen just because hate crime against other beleiver.
There is not because some bad muslim, for me the bad people are good muslim, they are religious people, they are not crazy/retarded/mentally ill people.

2007-02-23 20:21:26 · answer #9 · answered by Op3nMinded 2 · 2 1

please, people have been fighting since they began to walk upright. the muslims, christians, jews, everyone has fought based on what their beliefs were. just coz you sit in your cozy chair at home and get fat of your mickey D's and have nothing to fight for other than your "right to party" does not give you moral edge over people dying for the survival of their cultures.

maybe if you stopped adding the the hate, got off your lazy *** and saw the world from another point of view, you could begin to understand better why wars are being fought instead of generalizing!

BTW not too long ago, american's were fighting each other over the humanity of black people. check your morals before you offload chunks of certified american propagandist bull on others!!

2007-02-23 20:24:31 · answer #10 · answered by puzzlite 2 · 2 0

Yeah, and all this mysterious "plots" pop up when the Bush Administration took office.....

Some governments have accused the U.S. of conducting terror plots in their countries. And others are afraid to accuse teh U.S., the powerful American government would bomb them to oblivion, like they said to Pakistan.

2007-02-23 20:18:47 · answer #11 · answered by Muse 4 · 1 1

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