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I just want to note that a Jesuit preist from the catholic church first came up with the theory. The pope at the time backed it saying something to the effect of it proved that there was a point of creation.

2007-02-23 11:48:59 · 27 answers · asked by adadolisdoti 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

27 answers

Do you people know anything about either of these topics? The Big Bang and Genesis Chapter 1 are entirely consistent.

1 First God made heaven & earth 2 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. 3 And God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light

Big Bang:
Bang---> Huge release of energy (i.e., light) into a void.


And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.

Big Bang:

Some of the energy condensed into matter creating relatively cool (i.e. dark spots) and relatively hot (i.e. dark light)spots.


And God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." 7 And God made the firmament and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so. 8

Big Bang:

Stuff got cooler and formed planets, stars and galaxies


2007-02-26 11:11:15 · answer #1 · answered by cato___ 7 · 0 0

It's a fallacy to believe that science and Christianity are mutually exclusive. Science has progressed to the point that it has become difficult to comprehend. Many people (Christian and non-Christian) would rather avoid or denounce it than take the time to study and understand it. I have known many fine scientists who were also devout Christians. It's the ignorant loud mouths spouting the inaccurate dumbed-down (WAAAAAY- down) drivel that seem to get all the attention. They are actually in the minority.

Also, you say that a Jesuit priest from the Catholic Church first proposed the theory. Unfortunately, there are many non-Catholic Christians who vehemently hate Catholic Christians. They would denounce the theory only because it was proposed by a Catholic Christian without even investigating the simplest detail. It's sad, but there's more Christian on Christian persecution than persecution from non-Christians.

2007-02-23 20:03:35 · answer #2 · answered by angry 6 · 1 0

Umm--you need to make a distinction--most Christians have no problem with the Big Bang--or the rest of science.

There are a significant minority--the "fundamentalists" who believe that anything in the Bible that fits their ideology is literally true (that supposed literalism goes by the wayside on any topic where the Bible does not suit them).

They are generally ignorant of science. In their world view, Genesis is a literal description of creation. As a consequence, they reject most of science. Evolution, obviously, but also the Big Bang (which implies the universe is over 6000 years old). That, by the way, is part of their ideology, not the Bible, which never says how old the world is.

And so on. But please--don't lay this on all Christians--these people are basically cult members, not part of mainstream Christianity.

2007-02-23 20:06:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

WOW, what a great big bag stuffed full of witty comments directly reflecting the limited minds of those who supply them. First of all, the world is flat, there is no proof in the Bible that it is otherwise. The sun revolves around the Earth, as do all heavenly objects. I can't believe in this day and age these are still topics in which to discuss.
You know of all your answers the shortest ones are the best in this readers opinion. How bout Jesus Freak? Good golly. I bet in his eyes you are a devil with the red suit, the pitch fork, and the golden fiddle.

2007-02-24 21:54:54 · answer #4 · answered by Dred 2 · 0 0

I don't know many Christians who are 'against' the Big Bang Theory ... in fact, at least 85% of them are actually 'believers' in it ... so why do you think that 'most' don't believe in it? And by the way Christians is spelled with a capital C, not a small C ... and priest is 'i before e' not 'e before i' the way you spelled it. And Catholic is also spelled with capital C, by the way. Too bad you couldn't use the 'spell check' before you posted your basically silly question.

2007-02-23 20:16:02 · answer #5 · answered by Kris L 7 · 1 0

And so it goes on, like an never ending circle!
Background radiation of cosmic rays, the fact that everything is expanding away from one focal point in space.
And what is the answer?
Jesus made the big bang....lol
Read the fairy story written by a story teller, and NOT God, and look for the chapter on Genesis, it is after little red riding hood!
WHO HEARD IT GO BANG....LOL it gets better!
And the creme de la creme......
I am not Catholic I am a christian!
No you are all retarded, do some research, and NOT from your pathetic book!

2007-02-23 20:06:46 · answer #6 · answered by tattie_herbert 6 · 0 1

Personally, I believe in what the bible says, but also believe that the big bang might be possible. Who said that when god created the earth he can't create it with a big bang?

II am a very religious catholic, but also very liberal, I would also want to make the note that what the pope said is his opinion, a religion's interpretation is between the person their relationship with god, not with the pope, The pope is our leader, but our faith doesnt need to go through him to get to God.

2007-02-23 19:55:56 · answer #7 · answered by Saphire04 2 · 0 1

WHY ?? It`s really so simple that all you have to do is use your God given ability to think logically !! WHY no big bang ; because matter cannot create itself, you cannot create order out of dis-order ? Man and his science to this day cannot create DNA .? Mans` own science has proven that only a protein molecule can produce another protein molecule , man can`t do it ? Knowledge cannot create itself !! Knowledge can only be passed on from an original source of Knowledge . You increase knowledge by taking the orginal source and learning from it !! How simple is this .....IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH ??

2007-02-23 20:00:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Tell us about this test, we must have missed it. What planet was it done on and what kind of creatures exist there? When was this done? How did this test even make the bang out of nothingness? I'm just guessing here that there is no test, as its quite obvious, even to the mentally impaired, that there has to be something to be going bang in the first place.

2007-02-23 19:57:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I wouldn't say we're against it, but you have to admit it is just a theory. Creationism is just as likely. And who says that God didn't start the big bang or even control what was happening with it? I personally believe in a God of the universe, not just one of this world. I don't believe this theory is against the bible. It just explains a means God may have used. So big bang is a fine theory to me. Big bang is possible, but it isn't the only plausable idea out there.

2007-02-23 19:53:42 · answer #10 · answered by Laurel W 4 · 3 3

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