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I've read the Left Behind series books by Jenkins and LaHaye a few years ago and recently I've read the Rising (also by Jenkins and LaHaye) and in the Rising, the antichrist is born to a woman who's obviously was not a virgin. But, in the Left Behind series, the characters talked as if the antichrist was to fulfill all [or most all, at least] of the Messianic prophecies predicted in the Old Testiment.(yes I know I shouldn't be basing my facts off a fictionous book..)
I know that when the antichrist comes, it's predicted that people will call him the Messiah and he'll claim himself as God (2 Thessalonians 2:1-4, John 5:43).

I don't want anyone to answer accusing anyone of being the antichrist, just if you think when the antichrist comes, is he supposed to fulfill the Messianic prophecies?

2007-02-23 10:41:41 · 7 answers · asked by among_ashes 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

7 answers

If the Bible says that the Anti-christ will do and say something, he will do it.

2007-02-23 10:48:19 · answer #1 · answered by michael m 5 · 1 1

Read Peter and Paul on the return of Christ. Rapture is fiction.

2Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar. Fire will destroy everything in them. God will judge the earth and everything in it. 11 So everything will be destroyed. And what kind of people should you be? You should lead holy and godly lives... HEAVENS AND EARTH WILL BE DESTROYED.

1Corinthians 4:20 The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk. It is a matter of power.

1Corinthians 15:23 But here is the order of events. Christ is the first of those who rise from the dead. When he comes back, those who belong to him will be raised. 24 Then the end will come. Christ will destroy all rule, authority and power. He will hand over the kingdom to God the Father. 25 Christ must rule until he has put all his enemies under his control. 26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.

1Corinthians 15:50 Brothers and sisters, here is what I’m telling you. Bodies made of flesh and blood can’t share in the kingdom of God. And what dies can’t share in what never dies. 51 Listen! I am telling you a mystery. We will not all die. But we will all be changed. 52 That will happen in a flash, as quickly as you can wink an eye. It will happen when the last trumpet sounds. The trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised to live forever. And we will be changed. 53 Our natural bodies don’t last forever. They must be dressed with what does last forever. What dies must be dressed with what does not die.
54 In fact, that is going to happen. What does not last will be dressed with what lasts forever. What dies will be dressed with what does not die. Then what is written will come true. It says, “Death has been swallowed up. It has lost the battle.” 55 “Death, where is the battle you thought you were winning? Death, where is your sting?” 56 The sting of death is sin. And the power of sin is the law.
57 But let us give thanks to God! He wins the battle for us because of what our Lord Jesus Christ has done. 58 My dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Don’t let anything move you. Always give yourselves completely to the work of the Lord. Because you belong to the Lord, you know that your work is not worthless.

Mark 9:1 Jesus said to them, “What I’m about to tell you is true. Some who are standing here will not die before they see God’s kingdom coming with power.” ... The reign John describes in Revelation IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW!

2007-02-23 10:46:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

There is no one antichrist. The world will turn against all false religion and the one true one. The 666 Beast is a representative of the world governments and the Harlot which it will devour represents false religion. And then it will turn on the one true religion.

2007-02-23 10:50:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

(yes I know I shouldn't be basing my facts off a fictionous book..)

I find it very ironic and amusing that you realize the Lahaye books are fiction, yet refuse to come to the same conclusion about the bible.

2007-02-23 10:50:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

"Say: we believe in God and in what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham, Isma'il: Isaac, Jacob and The Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus and the Prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another, among them, and to God do we bow our will (in Islam)." (Qur'an, Al-Imran 3:84)

2007-02-23 10:46:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think so...since Jesus didn't fulfill the messianic prophecies. No prophet or saviour would change the Torah....and he did.

2007-02-23 10:44:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Let me see...... NO!

2007-02-23 10:48:17 · answer #7 · answered by Screamin' Banshee 6 · 0 1

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