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Judaism, Christianity, Islam are of the same Abrahamaic Source and solemnly worship the One True God, why the believers of these relgions don't try to seek for mutual understanding and harmony as God ordains?
The teachings, rituals, formalities...may differ due to differences of times and cultures..., but the essence of religion is only the love of the One True God for One Humanity, why don't we concentrate our highest efforts in the realization of this decree of God?
Shouldn't we, the masses of believers, present our iniatives to the religious learders for their consideration? When the Unity of religion occurs, mankind may enjoy the greatest glory and mercy of the One True God.

2007-02-23 10:01:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

7 answers

Perhaps it would be better for religious leaders to teach acceptance and tolerance. Religions are just good ideas gone horribly wrong. Each individual should have the right to believe and practice pacifically as they choose.

2007-02-23 10:26:59 · answer #1 · answered by dracomullet 4 · 2 1

I doubt it will catch on. I am not much for combining religions. That reeks too much of the New World Order. The ideal would be for us to live together and be at peace and respect each other’s differences.

Currently humanity is in a war like no other experienced before. The stakes are freedom of humanity against oppressors like no other. This oppressor fights dirty. They don’t declare war. They use religious fervor to push Humanity to declare war upon itself. They laugh all the way to the bank as people outdo themselves with the munitions purchased from them. The world is just a chessboard for these people. They have been at it for thousands of years. By the time the wars are over and the population decreased, things have usually settled into the positions they wish; they always play a double sided game and back all opponents.

This common enemy of all religions is the Illuminati. They are here to manipulate humanity and have done a bang-up job so far. They sucker punch us every single time. History repeats itself because these people rewrite and blur history to ensure the past lessons are forgotten. Today the most blatant example of their agenda is the 911 disaster and the wars and losses of freedom that have followed.

Religion was the first method used to manipulate the people of this world. Did you ever wonder where religion came from? Why did people turn to religion and worship gods? Where did the need of religion originate? Why was there a predicament in the first place? Why was there a PROBLEM? Once this problem was introduced into the whole scheme of things, why was there a REACTION from the people that they should worship a god or gods? Of course, once the REACTION was forthcoming, who came up with the SOLUTION of worshipping a god/gods? Religion was the first plot used to throw humanity into a hypnotic manipulatable state of mind.

Spin a lie with a touch of deceit often enough and you can make the masses believe anything. But humanity does not want to do this. We have been tricked. We’ve been lied to and taught how to hate and murder and cheat in the name of religion. Humanity is not born corrupt. We are taught corruption. Humanity wants to be free and to experience joy. We are taught through the web of deceit that we are born sinners. What a cruel joke to play on all of us.

The illuminati have established a massive system throughout the world to control humanity. This system is one deceit layered upon another, upon another endlessly. A religious system had to come first. Traumatizing with fear and guilt is a basic hypnotic control mechanism. Instill fear through trauma and you automatically instill control. This is hypnosis. Living with any form of fear is living in a hypnotic state. Be it the indoctrinated fear of hell, death, or whatever, a form of fear is hypnosis. Of course, it’s at this point that the religious person says, “YOUR religion is hypnotic enslavement, but MINE is the truth.”

Religion by and of itself is fine. Its basic idea is love and worship of God, care and concern for our fellow man. However, there is a huge difference between religion and spirituality. Religion is responsible for most of the ills on the planet. The Catholic Popes rewrote the Bible to manipulate the ignorant believers into a new state of thrall. Since most of the Popes were Medici or Borgias, and therefore of the Illuminati they rewrote the Bible to maintain their hold on the people, created the "omnipotence and infallibility" of the pope.

Evil are the people who use religion as a tool to further polarize the human race. Then they take the anger they have stirred up in the hearts of men and use it to wage wars. I speak of ALL religions here. None are innocent, alas.

We are being pushed towards a religious war. The goal is to have Muslims and Christians kill each other off in the name of their religion. Then the survivors, Satanists, will just take over. These people have a lot at stake. Serious attempts to heal things will not happen.


2007-02-23 10:12:53 · answer #2 · answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6 · 0 0

I totally agree, this is what Islam asks Muslims to do: conveying the message of God in the most peaceful way and live with the others as brothers and sisters. May u go in peace Tu Nga!!
"All we need is love, lala-lala-la..."

2007-02-23 10:11:14 · answer #3 · answered by Maria 2 · 1 1

genuinely no longer !!! Is day comparable to nighttime ??? they the two take place via same source---the solar.......yet they're completely diverse. faith and christianity are comparable to day and nighttime. they're completely diverse. faith is a algorithm and rules which you're assume to stay your existence via. christianity is the acceptance and dating with a guy---jesus christ. abraham became into basically a guy that GOD blessed because of the fact of Abraham's faith. notwithstanding abraham became into the father of two sons {one valid, Issac---the different illegitimate, Ismael} he became into no longer in charge for ether's concept structures. GOD dealt with the those which could replace into the jewish united states long formerly abram regarded interior the bible. what grew to alter into judaism became into GODS chosen those that he had dealt with from the begging of time. the bible tells us of those dealing. the bible is the attention of GOD. he says so interior the bible. the bible is the amassing mutually of sixty six diverse books ;penned via 40 diverse adult males; on 3 diverse continents; in 3 diverse languages and it took a million,500 years for all of them to be written. regardless of the impossibility for all that to be prepare and make experience ; the bible does. basically GOD could have performed all of that. the koran on the different hand became into written via one guy. it contradicts itself. what began out to be a non violent faith turns into greater violent and blood thirsty as you progression interior the path of the koran. islam is an off shoot of the classic faith that worshiped Allah, the moon goddess and her daughter the nighttime celebrity. they're nonetheless on the muslim's flag to right this moment. islam is relatively a sort of government that makes use of faith as this is vehicle to end this is objectives. what are those objectives ??? study the koran. financial ruin 2 verse 193 it says "all muslims could desire to make war till Allah's faith rules the international" !!!!!!!! the christian GOD that created the universe isn't the god that muslims worship--- do no longer enable them to fool you via asserting that he's. WHICH THEY DO attempt to DO.........................................

2016-10-01 21:18:55 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

cuz Im Christian and its not the sames as Islam at all....we all can do what we think is right but I dont have harmony with the religion called Islam....JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO BE SAVED.

2007-02-23 10:06:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

That's just what the anti-christ is going to say, also that HE is the one true God. Thanks but I'll stick with Christianity.

2007-02-23 10:04:35 · answer #6 · answered by Rossonero NorCal SFECU 7 · 0 1

So I guess God is in conflict with himself then?

2007-02-23 10:04:16 · answer #7 · answered by ? 1 · 2 1

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