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52 answers


Don't you believe that god is powerful enough that he could control evolution? If he could, then it is a small step to believe that he did.

The most common god/evolution belief is that not all mutations are truly random, some are caused by god. The Deistic belief is another alternative which views god as setting the whole thing in motion and then watching it happen naturally.

Note that it is not possible to believe in evolution and a 6000 year old Earth. There is just not enough time to explain the fossil record. On the other hand, there are a number of scientific beliefs that are incompatible with a young Earth - from Archeology and Geology through to Astronomy and Physics.

I would say that it is an unnecessary addition, that evolution works fine without god, but if you can expand your faith in god to include a faith in science then I have no problem with it.

2007-02-23 09:37:45 · answer #1 · answered by Dave P 7 · 3 1

Why not? Everything need not be black or white. If the theory of evolution makes sense to you, then why not just believe that evolution is how God IS creating? You shouldn't be forced into this position where you are not allowed to question anything at all, or adapt the way you believe as facts become available. Remember, at one point people were jailed for thinking that the earth rotated around the sun, because they believed that it was blasphemy. (They insisted that everything revolved around the earth, because earth was where God chose to make life, and where His son lived. This is the same sort of argument, different day.) We now know for a fact that it wasn't true, and Christianity has conceded it, and doesn't question it anymore. If people carry on unable to adapt, then Christianity will shatter when silly stubborn beliefs (that shouldn't really make a difference in whether or not you believe in God or Jesus) are proven wrong. If you believe in God, and you believe that Jesus is your savior, then what difference should it make whether or not humans came about through evolution or through "creationism"? Your faith should not be shaken by either result. Getting so bent out of shape at the idea of evolution vs Adam & Eve tells me that the person must have very shaky faith, that can crumble far too easily if little insignificant (in the grand scheme of things) stories that they grew up believing are proven wrong.

2007-02-23 10:02:29 · answer #2 · answered by Jess H 7 · 0 0

Origin is the key word here. The Origin of creation, if you question a scientist back to the point of origin there are no answers. Just more questions. Scientists don’t know; all they do is come up with untested unproven theories about the Origin of Creation, vain imaginations. It all boils down to simple logic, simple being a word scientist hate...lol, because that means anybody can understand it...lol.

Let's take Isaac Newton’s theory of Physics for example.

An object in motion will remain in motion and an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.

According to scientist everything in the beginning was a state of rest or unison. Then a reaction occurred that caused a catastrophic boom causing a chain reaction that resulted in creation of our universe. The Big Bang Theory....

Well if everything is at a state of rest what force moved the first molecules out of rest/unison to sparse a chain reaction that led to our creation/Evolution? What would you call that force? Look all around you. There is a law/wisdom behind everything; an intelligence. It all has an order to it. We know logically and throw proven test that Non Order does not bring about Order. That's just common sense. So something intelligent ordered everything to be the way it is now.

Evolution--Which came first the chicken or the Egg?

Take every living creature on the earth and break them down to their base components and you'll find that everything contains elements found in the earth. According to the scriptures all life was fashioned from the clay/earth. Thus it would make sense to believe that the chicken came first and that we did not evolve from other species because God made everything after its kind.

Thus Evolution does not support what is written in the word of God nor does it support anything logical. It's just plain confusion, basically having scientist run around in circles like a dog chasing his tale. It's just another religion with chaos as their God. It's Like Oil and Water.

2007-02-26 03:56:01 · answer #3 · answered by SOGWAP37 4 · 0 0

That's like asking, 'Is it possible to believe in mother and a evolving baby? Obviously, a fetus evolves into a baby and is born! Evolution simply means, 'from a simple existences, progressing over time into a more complex existence' to quote one definition of the word
They who would put the eternal, all-powerful, and all-knowing God into a 6,000 year proverbial box, can't believe in evolution of the many millions of different species on earth. However, we that know that God is the, 'ancient of days' have no problem with evolution of the animals over billions of years. Just as long as God 'created' the whole process from the beginning!
Does the Bible teach that the earth is older then 6 to 10,000 years? Indeed it does! I am of the belief that Genesis one is not even about the 'original creation' of the sky and earth, but the 'recreation' (restoration of earth)after some terrible judgment, or catastrophe!
Ask yourself this simple question: If the earth is only 6 to 10,000 years old, then how is it that we can see in the starry heavens overhead, many millions of galaxies, and the stars in them that are thousands, millions and even billions of light years away?! If earth is only 6 thousand years old, then so is the universe, so why do we see galaxies millions of light years away??? We should only be able to see galaxies or stars that are just 6 to 10,000 light years away, since the light has had only that long to travel from them!!!

2007-02-23 09:56:24 · answer #4 · answered by Old Truth Traveler 3 · 0 0

First, many speaks about science and they do not really know what it is or what it really have said about a specific subject.
Science is the tangible and measurable method that we use to discover what is already there,how it was formed how it is sustained till now ( Certainly not because of a mere coincidence ) and how to make use of it.
If we reach EVIDENCE we can built on it, but if we do not, it is a mere THEORY that can be right or wrong, and in the best cases it is short of the whole truth (we lack information) and that is why it is only a theory.
About Darwin evolution theory ,it was seriously challenged by other scientist as well, and still we do not have the whole information to be able to understand the existence the right way and be certain of what we say.

2007-02-23 10:09:35 · answer #5 · answered by tefksayd 1 · 0 0

Evolution is cited directly in the Bible. Each group of living things occurred roughly in an evolutionary order. All living things originated from the sea -- an evolutionary concept. The Earth produced all living things at the bequest of God ("And God commanded the Earth to bring forth...") so all living things have the same, basic chemical building blocks found in the earth, an evolutionary concept.

BUT, most importantly, the Book of Genesis is most definitely NOT a detailed, scientific account of the creation and development of living things because it was never meant to be that way. In fact, the story of creation is but a footnote to the real story of Genesis: which is the spiritual birth and spiritual evolution of mankind.

NOWHERE in the Book of Genesis is evolution discounted, and NOWHERE in the Book of Genesis does it describe how God created the different species. They were not simply spoken into existence because it is the Earth that brings them forth, and there is nothing in Genesis that describes how the Earth produced them in response to God's command.

God is the source of all natural forces in the universe, and that includes the processes of evolution which continue to occur every single moment. Adaptation and mutation are undesputed facts of life.

NOW, the MAJOR MISTAKE that beleivers make is thinking that Genesis is all about the physical creation of Man. It is all about his spiritual creation as Man is the only creature on Earth who worships His creator and believes in a higher power.

Chimps and apes do not build churches and temples, nor do they exhibit anything that could be remotely described as deity worship. THAT is what makes us different, and that is what Genesis is all about.

2007-02-23 09:52:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No, I don't think you can because the theory ( and that's all it is, a theory) directly conflicts with the Biblical account of Genesis.

Evolution, to work, needs death. When God finished creating, He said, "It is good." Why we He have created pain and suffering, along with death and called it good (perfect)? He wouldn't have.
Death did not enter the world until sin entered it.

The theory of evolution tears down the very foundation of the Bible. If you can't believe the story of Genesis and how God created the world, then what's to say you can't believe Jesus was resurrected from the dead. If the creation story is not to be trusted, then how can any other story be trusted.

Science can and does support the creation story. You needn't throw science out the window just because you believe the words of the Bible.

Evolution cannot be observable and, if I remember correctly, that's one of the laws of science when putting forth a hypothesis.

2007-02-23 09:46:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Depends on the god you chose. There seems to be a new god on the block and that is the god that deists go for. Put simply he started the whole thing with a big bang and then was never heard of again. He is compatible not only with evolution but with geology and the rest. He doesn't give a hoot about humans and their behavior. He is on permanent leave or somewhere watching his tremendous experiment evolve and deploy itself. Personally I do not find a need for such a god or any other god for that matter.

2007-02-23 09:46:09 · answer #8 · answered by The Stainless Steel Rat 5 · 0 0

Why not? How hard is it to believe that God created evolution. Obviously it must have took a great intellegence to create the code that developed into evolution. Also, look at religion. It has eveolved and changed in many different forms since the beggining and each one has its own creation story to explain how we came to be. Christians and Catholics believe God did through Adam and Eve. Several American Indian tribes believe in the great Spider Mother that brought us up from inside the earth. The Aborigines of Australia believe we ascended here from the Dream Time. Many stories, many beliefs and correct in eachs own right.

The Syko Ward

2007-02-23 09:45:31 · answer #9 · answered by The Syko Ward 5 · 1 0

Well, first of all, you don't "believe" in evolution. It's not an "ism," regardless of how Christian lunatics try to paint it. It's a scientific theory. You accept it or not based on the evidence - period.

That said, it's certainly possible to accept evolution theory and maintain a belief in a supreme being. It's NOT possible to accept evolution theory and be a "Christian" in any traditional sense. I suppose there are non-literalist, "mystical" conceptions of Christianity which are compatible; but beyond that, the fundies are right. You can either use the brains God theoretically gave you, or be a Christian.

2007-02-23 09:43:44 · answer #10 · answered by jonjon418 6 · 0 0

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