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I live in the US, but my great-grandparents were from the UK and Ireland. I am not trying to be racist, but I hate hearing about how immigrants from the Middle East and other places are immigrating like crazy to the UK and US. I hate it because I view it as destroying our culture and mixing our people up. I think that people should live in their own country, in order to preserve their own culture. If they have a problem in their own country, they should face the problem and not be selfish and arrogant and run away. It's like the Jews. They were cowards and ran away in WWII and created a state in someone else's country, and look what we have now. They should have faced the Holocaust like every other Jew had to. In the US, we have illegal Mexicans going through the border. It frustrates me, because pretty soon, the Mexicans are going to be a large ethnic group. I don't want it. I think all of the people in the US and Great Britain should be European, and not Asian and South American.

2007-02-23 08:54:37 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

Blacks and American Indians are excluded from this, as they have been here as long and in the case of American Indians, longer than us.

2007-02-23 09:05:42 · update #1

My family didn't run from any problems. I am a descedant of a British nobleman who came to America because he was sent here by the King.

2007-02-23 09:08:35 · update #2

21 answers

Whats wrong with Latinos?
Alright, ive gotta point here, first off thats not racist but border line(lol no pun intended).
And i was born here, im not European and dang glad of it. ya wanta ship me off to some place?

2nd, latino immigrants are honest, hard working, christians.
Something not too many Europeans are.

MY SOLUTION: let all immigrants from Latin America in with a citizenship test and back ground check.
All immigrants from over seas will need to be examined more thoroughly.


2007-02-23 09:17:01 · answer #1 · answered by Indio 4 · 0 1

I'm having trouble believing you mean what you written!
What would happen if no immigration was ever allowed? Perhaps to make sure, we shouldn't allow any cross border movement for anyone.
What about all the crap jobs - who is going to do those?
What about all the exotic and different food that has been brought from other countries?
If immigration never occured, the USA would not exist!

Besides, what devine right do you or anyone really have to stop people moving over borders? You say all people in the US and UK should be european? You are contradicting yourself!

I thing that ultimately people should be able to move about freely. The UK with its 60m people have consistently produced some of the best music in the world for the last few decades and this is due in part to the open borders that we have.

2007-02-24 00:36:49 · answer #2 · answered by Alex N 2 · 1 0

i know how you feel to a point. I think they like these people coming here so they will get there votes when that times comes. more disease, more crime, rapes, murders, drugs, and the list goes on. then they want to lie and say this and that to cover there on a$$es. it's about money and make there country better then the rest of them. saying we help these people out. But really it's the other countries that have a low rate are the smart ones. at one time a day it was more in less a privilege to be here. and American once stood for something. Not everyone that came off the boat to Ellis Island was even aloud here. well it don't any more. Our leaders lost any balls that they had. they cater to these people now. more rights then the own citizens have. to make them self look good. I feel we should stop letting people here. get rid of all the illegal ones. and keep doing it as it was once done before and all the illegal ones are never aloud back here again. I wish they would stop letting people come here all together and get this country straighten out instead of milking us all the time. and letting the free loaders off as if nothing is wrong. At one point you can us the melting pot. well it's no melting pot, the land of the free is for any way that is illegal, since every thing is free to them and they more privileges then i have. It's free loading country Americans will pay there way we owe them that. we took there land. we dont owe no body nothing but thats how it is. and i can image the the UK aint any better!!!

2007-02-23 09:53:24 · answer #3 · answered by wishstar28 4 · 0 1

LOL, how hypocrite
You talking about the jews founding a state in other lands...
And where was the US founded?

*I think all people in North America should be red indians* (duh)

Mexico is not in South America, DUH

Your question is so full of mistake that's even hard to correct it.

The funny is that all racists like to pick up the jews to criticize them, even if they have nothing to do with the question, that's typical of racist people.

2007-02-24 16:53:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Immigration if fine, under a certain set of guidelines--to do seasonal work on crops, to flee persucution, or to become a citizen--through the current criteria.

The reality is--they come here to sell drugs, reap the benefits of our social systems, stay here long after their green cards and work visa's expire, fall into the network of worker's that are illegally exploited by employer's big and small, send the money they make back to Mexico which does nothing for the local economy, and their employer's get their jobs done through a basic slave-labor operation that they don't even pay Federal taxes, have children which are considered citizens creating another issue that isn't addressed, the net result is a drain on our economy that has no legislation in place to stop it.

This whole fence issue is a joke, and I'll tell you why. First off, there's no way that it will stop the flow. The rewards of making it here far outweigh the alternative. The social policies in Mexico are revolting, NAFTA has harmed their economy just as it has ours and the Government over there has no hope of change. Look at who's being contacted out to build the fence. Another one of Bush's Fortune 500 buddy companies given a no-bid contract. I wouldn't be suprised if they hired illegals to build it!!

I worked on a Federal courthouse in Detroit, MI. They had an abestos abatement job that needed to be done. Rather than hire the Prevailing Wage workforce in the community--the General Contractor, based in Texas, bussed in illegals--after hours to do the work. That shows you what our Gov'ts stance on the issue is. That building required a G-2 clearance to even get on site--You try and tell me that all those folks met that criteria. Just this past auto show I worked on some displays. On the docks, out of sight, right near the trucks, were a bunch of hispanics that stacked crates into trucks, I watched them for days--they only entered the building to use the bathroom---I'm kicking myself in the butt for not making a call to INS, but I'd probably get fired if someone found out.

Our Government resolves this issue in Iraq, and then health-care--I'm thinking that Immigration is next--stay tuned.

2007-02-23 11:04:42 · answer #5 · answered by scottyurb 5 · 0 2

You're a jerk. Wouldn't you run away if you knew you were going to be starved and annhialated? Saying that about the WWII victims is going a little to far. However, illeagal immigration I hate and I want to know what's up with all these Mexicans that can't speak any English!!! You have to be able to speak and write in English to pass a naturalization (citizenship) test, so they are obviously illeagal. Some I have met in hotels can only say "No English" or " I don't know English" or something like that which they keep repeating.......WILL I EVER BE ABLE TO GET AN EXTRA TOWEL AT THE HOTEL????

2007-02-23 09:07:55 · answer #6 · answered by NeonBlue 3 · 3 1

Maybe the US and Great Britain should stay home, then. How is it right for nations to colonize and conquer, then run back to their own safe countries while exploiting other nations?

Come to think of it, the US is land stolen from the native peoples by Europeans who... you guessed it, ran away from problems in their own countries.

Thank God you are not *trying* to be racist.... I would hate to see if you were trying...

2007-02-23 09:07:02 · answer #7 · answered by Ms. Switch 5 · 3 0

i believe you. it is about identity and the wonderful bonds and insights only possible within a given culture. the japanese have the very best. but i could never learn it. you grow up in it. i could learn a very superficial version or a textbook theoretical version. i could study it and pass tests in college. but i would not really know. no more than one of the wonderful eskimo people could learn to live and bond with the generations of people in a close-knit community in the deep south or, for that matter, buffalo, n.y., where i am from. but i am irish. i feel irish and my parents and their parents felt they had a special identity, language, and tradition. some people don't have anything like that so they don't want to hear about it. they are the hollow men that t.s. elliot wrote about.

2007-02-23 09:23:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Then I'm guessing your ancestors were cowards too since they couldn't stay in England and Ireland and fix their own countries. Globalism is real and it's here, your culture is going to change and you can't do anything about it. If I was you, I would stop b!tching and complaining and accept the world as it now is. We are not in the 15th century anymore.

2007-02-23 10:29:07 · answer #9 · answered by Siervocal 1 · 2 0

i think ur gonna get some interesting answers to this..they flee for a better life, whats so bad about that? Im from a country in Europe but i think the only reason u dont like the others is becausee uve never gotten to know one because they r so isolated in their own culture and live in their own places.

2007-02-23 08:59:02 · answer #10 · answered by luhb u much!! 4 · 1 0

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