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It was a great feeling defeating a woman in an argument. Usually they have to have the last word and always "win." The look of bitter defeat & humiliation on her face was priceless.

2007-02-23 08:26:27 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Gender Studies

Elizabeth Howard:

I won. She started the argument against me over something, trying to change something I did to fit her ideas, and I hit her hard with irrefutable facts along with attacking her credibility and track record. She gave in and submitted, and thus my "ideas" remained as hers disappeared into oblivion.

2007-02-23 08:34:43 · update #1

Sorry everyone. I know this is not a question. I just wanted to let everyone know the good news. Feel free to chime in and/or add similar experiences.

2007-02-23 08:36:36 · update #2


Why yes, girl1, I do feel good about winning, now that you mention it!

2007-02-23 08:39:41 · update #3

wendy g:

wendy, where did i once state this argument was with someone on yahoo answers? please learn to read. believe it or not, everything doesn't take place on the internet. you'd know that if you left the house once in a while. the argument i had was with a female at school today in my class. we're doing a group project at college and she wanted to impose her rules, and failed. lol

2007-02-23 09:17:24 · update #4


also wendy, are men "cowed" (white valley girl slang?) by women? men rule the world and have the most power. it's a man's world. women have very few advantages over men, and thus have to compensate by putting great importance on "winning" trivial arguments against men, always being "right," and of course the advantage regarding sex (turning down, manipulating, etc.)...

2007-02-23 09:23:15 · update #5


nice overanalyzing, bluegirl! lol! actually, i have been with a girl for over a year! thanks for asking though! it has nothing to do with confidence, i just enjoy announcing that a defeated a woman in a verbal argument and i like to watch women get pissed and annoyed because i'm beating my chest about it. lol! i won!

2007-02-23 10:07:26 · update #6

Super Ruper:

EXCELLENTLY WORDED, AND WELL SAID! It's the truth. You are an admirable woman, as there aren't many like you that will "tell it like it is," especially in the world today where many women will gravitate to male-bashing instead.

That will be a Best Answer unless someone can surpass that, which I doubt. I'll let this question run for a few days so I can let it marinate. :)

2007-02-23 10:56:52 · update #7

Baba Yaga:

you "thought" wrong. next.

2007-02-23 17:04:56 · update #8

wendy g:

so then if you admitedly base your statements of men being "cowed" off of what *I* said -- why would you generalize an entire gender off of one man's statements? you're not very bright, are you, you misandrist?

2007-02-23 17:12:19 · update #9

Wendy G:
That was one long-winded, nonsensical babble that really said a whole lot of nothing. Clearly that 5 paragraph essay of rambling you just wrote indicates that I have gotten under your skin. LOL! "Cowed" is some Shakespearean, outdated, Middle English word that the majority of the population doesn't use anymore. Only a white valley girl lacking common sense would use outdated slang because she read it in a book, when there are several synonymns at her disposal.

But yes, it's safe to say you're a misandrist, judging by your past history on here. Being married doesn't automatically mean you're not a misandrist, the same way as being married doesn't mean that person isn't gay, as many people in heterosexual marriages have "come out of the closet."

You and Baba Yaga should both seek counseling in regards to your man-hating ways.

2007-02-24 01:42:42 · update #10

Baba Yaga:

You keep saying I asked the question "twice," but you've brought up the question at least twice -- on topics that have nothing to do with it! LOL! Not to mention it's old and resolved! However, it was obvious to everyone but yourself that the question was obviously in jest. I don't date dirty women with odorous vaginas.

And how come Baba Yaga never answers in her own words? All she does is post links from academic websites or wikipedia. Wow, that must be real brain-racking trying to come up with an answer written by someone else. The only time Baba Yaga has an "answer" in her own words is when it consists of her verbally attacking the questioneer.

And yes, your sex life is indeed boring and non-existant. What man would want to be with a 46 year old man-hating loser?

2007-02-24 01:52:35 · update #11

19 answers

Well...good on ya!

Female here, by the way....

The world we currently live in and enjoy was built by men. The have built the roads and the structures. They created commerce and the economy. And trade with other countries. They invented all the transportation that is widely used today. They started corporations - providing jobs for many...including women. The list goes on and on.

At a certain point, women felt they deserved 'equality'. They wanted equal access to the jobs that were held by men. They wanted to join golf courses that were 'men only'. They want the government to force a company to keep their job available while they have a baby...AND they want the government to pay for them to stay at home with that baby for months after the birth. And all the while, that company is supposed to keep functioning while she is having her family.

The purpose of my rant...which could go on and on...is that even we women (some of us) can recognize the foolishness and nastiness of the 'new' feminist movement. Equality of rights is one thing...a very important thing...and well won...thank you to all those that came before me and fought for them. But this new movement - this sense of entitlement - gives feminism a VERY BAD name. If you want to be CEO, start your own company. And hire women only, if you choose. Thats illegal of course, but be creative - you can find a way to do it without the law involved. Afterall, they boys' club has been doing it for years. And very well. Take a page out of their book. If you want to join a golf club that is exclusive to men....start your own club and make it women's only.

The women's movement of today will only be successful and taken seriously when women realize that they need to EARN those jobs and all of the perks that men worked so hard for, for so long. Whining about it and protesting it only makes you look like loud mouthed whiners. Truly.

And yes...I do have a corporate position...that I EARNED my way into. With education and hard work. Feels great when you earn something...

2007-02-23 10:22:59 · answer #1 · answered by Super Ruper 6 · 4 2

Taking pleasure in making someone feel bad is not something to be proud of. Surely, winning your side of the argument should have been the important part, not the look of 'humiliation and defeat' on the other person's face?

'Winning' an argument should be about the fact that you truly believed in what you were saying and you managed to get the other person around to your way of thinking without bullying them, belittling them or exercising superiority over them.

By treating the argument as some kind of power battle, all you did was make the other person feel bitter and angry towards you and probably not very open to any other ideas you may have in the future.

You could have been a real 'winner', by not only proving your side of the argument, but also enlightening the person you were arguing with.

You only really won for yourself, which is selfish, all about feeling superior and not very mature at all. It gave you a temporary ego boost at the other person's expense. But you know, the world has a funny way of turning things round and I think it's something that will come back on you at some point.

Take care.

2007-02-23 16:23:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

"It was a great feeling defeating a woman in an argument." That this proved your "Highlight Of The Month" is telling indeed. I think perhaps you just THINK you 'won' the argument - for argument's sake.

"My woman's vagina stinks and smells like fish. Should I tell her? Why would it smell like seafood...?"
In Women's Health - Asked by Diverse - 7 answers -

Speaking of sex-life, I would like to take this opportunity to ask about yours: how is that STD problem with your ‘woman” going? Still smelling 'fishy'? You actually asked this daft question TWICE so now is my chance to answer:

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is characterized by the overgrowth of certain bacteria in the vagina…

Signs and Symptoms
A FISHY VAGINAL ODOR, itching, and irritation are common signs of BV and may be particularly noticeable after intercourse or menses. It may be accompanied by a smooth, sticky white or gray …

Causes and Risk Factors
Bacterial vaginosis is associated with having multiple sex partners...and a history of STDs.”

2007-02-23 16:35:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

the reality is if you agree with the truth there will simply be no argument! lol!! ;~}) on the other hand if you are dealing w/ a sociopathic liar then you will not win there either.. lol! i love this question, i needed the smile thanks love! be kind, honest and loving and if she doesn't appreciate you and there is a lot of drama then she does not deserve to observe your "right to think for yourself and personal opinions".. yes?? women do have amazing abilities to circular reason and manipulate. you must not feed into this and try to help her see what she is doing is THE WRONG WAY to be in honest healthy communication.. love this stuff! i do!!

2016-05-24 03:18:08 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Uh... wow? This isn't really a question as the others stated... if you put a liar/misinformed dissident in her place, I suppose I'm proud of you. I'm very much a proponent of Truth™ and I'm sure your small victory is an important one for you.

Er... keep up the good work.

2007-02-23 08:41:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

"The look of bitter defeat..." Um...you're on Yahoo! Answers...how exactly did you "see" the look on her face? You're being melodramatic...but I have to say it's funny that you guys are so cowed by us MOST of the time, that you feel like you have to announce it to the world when you gain a small advantage...thanks for the info...good to know.

EDIT--"White valley girl slang"??!!! Sorry, obviously I used a word you are not familiar with...I'll be more careful next time. Here's the definition:
As you can see, Shakespeare used this term, so it's hardly "white valley girl slang"...Ooh! Ooh! I just beat you in an argument! Let me crow about it like a little child!
And sorry, your sad "ad hominen" attempt is pathetic, please don't assume you know ANYTHING about my life...your the one bragging about "winning" an argument with a girl as if it's the best thing that ever happened to you...and if men weren't "cowed" (in general) why are you "celebrating" so much? YOU are the one giving the impression that men can't generally win against women (in an argument), so why are you now trying to pull the "but we're so much better than you" b.s. My statements were based solely on the impression YOU gave about never being able to win an argument.

EDIT--OH HO! YOU'RE going to accuse someone of "generalizing"!!?? THAT'S hilarious, (misogynist!-see, I can do that, too) when all of your "questions" on here are nothing but over generalized statements attacking women. (Your "question" about ALL women being "selfish" when it comes to Valentine's Day? THAT'S not a gross generalization? What's that they say about people who live in glass houses?) And how pathetic that you couldn't see that I was being ironic, and taking your "unbridled joy" at "beating a girl" and turning it around on you...and yes, making an "over-generalized," facetious statement that it is OBVIOUS I don't believe, if you read more closely, (or understood sarcasm...note, on the end, how I said "thanks for the info" as if YOU revealed something I never knew). I find it very sad that you couldn't pick up on this. And BTW, why is it that every time someone (usually a woman) disagrees with you, you resort to name calling...these kind of playground tactics don't win an argument, they actually show how weak you are. Other than the fact that I was being sarcastic with YOU, (and you missed it, apparently) you have no proof that I'm a misandrist. Try telling my husband that, and he'll tell you something quite different. I'm actually very sweet and genial to the opposite sex...if they're not jerks (or misogynists). You are, indeed, the one who comes off as "not very bright" on ALL levels, here...("white valley girl slang"!!??) PRICELESS!
Oh, here's another example of you GENERALIZING and attacking ALL women based on what ONE WOMAN wrote:
So one woman writes something and you post a serious question about how all women must feel the same? Come on! I "hate" to resort to name calling, but does "hypocrite" sound fair? Yeah, it sounds fair to me! At least I have something to back my name calling up, and it's not just baseless, weak character attacks (like yours).
And "women have to put importance on trivial things like winning an argument..." isn't that exactly what YOU are doing? Do you not see how ironic that statement is? You had to announce it to Yahoo! as if it were the highlight of your life.

2007-02-23 08:57:09 · answer #6 · answered by wendy g 7 · 1 3

It aint that hard to win an argument against a woman, the hard part is to make her admit you are right, at least with some women. But if you frequent those bytchy manhating grrrl power dykes dont come complaining about women, you choose your own company (at least in private).

2007-02-23 09:33:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

So? It's actually pretty easy if you have something to argue over. Just because someone gets the last word doesn't mean they win. It's the points you make that counts.

2007-02-23 08:42:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I don't believe you... you expect us to believe that you beat a woman in an argument and all you had to do was state Logic and Facts? Why didn't I think of that!? All she is going to is come back with a "well it depends on how you want to look at it.."

2007-02-23 08:52:26 · answer #9 · answered by michael H 4 · 0 1

You may have won an argument, but you failed to utilize the purpose of Yahoo Answers. Don't get all up on your high horse just yet pal.

2007-02-23 08:32:21 · answer #10 · answered by Marianimal 3 · 3 1

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