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I am so scared and feel like my life is over because I ended up hitting two cars and my insurance had expired a few months earlier because I didn't have the money to pay them. I was trying to make it to my next paycheck. Look, everyone, I know what I did was TREMENDOUSLY STUPID of me to operate a verhicle without being insured and I'll regret that forever now. The two guys in the other two cars were fine, though I was taken by ambulance to the trauma unit because my side and back hurt really bad and there were several gashes all over from the shattered glass. Police officers and everyone said I was VERY lucky as they don't see how I survived the wreck. But now I'm so depressed and will probably never be happy again. I feel like I want to die just because of the mess I've caused. What will hapen to me when I go to court? Will I be put in jail? Will my license be suspended? Will I be sued by the insurance companies or the persons involved or both? Serious answers only!

2007-02-23 08:13:02 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cars & Transportation Insurance & Registration

12 answers

You probably won't go to jail. You'll probably lose your license. Insurance companies have no basis to sue, except on behalf of the people that they paid out to, that you caused damage for.

They can get your wages garnished until the damages are paid for.

This is going to take a long, long time for you to clean up. I suggest you get a bus pass.

2007-02-25 15:59:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous 7 · 0 0

Well, realistically you could be sued, but if you have nothing, there's a small chance of that. But it COULD happen. You probably won't go to jail, but I would not imagine you'd get off scot-free. Did you fix the situation with your insurance? If you can, do so right away.

As far as your depression, see someone to talk it out or maybe get some meds. I'm guessing you're old enough to understand the consequences of your actions and that you won't do that again. In the big picture yeah, it was foolish, but everyone survived and you may end up having to pay some $, but at least you have your life.

2007-02-23 10:37:39 · answer #2 · answered by Chris 5 · 0 0

Relax; it's not the end of the world! The other drivers involved were probably insured for "uninsured motorist" damages; the driver's weren't injured so there's little chance of being sued for injuries. Yes, you probably will lose your license (or have it suspended), plus pay a fine for operating a vehicle with no insurance, but, so what? A judge is unlikely to have you incarcerated since there were no injuries (other than your own!); at worst you'll probably have either "house arrest" or probation. You should not have driven without insurance in the first place..

As I said, it's not the end of the world.

2007-02-23 08:25:42 · answer #3 · answered by Kiffin # 1 6 · 1 0

I was recently in an accident being the other persons fault. When I talked to a lawyer they told me that the only way they could help me is if the other person is insured. Thankfully they were but, the most that can happen is they will garnish your wages if they decide to sue you. As for your medical bills make arrangements with them to get your bills paid. If you live in a state that requires insurance you may have you license suspended. As crappy as you feel right now things will get better. From my car accident I lost everything, I lost my car, my job, my apartment and my boyfriend. And I spent my birthday on the couch only a few days later with a broken ankle, broken finger, messed up back so trust me you will get through it. You will just have to find a way to prepare yourself for the worst get a roommate or cut spending if they do decide to sue. I wish you the best of luck. It will get better.

2007-02-23 08:30:18 · answer #4 · answered by peenutt1975 1 · 0 0

The good part of this story is: You DON'T have money.

Yes they can sue you, and hopefully you do not own any property either. If you own property (depending in what State u live) they CAN go against any property you have in your name to collect money(s).

What happens to you in court is unknown, although I don't think jailtime is involved, honestly. Not unless you have a long and wreckless history of being a loser and costing the system money time after time after time.

Your licence WILL suffer big-time. To what extent? I don't know but I would expect you to lose your licence for a few months, being allowed to drive only to get to work and back. If you get caught lying when and if you get pulled over you are going to be considered a habitual law breaker and any mercy shown on you by the courts in the past will not help you a 2nd time.

Yes, you are absolutely correct... you did something that was "TREMENDOUSLY STUPID" as you aptly said yourself. I think the lesson here to be learned is obvious. Hopefully the others involved in the accident had "Uninsured Motorist" clauses in their insurance policies.. because if they didn't.. you are responsible for their misery and losses because their insurance will not cover their damages thanks to guys like you.

Weather the storm.. and LEARN YOUR LESSON.

Don't do it again!!!


2007-02-23 11:27:03 · answer #5 · answered by rob1963man 5 · 0 0

You will not go to jail. You may be sued though most likely the insurance company will simply set up a repayment plan to pay for the damages to the car you hit. Whatever you do ALWAYS keep current with these payments. You will only get one chance with an insurer. If you blow it they will haul you before a judge and he will porbably attach your bank accounts and wages. Don't fret. Crap happens everyday and you just had a very costly life lesson. now it's time to get that extra job and clean up the mess. Cars are just metal and plastic and can be replaced.

2007-02-23 13:59:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your license will probably be suspended and you will be fined pretty heavily.
As for the damages (assuming no one else was hurt). If the people you hit had full coverage, they will go through their insurance co and then the insurance co will sue you personally for damage to vehicles. If they dont have full coverage they will sue you for damages.. if the accident was your fault you will lose and be responsible for the money. If the accident was not your fault you will not have to pay for their damages.
Worst case scenario... you lose your license for a bit pay a hefty fine, and have to pay to fix the 2 other peoples cars. If you cant afford it, the judge can garnish your wages (assuming you have an "on the books" job)

2007-02-23 08:54:20 · answer #7 · answered by NY1Krr 4 · 0 0

best case (and likely) scenario:

both other drivers go through their insurance for damages. Next, the insurance comes after you personally to pay them back. You MUST cooperate or they will suspend your license and garnish your wages. When you get the bill.. call them and set up a payment plan to pay them back.

And, i wont lecture b/c you seem honestly like youve learned your lesson.. always remember.. if you dont have enough money for insurance... you need to take the bus or other transportation b/c as you have learned... not having insurance while driving is MUCH more expensive!

2007-02-23 08:21:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He man, you only bent a bit of metal. from what you say nobody was injured or suffered any long term damage. try and create a bit of prospective. i have been in this situation myself, i had moved, and my insurance had not caught me up and i ended up getting caught with out of date insurance. at the end of the day it cost me a packet and some points on license but sorted now and over it. it will pass.
hope this helps
regards peter

2007-02-23 08:32:14 · answer #9 · answered by peter g 2 · 0 0

They could try and sue you, but seriously if your living paycheck t o paycheck, there isn't a whole lot they can sue you for. Hopefully the other people have good insurance with under/uninsured motorist coverage. They can't really take what you don't have.

2007-02-23 08:18:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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