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2007-02-23 07:55:41 · 34 answers · asked by Thalia 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I am trying to get peoples thoughts here, so don't be a dick and tell me I have to do something to figure it out for myself. If you're just going to answer for the sake of answering, please go answer a question about hair gel.

2007-02-23 08:02:18 · update #1

Ya, I AM an atheist so don't give me attitude about how you already know and how simple it is. I WANT TO HEAR HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT THERE BEING OR NOT BEING A GOD!

2007-02-23 08:04:30 · update #2

......Are you people even awake? Gawd! You "atheists" are giving the rest of the atheists a bad name.

2007-02-23 08:08:08 · update #3

I AM AN ATHEIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn, do you people even read this crap up here? I just want other Atheists thoughts on it. Geez.

2007-02-23 08:12:37 · update #4

*sigh* I didn't ask for proof. I guess I should have reworded that question to "Can you give me convincing theories about why there is no God/higher power."

You people are mean.

2007-02-23 08:24:34 · update #5

34 answers

did you know that it was perfectly possible for a boiling kettle of water freezing solid. it can be worked out by a mathematical equation. all you have to do is supply all the relevent information and do the math. the probability of it happening is so remote that you would need to boil an almost infinite amount of kettles for the life time of several universes, but there is a mathematical probability of it happening. you can't do this for god/gods because you can't supply any measurable information at all. i believe that someone once did try to write out a god equation, but when it was shown to some proper mathematicians they had to be supplied with new pants as they wet the others laughing. even if you took that equation at face value then you would have to decide on the likelyhood of which particular god or gods were real, then we're down particular denominations. but there is not one scrap of empirical evidence for the supernatural. so the probability of god/gods existing in infinitely smaller than a boiling kettle freezing. i do not live my life in fear of slim chances, i drive a car even though i know that an accident is possible. i'm nor scared of an asteroid strike or an alien invasion, all of these are more possible that god. anyway the whole plan thing seems so rediculous for a supposedly omnipotent being. and the need for groveling praise, i'd love to see a therapist take this particular deity on. secondly all this talk of complexity, well if you look at mandelbrot sets you will see what amazing complexity can arise from a simple mathematical rule, chemistry and biology are no more different. all the complexity we see arises from simplicity and if people bothered to look and understand they would see the beauty of this process. here's the wiki sites for probability theory and mandelbrot.

2007-02-23 09:02:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

OMGoodness I'm praying for you!!!!
Please don't submit to this!! You'll regret it later.
I'm not just another preacher who is trying to convert people in that way that seems annoying, but please just listen!!
There is proof that God is real! I'm not going to go into "Yeah, I see a God in everyone", or "Look at the Grand Canyon and Mountains and Praries! That's my proof!". That won't help anything.
In the chapter Isaiah of the Bible, you'll read the story of the prophet Isaiah, who was born just about 500 years before Jesus was born. In this chapter (written 500 years before Jesus was born), Isaiah predicted TONS of things about the coming of Jesus, where he'd be born, what he'd do, ect... This is just one proof of the Bible's reality- a man who honestly did have it all figured out (or the future part anyway) about God. Who's an atheist that can prove you this??
Atheists are often scientific, and say this is proof, but in religion I think you have to dig deeper. Just because the Universe doesn't revolve around Earth doesn't prove that God didn't create the Universe with us in mind,ect... The Bible isn't literal. The people who can decipher it and realize how it connects and relates are the true puzzle-solvers, although I doubt a Christian will tell you they know everything. :) I sure don't!!
But I do know this. The day will come when you'll wonder what you've done with your life. Becoming a Christian and welcoming the God (who actually exists!! Into your life will give your life meaning! And it will save you in the end.

2007-02-23 08:17:16 · answer #2 · answered by Lee 3 · 1 1

Christians often offer changed lives as a proof for the existence of God. I can tell you as a former Christian, that my life is much better than it was before. I tend to be less judgemental, really enjoy life, and am not overly worried about the mistakes I make.

Unfortunately proving there is a God is much more difficult than proving there isn't. God is a belief. You may say that God changes lives, and that you feel him in your heart. I on the other hand believe that people taking responsibility for their actions can do the same thing, and that God like emotions are just feelings created by endorphins.

Science has prov en the existence of endorphins, and other chemicals that create emotion, it hasn't been able to prove the existence of God.

Without a little proof, other than emotions or hunches, that God really exists, there is no need for Atheists to convince anyone that he doesn't. It is the same as me asking you to prove that the person who you think is God isn't really a leprechaun directing your thoughts and feelings from a pot of gold in Ireland. There is no way for you to prove that the leprechaun doesn't exist right?

2007-02-23 08:10:32 · answer #3 · answered by ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker 7 · 2 0

You want some prrof there is no God.

Well I can give you proof there is no Bible God.

1) The Bible is the inspired word of a perfect God. The Bible has many contradictions, including ones that can't just be context, like numbers of tribes, and geneology.

2) The Bible says that God never changes his mind. He in fact changes his mind often, and the biggest change is when he comes down as Jesus and "fulfills" all of the previous laws, thus changing his mind.

3) God is all knowing, but didn't realize Cain had killed Abel despite the fact Cain probably would have gone to heaven as he seem to have God's favour.

There's a lot more, but that's a good start.

2007-02-23 08:15:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Gods were early mans way of explaining the unexplainable. The mysterious stars in the sky were thought to be gods. But then the study of science came along and began to trump religion at every turn. Here is an excerpt from the great H.L Mencken writing on religion. A link to the full essay is included.

"Where is the graveyard of dead gods? What lingering mourner waters their mounds? There was a time when Jupiter was the king of the gods, and any man who doubted his puissance was ipso facto a barbarian and an ignoramus. But where in all the world is there a man who worships Jupiter today?"

2007-02-23 08:06:27 · answer #5 · answered by AZ123 4 · 1 0

No, that is up to you to accept.

Thalia, I am not trying to be a dick. There is a lot of evidence out there that contradicts what the Bible states to be true. It all depends on how you interpret the evidence to the Bible. I can not force you to believe anything. You probably are already aware of Evolution, the Big bang theory, the improbable Noah story, etc. I can not convince you that your Bible is fake. It is really not my intention to convince you that you are wrong.

If you believe in God, all the power to you. It brings you happiness and content. I am not going to try to take those things from you. So, I can not convince you there is no God simply because you probably do not want to be convinced there is no God, and because I do not want to convince you there is no God.

2007-02-23 07:57:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Even Richard Dawkins (famed zoologist, atheist and evolutionist and author of "the God Delusion") concedes that it's virtually impossible to disprove a god. However it is also impossible to disprove Zeues, Wotan or the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

However in virtue of all the evidence, it is vastly improbable that any god exists and if there is one, the odds are infinitesimally slim of it being the biblical god.

Rather than waste both our time trying to prove something to you, I suggest you do some research - and not from christian apologist sites or atheists advocate sites, but from neutral history and scholarly work.

2007-02-23 08:17:05 · answer #7 · answered by Mike K 5 · 1 1

Even if an argument was constructed that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, that god did not exist....you still would not believe. You would choose Faith or Reason because that is what you have been trained to do. This is demonstrated by the fact that right now, you are using faith to taunt reason.

2007-02-23 08:10:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You cannot prove the non-existence of something. Just can't be done...
Besides, it's your job as the believer to convince me...

Edit: Ok then, Miss Atheist, You convince us then that there is no god, since none of these answers is doing it for you.
Don't ask a dumb question if you don't want the truth. There is no proof either for or against a god. I'm sorry you can't find anyone to prove that there is no god, but you won't find anyone to prove there is either.

2007-02-23 07:59:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

i would not. to quote Ken Ham, between the top creationists interior the international. "in case you disagree with what i flow to assert, please do no longer supply me your opinion, because of the fact i'm no longer fascinated...i opt to be attentive to what the Bible says". That tremendously lots sums up how the creationists think of. there became into yet another quote, i'm undecided if he reported it, notwithstanding it is going something like this: "If there is a few form of knowledge, and it disagrees with the bible, then it won't be in a position to be data". In different words, the bible thumpers will dishonestly reject data that is going against what the bible says. this is tremendously disgusting and worse once you think of of what they're doing to our little ones. the sole way i be attentive to a thank you to maintain creationists from growing to be is to offer the youngsters greater books. that's a nicely standard actuality that the greater solutions you have for the organic international around you, the fewer you choose god to describe issues for you.

2016-10-01 21:09:26 · answer #10 · answered by balok 4 · 0 0

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