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My 6 year old son goes crazy at night (bedtime). He won;t listen, throws things, kicks me, and screams until he passes out. Any suggesstions???????

2007-02-23 07:47:49 · 16 answers · asked by kathyliz777 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

16 answers

Try doing a relaxing period. Read him a book or two but no more because then he will not stop making you read more. Just start to calm him down about an hour before bedtime. Try doing bath time right before bed time and put lavender into the bath which is very soothing. Or there are spray that you can spray on your pillow.

2007-02-23 08:52:02 · answer #1 · answered by A.C 1 · 1 0

How long has this been going on? My daughter did the same thing when she was about 2 or 3 she would scream every night for up to 3 hours! I think her reason was she slept with me every night until I was able to move out so would he have any reason like that? We just ignored her and after about 3 months it stopped. I know that seems like a long time but if you over - react it will get worse he will know if he screams you will run to him and that is attention even though it is bad attention it is still attention to him. Loads of people say run to the Dr but half the time that is not necessary and if you are like me you don't have the money to run to the Dr every 5 mins. You could try giving them a call if you are that desperate though.

2007-02-23 10:40:20 · answer #2 · answered by ShaunaMo 2 · 0 0

Love him. The bible says It is important that parents train up a child in the way he/she should go and when that child is old they wont depart from it. Make sure you both make the decisions and you both stand by them. Unity is important in a family. Try spending some time with him alone doing something that he likes or just giving him a gift for no reason. Punishment does not always work but make sure you guys set some rules and breaking the rules will result in consequences (no TV etc) ask God for guidance He knows this child better than you do and He can show you why the child is behaving that way and He will also give you the strength to deal with it. It can be hard but don't give up, right now you are that child,s mom and that is a great privilege. At times it can be hard to really love another person's child as if they were our own, especially when they don't behave but try reaching out to him and don't forget he is just six, he is still a baby and he needs his family. Be loving yet firm. Hug him, tell him he is special, tell him you are happy he is with you guys,talk to him about the things he does. I am sure it's hard for him too maybe more than you guys think. I am not saying that he should be allowed to do whatever he wants that is just going to harm him in the future. Lay down some rules, if he cries because he can't have his own way, as long as you are sure he is not left by himself, or in danger in any way,let him cry, he will eventually stop when he realizes its not working, when he is finished crying then you respond to him. Give him small things like picking up his toys and if he doesn't then he wont be allowed to watch TV or something. Start small. But most importantly seek the Lord, He has put this child in your life for a purpose.

2016-05-24 03:10:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What time is his bedtime? How long is it after dinner? Do you allow him to drink colas or other things that have caffeine it them? Does he have a set bedtime? What is your evening routine? Are you stressed over something when you put him to bed? (other than getting him to bed). Do you have company over in the evening, that he likes to visit with? There are a couple of choices to make: 1) take him in to see his pediatrician, and see if medically there might be something wrong. 2) Start over with the evening routines. Example: 8 :00 bedtime. Dinner is served by 6 pm, over by 6:30. Is there a t v show that he likes to watch? It should be over by 7 pm. Same with any videos he likes to watch. It might be best to even have the tv off in the evening. Maybe some soft music playing on the radio,.stereo. 7-bath time. Get in pj's. 7:30-small snack-popsicle, a scoop of ice cream, or cheese and crackers. Then, time to brush and floss his teeth. Meanwhile, during this "wind down" time, let him know that bedtime is at 8, and that you will read him a story when you tuck him into bed. Also, please ask him about what I marked down below with***. Let him know that there will be no kicking, screaming, etc. That he needs to cooperate with you. Maybe even explain to him how sleep will help and be good for his body. Like, he will be growing while sleeping, his brain will appreciate it. His whole body will appreciate it. It hleps keep him healthy, and strong. One hint: Let him look at the pictures in the book. Read the book again, with his eyes closed. Tell him he doesn't have to go to sleep, but he needs to at least let his eyes rest for awhile. Usually when I have told kids they need to let hteir eyes rest, but they don't HAVE to go to sleep, they relax, and fall asleep. ***Also, have you asked him why he acts this way at bedtime? Is he afraid of monsters? ***Something outside his bedroom window? That is something to resolve as well. In fact, that might be all it is. I wish you and your son the best. Take care.

2007-02-23 08:12:07 · answer #4 · answered by SAK 6 · 1 0

Clear that kids bedroom of everything but his clothes and his bed. Start a bedtime routine. Bath, story, bed. Same time every night, same routine no changes. Explain to him that as he cooperates with bedtime you will give him back his things. Be prepared to be tough and know that it will be worse in the beginning than you have seen so far....good luck. Remember, get control now soon enough they become teenagers that are bigger than you are.

2007-02-23 09:10:35 · answer #5 · answered by NakasEvilTwin 6 · 0 1

Start a routine every night. With our 6 year old, either my husband or I have her read us a book and then we tuck her in.

When he acts out, physically pick him up and put him in his bed. If he tries to get out, keep doing it. If he kicks, screams, and throws.....just ignore it and keep putting him back into bed. He'll get the idea that he has no choice but to sleep. After awhile, he won't try to test you.

2007-02-23 09:21:36 · answer #6 · answered by Lisa S 3 · 1 0

turn off the light in his room and cose the door!! ignore him the more attention he hgets the wost he will get i let my daughtr know 1hor before in 15 minute intervals that she will be going to bed soon and to get ready ie: brush teeth and wash up for bed, this lets her know its time to sleep soon, when she acts up i turn on her radio to a light station turn off the light and close the door. i kiss her and say good night, i tell her if she opens the door shes not getting a treat from the store or looking at raven simone. when she opens it other than having to pee i tell her no snack and i go to the store the next day and i dont buy her one but i remind her that "you were not nice at bedtime last night were you"?? when she says no, i say well be nice tonoght and we will come back tomorrow, and she usually does

2007-02-23 10:12:01 · answer #7 · answered by angelswife 3 · 1 0

Take his favorite things for 5 days to a week. Tell him you wont put up with him not listening, and throwing things. Now kicking you is different I'd smack that butt for kicking me and take his favorite things for a week. If he does this kind of thing doing the day I'd stand him in the naughty corner for 5 minutes, and if he kicked me I'll put him there take his stuff and smack that butt.

2007-02-23 09:38:00 · answer #8 · answered by letthepartybeginnow 3 · 0 1

Duct Tape

2007-02-23 07:50:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

What is he throwing a fit over? Is he tired when he does this? Is he getting tired out during the day? Is he afraid of his room? Does he sleep with a security item? Is he afraid of teh dark??

2007-02-27 05:43:40 · answer #10 · answered by *G* 3 · 0 0

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