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I am asking this because as a concerned american, removing our troops early could pose a problem. The democrats, against this war might pull our troops out before things have settled.

2007-02-23 06:44:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

11 answers

The president would have to agree with this or at least give into this pulling out. So if that happens.......Are you questioning the president of the united states during wartime? Isn't that just embolding our enemies. Why wouldn't you just accept the pullout as a good patriot should do because by questioning that decision you are in fact making yourself an enemy of America and once again embolding our enemies. You are either for us or against us ....If you go around questioning the government then you are against us and that makes you a terrorist

2007-02-23 07:07:24 · answer #1 · answered by snoopy22564 4 · 0 0

It Won't be another Vietnam. In the Vietnam War, Politicians Republicans and Democrats, Liberals and Conservatives were in the war rooms of are Generals. Now the only Politicians allowed in the War room is the President and the Secretary of War. In Vietnam, Pilots were not allowed to designate an attack targets until their was some AA defense up. They though that war had some sort of Chivalry or something. Now only the men that are trained to fight are allowed to make targets not some guy or girl in Congress. Yes they can pull the troops home, but they can't change the tactics used by are service men.

2007-02-23 14:19:59 · answer #2 · answered by MG 4 · 0 0

The anwser is doubtfully. The democrats have a very small margin in the congress. While they do hold the purse strings to the war, they have to pass that bill to revoke power of the president in both the US Hosue and US Senate by a majority (50+1). Then the bill goes to the President to sign, who will obviously veto the bill. Then it would take 2/3rds or (75%) of each house of congress to pass the bill. There's no way they could get (75%) of the 435 member house let alone the 100 member senate. That's even if they can get everyone to vote.

2007-02-23 06:54:33 · answer #3 · answered by redgralle 3 · 0 0

I am not democrat or republican but why do we think we have the corner on wisdom when it comes to this war? Every other country sees the writing on the wall of this being a total failure. That is why they are pulling out. What do we really hope to achieve by staying in this war?

I tell you what the devastation of Iraq's infrastructure and the loss of life will make the old days under Sadaam look like paradise.

I am all for patriotism and all that but ignoring our mistakes can be just as damaging as the mistakes if not more. The Iraqi people will not accept U.S. rule over them and that is why they are killing their own countrymen. They are killing the Iraqi population that has sided with their invaders. But of course the weaker population needs U.S. support to survive.

It is only a matter of time the U.S. we will have to pullout and the insurgents know this. In the mean while the insurgents are intimidating those that have sided with the U.S.. By the way siding with a foreign government that invaded your country is called treason in the U.S.

The insurgent’s forces are not worried about the U.S. Time is on their side. In the meantime the insurgent are putting pressure on the Iraqis they view as traitors. That is why they are killing their own. Let face it, the U.S is in the middle of an Iraqi civil war created by the invasion of Iraq.

Every other country understands it is now up to the Iraq people to solve their own political issues. We now have to leave it up to them to fight it out to see who wins power over Iraq. Whatever happens we just have to live with it and just protect our own borders and freedoms.

The U.S. pubic is too naive to see this. The war will haunt the Bushes for years to come. President Bush is hoping to pull a rabbit out his hat that will save his family's reputation at the expense of our country and the death of our soldiers.

2007-02-23 07:50:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Yes. They have in all past conflicts, especially vietnam which led to the slaughter of thousands of vietnamese, and they have shown intent of wanting to do it now. And unfortunately they may succede. I pray for those poor iraqis and Americans who will die because of a withdrawl. The blood is on your hands libs!
In the army infantry we got a sayin, it goes:

"Let the blood of the infantry run through you veins, because if it doesnt than the blood of the infantry will drip from your hands"

PS: These dems are actually willing to have the US LOSE WHAT COULD BE A 3rd WORLD WAR JUST TO PROVE BUSH WRONG! Priorities are all messed up if you ask me. Some even believe that hezbollah and the like are "freedom fighters" and that we are the onyl terrorists. My remedy is... shot in the face on site. But thats just me.

2007-02-23 06:50:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Operation Slow Bleed is the democrats attempt to create another Vietinam it is in their old play book. Once they humiliate us if they are allowed they will raise taxes and say we deserve it for starting an illegal war.

2007-02-23 06:50:57 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Yes. The Dem's. want to lose, simply, because they hate President Bush. Some of them don't even know why, it's follow the leader. Didn't you play that in grammar school?

2007-02-23 06:55:50 · answer #7 · answered by "El Padrino" 3 · 3 0

I don't think that they will be able to, although they will try. The President will veto any legislation that tries to transfer presidential powers to congress. They think that this will make them look good, politically. But I think it will backfire and hurt them in the long run.

2007-02-23 06:51:39 · answer #8 · answered by will2win 1 · 4 0

For what it's worth, this is my take on the over all situation.
We invaded Iraq not because Saddam was strong and an immediate threat but rather he was weak, problematic and control of Iraq and it’s resources would be strategically advantageous.
The tactical reasons are obvious. The Oil and Iraq’s strategic location from the stand point of military bases in order to control oil resources in the entire region.
The political motives are more complex.
Bush Junior and his cabinet for the most part objected to Bush senior leaving Sadam in power after the first Gulf war.
Sanctions started by Bush Sr. and carried on by two terms in office by Clinton had left Iraq in a terrible state in which corrupt government continued to prosper and carry out excesses against any that would oppose them, all the while at the expense of the people who perished to the tune of 1.5 million or more( mostly children) due primarily to lack of proper nutrition , lack of potable water, and lack of proper Medical attention all of which Saddam was able to blame on the West’s policy of Sanctions.
The motivation for them to carry out the invasion when they did and the way that they did was 9/11.
“Make hay while the sun shines”
Prior to 9/11 another major military invasion into Iraq was a hard sell to make to the American people.
In the words of PNAC (the Neo Conservative “ Project for the New American Century” ) an event on the order of Pearl Harbor was needed in order gain the public support required to do so .
So it was not so much because they thought Iraq was responsible for 9/11 but more because 9/11 enabled them to gain the public support they needed to carry out the invasion.
Again it was the OIL and Military bases they were/are ultimately after, WMD and Alkaeda connections were used as tools of propaganda and 9/11 served to justify and bolster the propaganda . IMHO The Administration felt confident it would be easy enough to find a couple of Al Kaeda members in the general population and enough WMD bits and pieces scattered about to back up their rhetoric once they demonstrated to the world that a thriving and secure Iraq was setting an outstanding model of Democracy in the Mid East.

Considering what actually developed out of all this the only honorable course of action left is that of reconciliation, reconstruction, and repairing the public security as best we can without overtly taking sides or trying to micro-manage a Civil War.
Unfortunately Iraqi’s have been left with little alternative but to fight it out till it burns out and some power emerges that restores public security.
This is not a solution but rather a situation that has arisen out of circumstance.
Plans of continuing on with overt demands for Private US oil exploitation, political manipulation and usury as a Military base of operations to expand the war on into Iran and Syria have been dashed by shear ineptitude, dishonesty and deceit carried out by the Administration.
Once some reasonable measure of public security is established the most we can ethically ask of the people of Iraq at this juncture is a reasonable guarantee that they will not engage in all the terrible untrue things we accused them of engaging in as a premise to blow their infrastructure and public security to smithereens in the first place.

2007-02-23 07:12:33 · answer #9 · answered by Daniel O 3 · 0 1

Yes, I am afraid that the 'cut and run' bunch will do just that and create another cowardly episode like 'Nam was.

2007-02-23 07:01:42 · answer #10 · answered by credo quia est absurdum 7 · 2 0

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