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I think not, as it's often used for negative reasons and that only entices the demons.

2007-02-23 05:52:27 · 21 answers · asked by I'm Sparticus 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

sTRIKE ME DEAD!!!!! I love 'God' but I have used 'Magic' in the past. Here we go again - everyone who is negative is so full of themselves. Try to be nice and be good.

2007-02-23 06:14:29 · update #1

I can assure you froggy... I know a little about 'magic'.. I wonder what you really know. But I will definitely agree with you about prayer - accept when it is blind.

2007-02-23 06:17:56 · update #2

Majhim... you may well be right. Come and leave in peace!! (spiritually speaking). I could challenge some - but I won't. Still let the children do their worse!

2007-02-23 06:21:53 · update #3

Pierre patelin: oh yes there is magic - I suggest you grow up

2007-02-23 06:23:18 · update #4

Virgo: Good prayer to help others will never harm you - providing your intentions are worthy.

2007-02-23 06:25:14 · update #5

I respect all with good intent, be they Christian , Jew, Muslim, Bhuddist, Hindu, wiccan and the hundreds of others not mentioned - even good atheists and agnostics. But it was only a question I asked - unless someone is looking for more.

2007-02-23 06:28:58 · update #6

Doony bu: I am very happy to learn you have found a sense of relaese after what sounds to me like a previous nightmare. I'm not attacking anyone here, I'm just raisng issues. Thanks for sharing your story and God bless to you (and everyone for that matter)

2007-02-23 06:32:45 · update #7

Mornig star: you call me crazy - and have ecery right to do so. But do you really think you are Satan?

2007-02-23 06:37:40 · update #8

Danksprit: what use are you with your consolationS: You may be honest = in which case i appologise and support you - but I feel you are simply alone and bitter. I don't have to justify who I am - God bless and be nice.

2007-02-23 07:37:53 · update #9

21 answers

are you talking "magic" as in illusions or "magick" as in the power of wicca? 15yrs ago I was delivered from Wicca. I was Satan's High Priestess and hell bound. Wiccans fool you into thinking it's all about love and they don't believe in satan. It's only until you are in so deep you can't get out that satan will show his ugly head. I am a surviver, I made it out but I have yet to meet anyone else who has made it out of this terrible religious belief. I didn't make it out unscathed..I have had many attempts made on my life because satan knows I know too much and I have a testimony that has went into many churches, the army and overseas. Want to know what "magick" cost me? a baby through tubal pregnancy, a hystorectomy, cancer, gallbladder, fibromyalgia, MS, degenerative disk disease, lesions on my brain, lesions on my lung, peptic ulcer disease, seizure, chronic pain, chronic itching, memory loss, the loss of my site 3 different times. This is a drop in the bucket of what I suffer daily. But praise God I am alive and I am saved. I beg you, don't take this lightly I have been there. Yes, magick works but it is not because of what was in me it was because satan heard what I was doing and he made it happen. That gave me a big ego and I got in deeper each time because I thought I had so much power. So if anyone out there is tempted to get into this...RUN!!!

2007-02-23 06:17:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Then I quess you don't know about wicca considering we don't believe in hell, or satin, therefor, we don't believe in demons.

Magic is neither good NOR bad, it's the users INTENT
I've never once in my life used magic to hurt, nor bend some ones will.
I have never tried to use magic as a cop out,. And every wiccan knows, that magic is no substitute fo life lessons.

Learn about a religion before you bash it,
makes you sound less ignorant.

I was not trying to be bitter,
I just don't like IT when mis-lead people think they got all the answers.
Doony, really wasn't with a lagit coven, so that person really doen't know what wicca really is, and truthfully, I don't have the answers either,
Like I said, it is good NOR bad,
it's the users INTENT.

Don't say ALL wiccans are like the occult, just becuse ONE coven got their facts mixed up.

I'm sorry if you view defending my beliefs as being bitter.

I would never want anyone to justify anything,
That's one of my beliefs, Live And let live.

But "don't spread lies about me, when you don't know me"

(and that last part is a quote, not directed to you personally.

Blessed Be)O(

2007-02-23 13:58:21 · answer #2 · answered by danksprite420 6 · 1 0

If you believe that your actually risking your soul then I'm sure it wrong but only because your stressing out. I have never tried magic and in truth don't really believe in it so all I see is someone putting some spices into a bowl and/or muttering to themselves. I don't see the destruction of their soul.

2007-02-23 13:59:29 · answer #3 · answered by honeyluvsyou2004 2 · 0 0

Hi, I guess if you believe that magic works than you're a wiccan? there are many religions that believe in magic, some call it voodoo, some call it santeria, take your pick. I am sure you can find a religion somewhere that believes in magic which doesnt find its use offensive.

Whether or not it actually exists is a matter of physics.

2007-02-23 13:55:51 · answer #4 · answered by Drew W 2 · 0 1

You just showed us that you know nothing about magic or the magical community.

The use of magic often times resembles a prayer. And other than the words used, is identical in practice. In some pagan ritual, they pray for the sick and dieing, the state of the planet, peace just like at a christian mass.

Do SOME people use magic for nastiness or negative reasons? Greed. Ego. Yes. But sometimes, so is prayer. "God, please let me win the lotto."

2007-02-23 13:55:09 · answer #5 · answered by froggypjs 5 · 3 2

Are you serious? First, there is no magic except what you see in the movies and second, if there was what the heck would it have to do with enticing demons and such. Grow up.

2007-02-23 13:57:13 · answer #6 · answered by Pierre Patelin Longshanks 2 · 0 1

are you a wiccan ? if you now magic is real , then why are so many people suffering ? I'm not saying God isn't real because i think he is but have you ever thought how God is real , were did he come from he couldn't have suddenly appeared with loads of brilliant powers . i need EVIDENCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-23 16:59:51 · answer #7 · answered by Niacht 1 · 0 0

Neither magic nor a soul exist. Grow up and quit with abusing fairy tales.

2007-02-23 14:00:34 · answer #8 · answered by Radagast97 6 · 0 0

by "magic" do you mean Jesus and Bible God? Yes, their magic isn't even real. Certainly not any risk to Soul. (soul food? soul music?) I agree with you, I'll take fried catfish, bbq ribs, cornbread and my Isaac Hayes album over ancient con-men and their so-called "magic" any day!

2007-02-23 14:02:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

muppet... witches have no beliefs in demnons, devils, stan or souls or any of that tripe.

Satanisisim is only the nasty side of Christinity

It aint the witches that used to go around torturing, burning alive etc.

see this http://members.lycos.co.uk/witchen/torchermethods.html

2007-02-23 15:44:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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