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Our boarder is being over-run by un-educated, un-skilled labor and no one cares. Why?

2007-02-23 05:13:16 · 26 answers · asked by Robert and Tanya 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

26 answers

Some people feel that illegal immigration is not a major concern. They support their opinions by denying the major problems on illegal immigration such as overpopulation and crime. Statistics show that illegal immigrants contribute to the increasing population. It's easier to turn the other way than to deal with the serious problems at hand.

It's a myth that the U.S. economy "needs'' more poor or unskilled immigrants. Business organizations understandably support guest worker programs. They like cheap labor and ignore the social consequences. What's more perplexing is why liberals support a program that worsens poverty and inequality.

It's said that guest workers are better than having poor illegal immigrants. With legal status, they'd have rights and protections. They'd have more peace of mind and face less exploitation by employers. This would be convincing if its premise were incontestable: that we can't control our southern border. But that's unproved. We've never tried a policy of real barriers and strict enforcement against companies that hire illegal immigrants. Until that's shown to be ineffective, we shouldn't adopt guest worker programs that don't solve serious social problems -- but add to them.

Those of you who don't take this as a serious issue or care about the future of this nation should consider moving 'cause you're in the wrong country.

2007-02-23 05:35:24 · answer #1 · answered by ♥ Scorpio X 3 · 3 1

unlawful immigration falls below those catagories. Our tax device is unbalanced by way of fact we've greater human beings right here than who's putting decrease back into taxes to help. Illegals are no longer putting into our tax device as the two by way of fact something of the human beings who stay and artwork right here legally. yet, the get the academic, scientific, and welfare counsel. weight problems is an indviuals warfare and should be controlled by utilising a individual and then figuring out the have a project. Unemployement, there's a huge variety of themes by way of outsourcing of jobs in specific industries, educations ranges, and employers hiring unlawful workers rather. social protection has been an argument for a protracted time, 10-15 years in the past there became a checklist that stated there became going to be no money left interior the sytem while i might turn of age to retire. It became a poorly planned software to being with. As with the warfare, there are a number of individuals who do no longer want this warfare, we've a project with the present administration and glaring themes touching on potential. Which seems to be a corrupt.

2016-09-29 12:46:11 · answer #2 · answered by linnon 4 · 0 0

Okay, let's get this whole thing straight...

1. For most of us, it's not about immigration, it's about ILLEGAL immigration.
2. Because a person is against illegal immigration does not make them racist.
3. It isn't a case of someone to work the jobs that Americans won't do. Biggest fallacy, lamest argument in the book.
3. The Native Americans didn't own this country when they came to it, and contrary to popular belief, N.A.'s didn't originate in the present U.S.
4. There were no immigration laws when Columbus hit the beach.
5. There are a lot of very intelligent, hardworking people in Mexico. Don't judge the whole country because a few bad ones found their way to the U.S.
6. It's like every other country - good people make the best for themselves where they're at, the bad ones (many times at least) try to take the easy route and go where the pickin's are easy.

2007-02-23 06:38:51 · answer #3 · answered by Spud55 5 · 1 1

Thank you for making the distinction between legal and illegal immigration, as most people fail to. I am a legal immigrant and I can see no good reason why anyone who wants to live here should be allowed to skip the immigration process, no matter how long they may have got away with it already.

Some may argue that there should be a statute of limitations on illegal immigrants. This makes no difference since they are breaking the law every day they are here, no just on the day that they arrived.

Many people care, some are doing things about it, but it needs a political resolution and not an individual resolution.

By the way, why do many of you answerers assume that the questioner is referring to Mexicans and not Canadians or other 'races' of illegals? YOU are making unfair, biased race distinctions, not the questioner.

2007-02-23 05:17:56 · answer #4 · answered by Dharma Nature 7 · 4 0

Most don't see it til its right next door, on both sides of them. The marchs last year opened a lot of eyes, maybe we need to see more of those, it might just open more eyes. Some just want to pretend that eveything is ok, kind of thinking, if I don't see it, it is not there. We may need to see the problem talked about in the news, less about lets say Iraq, this illegal immigration problem and what we do about it, will last for more than just our life times. We must get it right.

2007-02-23 06:31:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

first of all, its not the immigration part that you are complaining about its the ILLEGAL part. Immigrants have been coming to this country since before your time so get it straight. Second of all, why don't you just come out and say it, "mexicans" from Mexico are your problem. you sound prejudice so i'm not even going to argue with you. And it seems to me that you are the DOLT here because believe it or not some illegals are educated and know how to use a dictionary no matter what side of the "boarder" they are from. MORON.

2007-02-23 05:22:40 · answer #6 · answered by cynthia 2 · 2 3

un's typically don't have hyphens, kthx.

on top of that, the BORDER (spelling? heard of it?) isn't the problem.

our hospitals are being overrun (yep, no hyphen there either!) with people who are breeding uneducated children because they themselves are uneducated.

i think the best solution is just to not let people like yourself have babies. it would stop people from complaining because there would be enough room for immigrants.

i'm not for illegal immigration, however, they are humans, they have a right. and i know quite a few are a bit more educated than you are, sweetheart.

oh, and maybe they aren't so worried about it because there is a fcking war going on right now.

2007-02-23 05:23:28 · answer #7 · answered by stella 3 · 0 2

Un-skilled labor. Yeah there's no skill required to build this country's buildings, put roofs over them, and landscape beautiful gardens. Unskilled is sitting in front of a computer all day punching in numbers and pretty much not breaking a sweat.

2007-02-23 06:14:54 · answer #8 · answered by ReelTru 4 · 0 2

You people are making me sick.

It is possible to NOT be a racist and want to limit immigration (especially illegal immigration) into your country. Ask Mexico, they have a Draconian immigration policy which makes it a felony to be in Mexico without papers...

and for the guy who has his lawn, hamburger, and all of the other stuff done by immigrants ... Try getting up off of your LAZY A** and do something for yourself instead of underpaying unfortunate people to do everything for you

2007-02-23 06:55:20 · answer #9 · answered by Rick 4 · 2 1

If I were in the situation most of those illegal immigrant are in, I would come here too. I feel sorry for them, and even though it causes problems, many people do not feel these problems personally, or know what problems they cause, so they don't realize it's a problem at all. Most people's lives are not changed by immigrants, the only people who seem to be affected or know they are affected are the people who are in competition with the immigrants for jobs.

2007-02-23 05:19:09 · answer #10 · answered by krazy_chic6944 3 · 1 4

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