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All these Pit bull attacks within the past day or so. See google news link below. What do you think about pit bull attacks. SHould the dogs be euthanized immediately or kept for months in "corrections"? Should pit bulls be banned?


2007-02-22 17:41:42 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

23 answers

I know that people keep replying that it is not the dog it is the owners fault and hey I agree to a point. The sad thing about pit bulls is that they have such a bed reputation for being unpredictable and vicious but there are more attacks by labradors in a year than pit bulls. The reason why you dont hear about the lab attacks is because a lab attack is usually a single bite and nothing major. A pit bull on the other hand does a lot of damage and the attacks are always horrific - this is why the press gets hold of it and makes it front page news.

Having said that I would never trust a pit bull and would never own one, just for the risk that if it did attack you, you really wouldnt stand a chance - the dog would more than likely end up doing immense damage to you.

Blame the dog or blame the people - the end result is that 90% of the people attacked by a pit bull ARE NOT the owner. So 90% are just innocent people doing nothing and minding their own business and end up dead or horrifically scarred for life.

Not a good thing anyway you look at it.

2007-02-22 18:35:44 · answer #1 · answered by Mandy 3 · 2 5

Yes they should be banned. Pit bull type dogs have killed 9 people already this year. That's a horror story in itself, not to mention the maimings and dead pets that were brutally attacked. There is no reason for a dog to be favored or put above a humans life. Unsuspecting families need to be told the truth about these animals and the fact of the matter is you can't train genetics out of a breed of dog.

2015-04-25 13:36:55 · answer #2 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

All dogs who attacks with casue should be put down. That is what I told my neice when her 5 year chocolate lab attacked her son for no reason. That is what I told my friend when her golden retever ran out and bit a passer by for no reason. Most dogs do not just snap and attack but is dose happen. Here in the past three months there as been 12 chocolate labs that just snaped, one killing antoher family dog. There is a thing called K-9 rage, cause by years of inbreeding, any breed can become its victim most of the time only thing that can be done is put the dogs down. I read where you and your small dogs were attacked in a dog park by a pit. I feel for you, my pit was attack in a dog park by a chocolate lab. They are the problem breed here. Should we ban chocolate labs. Don't think so. What should happen is when dogs attacks if it is the owners fault the owner should go to jail and never be allowed to own another dog. The laws we have now if enforced can stop dangerous odgs and thier owners. I have said this before but you do not listen. In places where pit bans have been enacted pit attacks have gone down, but other breeds have gone up. Like trying to outlaw guns bans on dog breeds do not work and won't. When someone gose to death row because thier ill trianed and badly abused dog kills someone it will not stop. Today we bann pits, next it well be rotts, second choice of the a@@holes who trun pet into monsters, then GS, Akttas, bulldogs,mastiffs, and so till the only thing we have left are toy breeds.

2007-02-23 20:51:54 · answer #3 · answered by raven blackwing 6 · 1 2

Some of the so-called Pitbulls, aren't pitbulls but dog's identified as such by panicked onlookers.
Some are dogs handled by idiots who've watched one too many episodes of the "Dog Whisperer" and ignoring the disclaimer to not try this at home, get a pitbull and treat it the way Cesar Millan does when he's "rehabilitating" a known red zone dog. That is a sure way to make a dog vicious.
Some are dogs owned by idiots who don't have a clue how to raise and train a dog like a pittie.
Some are dogs raised in puppy mills and backyards, only to make money, with no eye towards breeding only the best tempered dogs.

Thousands more children are murdered by their own parents each year than by Pitbulls, or all dogs put together.

Save the children, ban parents.

2007-02-22 19:37:06 · answer #4 · answered by renodogmom 5 · 4 1

its not the dogs fault. its their owners fault for not being responsible. every owner of ANY dog should have them properly trained to do as you say. and every owner of ANY dog should supervise the dog when it is outside, even in a fenced in area. NO owner should train their dog t fight or bite someone unless it is a guard dog and is properly trained to do so. theres a thing called punish the DEED not the BREED. if their were more responsible dog owners out their there would be less bites. since the 1970 BSL has been happeneing to different kinds of breeds. the doberman, rottweiler, and german shepard. for the dog fighters if yu ban their breed of choice to put in the box they'll find another breed and people will try to ban that breed as well. put the dog fighters behind bars (dog fighting is a felony in all fifty states) things will be better. besides would you ban a certain race because of a few incidents where that race did something horrible? no you would only punish that one person who did something bad. in my county they tried to ban the pit bull breeds but it was ruled unconstitutional thankfully! otherwise i would lose my best friend who i have only got know since thanksgiving.

2007-02-23 09:06:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Ya know I have a question for you..............Why is it you won't let the pit bull breed alone? Like in one of my previous answers to you it is not the breed! I have met and am friends with people that have pit bulls and they aren't mean. I do not believe any breed should be banned. I think that people who want to own a dominant breed should be responsible for what their animal does. I have 2 rotties and I am 100% responsible for what they do. I trained them to be the way they are. I understand from some of your previous questions that your puppies were attacked by pit bulls but what was the whole situation as I have told you before I was walking my dog the other day and this dog came out of no where and bite my dog.....point being : IT IS NOT THE BREED!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-22 18:07:27 · answer #6 · answered by totallyserious29 2 · 4 2

I think we have more of a problem with ignorance than attacks. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but if you've never own an American Pit Bull Terrier then you've got your impressions screwed. Do some research, resist ignorance - educate and inspire.

"The ONLY reason pit bulls exist is to fight and kill other dogs in illegal dog fight contests." Sorry, sir, that's incorrect. APBT's were, in fact originally bred to fight, but they no longer "ONLY" exist for that reason. Has it ever occured to you that they are bred for the many reasons other dogs are bred for? (What are you thinking, Amanda? Of course not.)

"Should pit bulls be banned?" Only the most ignorant person would ask that. And it takes a person with even more ignorance (Jesus help them) to say they'd shoot any pit they saw. You know, we can help the breed and help it's bad rap, but we can help cure ignorant people.

That's what this entire issue is surrounded with. Ignorant people who haven't actually experienced the love of an APBT and spread negatives about this specific breed because everyone else is doing it. Like I mentioned before: Do some research, resist ignorance - educate and inspire.

2007-02-23 01:25:11 · answer #7 · answered by 2 · 4 1

sensationalised media hype. did dogs never bite before pit bulls appeared? i've had bad experiences with (a very few) dogs. 2 were border collies, 1 airedale terrier & 1 west highland terrier. pit bulls have never so much as raised their hackles at me or anyone i know. the dogs in question should be put through intensive obedience & socialisation training, if this fails, then euthenasia should be considered.
as for the entire breed being banned, absolutely not. the vast majority are well raised & well behaved animals. every animal (even rodents, rabbits, horses etc) will bite/kick/scratch if it feels threatened. should we eradicate every species with the potential to cause injury? that so, animals only attack for a (in their eyes) good reason, be it defence of self or territory. we humans, however, inflict injury & misery on all living things, including each other, for some sort of twisted pleasure in the suffering of others. so, if such an extreme reaction is justified on the aggression of an almost infinitessimal percentage of a certain dog breed, it could be well argued that a cull on humans of, say, 60 - 75%, is a viable, if not required, option. remember!!! no bad dogs. only bad owners.

2007-02-22 18:50:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

The dog in the picture isn't even an American Pit Bull Terrier. It is an American Bulldog. The reason there are so many "pit attacks" is twofold:
1) They are one of the most popular dogs in the US. Look up dog license stats.
2) many dogs are just mislabeled and a good portion of dogs that attack people are not even pit bulls or pit mixes.

Think you know what a Pit Bull looks like? Have at it:

You are never going to hear about the thousands of APBTs that don't attack. There are quite a few of them that work with police and government agencies as detection dogs, search and rescue, and yes, believe it or not they are getting plenty of work as service dogs. KingTootingLackOf CommonSense just likes to stir up the monkeys. Look at the answers he gives in other dog questions, not much dog knowledge to speak of but speak he does. The fact that there is so much noise about banning dogs while the number of people seriously injured or killed by dogs NOTHING as compared to those seriously wounded or killed guns is proof of how skewed peoples priorities are.

2007-02-22 18:40:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Pitt bulls are banned in my city, although dog owners who had pitt bulls before the band must have them on a leash and muzzel at all times outside or they will be fined $500.00.
It had been proven that pitt bulls have a chemical imbalance when they reach the age of 4 or older and some are even fine and no problems. That is why there are stricked rules with owning such a dog where I live. Although people say it on how you raise your dogs, somewhat true, but there have been hundreds of studies on certain breeds of dogs such as pitt bulls rating the highest dangers dog.
If there is no laws in your city with having a pitt bull and your pitt attached somebody it all depends on how severe the dog attack was and in most cases it will be put down. If the dog just bite somebody then they will be sent to the animal control for a week or 2 until they can run test stating that the dog is up to date with its shots and it is not abnormal.
The researchers get paid the big bucks to resolve issues, so i would believe them then people just assuming.

2007-02-23 02:54:39 · answer #10 · answered by Tammy 3 · 0 4

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