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Liberals seem to enjoy the kaos they incite on freedom, but are they ready and willing to defend freedom's they were given, when the Islam extremist come to convert them ?

2007-02-22 17:34:09 · 26 answers · asked by Sketz 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

by most of the response's by liberals as i thought you can just read the hate in most as much as ignurnt resposes they from what i have read will end up with no head or convert to slave for the extremist with their idiotology. There's still time to change . for one of you they already are in this country moron wake up and get your head outa the sand before it end's down there permenatlly this will be you SKY

2007-02-23 00:03:21 · update #1

as for you dark rec or what ever you call yourself you will be sorry if you don't start to think like you have a brain but like i said all you lib will cut and run like therest of the liberal that want to distroy out country

2007-02-23 00:07:36 · update #2

that go's for the dead eox as ell he'll cut an run while the hellhound chase'm down to take off his head

2007-02-23 00:09:27 · update #3

that go's for the dead fox as well he'll cut an run while the hellhound chase'm down to take off his head to wakeup you moron's and truely see whats going on around the world as for my grammar i'm a product of a liberal school system

2007-02-23 00:11:58 · update #4

Now myself and alot of real American's can see what the Liberal's are really about by some of the answer's that i have got'n thank's for showing us your true color Yellow :))

2007-02-25 11:47:49 · update #5

26 answers

If you want to pay your Kaffir tax, or get your hands and feet chopped off, or have your family sold into slavery, or be forced to worship a different religion, don't read this.

A Proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding
By Sam Solomon
Foreword by Gerard Batten
UK Independence Party
Member of the European Parliament for London
December 2006

Article 9

We the signatories request all Islamic institutions and all of its
associates, affiliations and outlets in co-operation with the
signatories to this Charter:

a) To discard all texts that discriminate with impunity against
Christians and Jews by describing them as Kaffirs,
apostates, polytheists, the children of apes, and swine, and
prohibit any inciting, insulting, and all discriminatory
references based on their religion

b) To abandon the practice of Takffir (infidel) against
anybody, be that a Muslim or a non-Muslim. (Once a
Muslim leader declares anyone as such, it is for the faithful
ones to see that person eliminated.)

c) To prohibit and abolish the practice of Takkiya (Islamic
doctrine of legitimate lying and deception of others) to
advance the cause of Muslims and Islam.

This insulting, inciting, discrimination, and deception is not to be
upheld or practised.

Here is a good, peaceful, British man trying to get the violent, fundamentalist Islamanazis to moderate their self-destructive behaviors, and they aren't having any of it. What Mr. Solomon still hasn't accepted is that FANATICS of ANY flavor CANNOT be negotiated with--they are ideologically incapable of adjustment to a changing world--that's what makes them fanatics! THEY WILL NEVER STOP! They are locked into their course of action. Islamunists kill their own people who try to convert to another religion and philosophy.

Not ONE Islamic nation's government supports this peace proposal!! They don't want it. They want world homogeneity, as defined by them, and brought about by reprehensible actions in the name of 'religion'. This is EVIL!

Unfortunately, there aren't too many EFFECTIVE ways to deal with homocidal fanatics. Why waste time, money and lives on INEFFECTIVE appeasment? It just delays the day of Jihad.

Islamic terrorists KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE! Now, I love peace and freedom as much as the next guy. But sometimes it's necessary to pull our heads out of our 'idealss', band together in spite of religious, political and national differences, and put foot to hump for all mankind.

PLEASE, think up a peaceful solution that includes my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, without my living in constant fear of a terrorist act killing or maiming my little girls. Even if it costs a little more money than nuking the evil 'tards that want to violently overthrow everything I believe in, if it will save other human life, I'll agree to it. Just remember, it MUST be EFFECTIVE. Also, remember that Palestinian Islamanazis won't even recognize Israel as a legitimate government. They support the extermination of all Israeli Jews, and actively practice Jihad. So, once again, tell me how to take care of this problem.

2007-02-22 17:36:55 · answer #1 · answered by Dorothy and Toto 5 · 4 3

This is a ridiculous non-question' The world is against the purpose of the war so don't look for back up from that sector. The USA does not have the qualified soldiers to fight a war where you would need at least one million or more men and women, let alone the money to finance such an effort. There are maybe one million in the war sector ready to give their life to protect their lands. This is no game the USA is stuck in. We have stepped into the middle of a holy war. My question, do you think the USA has the manpower to continue to fight in a war that has been in progress for hundreds of years. If the USA was to continue to stay involved with a war in progress we would be somewhere near the end of this century before we could take enough of a breath to figure out what the hell have we wasted our time over. Get on with refining other power generation sources to run our countries power needs.

2007-02-22 18:54:19 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i guess it would entirely depend on my other choices. if as you suppose the islamists take over then would we finally have peace in the nation? i would say yeah, i would happily convert if it would stop the stupidity. we live in a country that is almost not worth saving, i used to love being an american, now i am ashamed, and accusing a liberal of cowardice is dishonorable. you seem to have a one sided view, so i will rephrase the question to you instead. do the followers of george w. bush feel they have a right to impede on all other peoples and cultures? do they feel small enough ( genitals ) to need to play who has the bigger one. i sir, voted for bush and have regretted it ever since.

2007-02-22 18:53:44 · answer #3 · answered by Joe S 2 · 0 0

To answer the question. NO

Although as a LIBERAL and an American, I know what REAL FREEDOM and LOVE OF COUNTRY is so I would not restrict any person's right to select whatever religion they want, unlike extremists fascist Christians that think they should rule the world and THINK God told them to do this.

2007-02-23 05:19:46 · answer #4 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 2 1

Would you still live in America If Islam took over ... ? Never gonna happen. TIETO: "Do we get some say in the government?" I think you can assume the first thing they would do is burn The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights. So NO.

2016-03-29 08:14:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


Your grammar is horrible by the way.

I don't think you can claim that liberals don't like their country when you can't even write the language that the country does.

Frankly, you don't understand liberal views or want to. Maybe if you learned to be more open minded you would have a better argument than this recycled trash.


Once again you're wrong. I'm a liberal who isn't for pulling out of Iraq. But thanks for proving me right. You have no understanding of me or the views of liberals. All you want is to waste time on this site getting out your anger. Your'e a disgrace to people who debate politics.

2007-02-22 17:41:31 · answer #6 · answered by ? 5 · 4 1

What makes you think Islam is taking over the United States in the first place?

It's not.

Grow up and start thinking with a clear head. All this hatred and xenophobic behavior about Muslims will just end up destroying only one person in the end: YOU.

2007-02-22 19:08:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Edit -

Maybe you should withhold calling anyone stupid until you can demonstrate more than the simple parrot-like mimicking of words you do not really understand and concepts you are unable to comprehend.

You are aware that EVERY non-partisan expert in the historical/contemporary culture and geopolitics of the Middle East predicted the precise failure that that Bush has achieved? Did you really think you knew more than all of the them?

When will you people grow up and act like adults by taking responsibility for your own buffoonery and quit trying to blame everyone and everything else? Afghanistan and Iraq are failures because Bush (and, by extension, those who elected him) represents that segment of the American public that is simultaneously ignorant, arrogant, pathologically narcissistic, and sociopathic.

You are as wrong about everything you think and believe to be true as you are about Iraq and Bush. That would be unnerving for a person with any intelligence.

2007-02-22 17:38:18 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

No one can come here and stays alive to conquer our land! At this time, 99% of us will fight to death to protect our motherland! The way the liberals handle thing may be odd, stupid or selfish or based on narrowed view - but they do love this nation!

2007-02-22 18:32:10 · answer #9 · answered by holyfire 4 · 0 1

This is a ridiculous, uneducated, uninformed question.
Grow up.
Come up with a serious, well thought out, un-biased question and maybe I'll come up with a serious answer.

By the way, it's CHAOS.

There IS a spell check on this.

2007-02-22 18:22:19 · answer #10 · answered by dark_reaction 3 · 4 0

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