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I know that Satan was an angel, and then he led a revolt of some sort against God. One third of the angels were on his side. And they were all cast out.

Can someone tell me what passages in the Bible give an account of this story?

And... what are the theological explanations of this event? How is it that God could create a heavenly race (which we assume he did) only to have some of those being turn against him?

2007-02-22 17:15:31 · 11 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

In ancient Jewish tradition Satan is simply an angel doing the work that God assigned to Satan to do.

The word Satan means challenger. With the idea of Satan challenging us, or tempting if you will. This description sees Satan as the angel who is the embodiment of man's challenges. This idea of Satan works closely with God as an integral part of Gods plan for us. His job is to make choosing good over evil enough of a challenge so that it becomes clear to us that there can be only one meaningful or logical choice.

Contrast this to Christianity, which sees Satan as God's opponent. In Jewish thought, the idea that there exists anything capable of setting itself up as God's opponent would be considered polytheistic or setting up the devil to be an equally powerful polarity to god or a demigod.

Oddly, proof for The Christian satan/devil mythology is supposedly found in the ancient Jewish texts that were borrowed to create the bible. One can’t help but wonder how Christians came up with such a fantastically different interpretation of Gods assistant Satan in their theology.

Other hints about Satan’s role in human relations can be seen if you look at the name Lucifer. It’s meaning in the original tongue translates as Light bearer or light bringer. Essentially the bringer of enlightenment. The temptations of the Satan idea bring all of us eventually into Gods light. Hardly the Evil entity of Christian mythology.

Love and blessings

2007-02-25 03:21:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Satan’s fall from heaven is described in Isaiah 14:12-14 and Ezekiel 28:12-18. While these two passages are referring specifically to the king of Babylon and the King of Tyre, they also reference the spiritual power that was behind those kings - Satan. In regards to when Satan fell, these passages describe why Satan fell, but they do not specifically say when the fall occurred. What we do know is this: the angels were created before the earth (Job 38:4-7). Satan fell before he tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden (Genesis 3:1-14). Satan’s fall, therefore, must have occurred somewhere after the time the angels were created and before he tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Whether Satan’s fall occurred a few minutes, hours, or days before he tempted Adam and Eve in the garden, Scripture does not specifically say.

Why did Satan fall from Heaven? Satan fell because of pride. He desired to be God, not to be a servant of God. Notice the many "I will..." statements in Isaiah 14:12-15. Ezekiel 28:12-15 describes Satan as an exceedingly beautiful angel. Satan was likely the highest of all angels, the most beautiful of all of God's creations. Satan was not content in his position. Instead, Satan desired to be God, to essentially "kick God off His throne" and take over the rule of the universe. Satan wanted to be God, and interestingly enough, that is what Satan tempted Adam and Eve with in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-5). How did Satan fall from Heaven? Actually, a fall is not an accurate description. It would be far more accurate to say that God cast Satan out of Heaven (Isaiah 14:15; Ezekiel 28:16-17).

2007-03-02 16:10:13 · answer #2 · answered by hradz 1 · 0 0

what you asked will take time to explain.

Well first of all, who said that God created some kind of Heavenly race? you make it sound as if he was building up some kind of army. second, you can not call a sole or an angel a type of race. third, who ever said, That God created them. I believe that God did not created the sole only the body he created on earth to incase the sole.

Satan was a very powerful angel.(( but for example)) ( lets say that this young boy was a kings first son. but soon the King dies, the boy becomes the King. this Boy soon finds that he has power over all others, so he began to do what ever he wanted, he felt as if he was so much better than everyone that he soon felt he could do anything at all. so he began to have some of his people killed, no reason but just for fun, and to show that he could .soon he becomes worse he wanted to take over another country. he did and in doing so, he gave each person that was captured a choice, to join his army or die. the king felt that was not good enough, he craved more power, so he marched on, so he moved his army across the lands destroying every thing or any one that would not surrender to him. as his army grew bigger and stronger he felt even stronger, but craved more power. still that did not make him happy. he wanted more and more power. soon he began calling himself a GOD. as they move on. he sees this man walking down a dirt road, the King orders the man to move off the road for he is the great King. the man was not afraid or impressed by this King. so he took his time walking off the road. the king becomes very angry at him. he had this man put in chains and brought to him. this King asked him why he was not afraid of the Greatest GOD, and King of this Earth.

He wanted to know, what gave this person the nerve to stand up against him. this man told him, No' you are not my king, and you are not my GOD, nor are you my King. for my God, and my King is the strongest of all others. this made the new King very angry.
and very jealous.. as he came to the other Kings land. he then sends a message to the other king. telling him the same thing he told all the others. Surrender to me or die. the man that took the message soon came back, also with a message from the other King. the message read, I SHALE NEVER SURRENDER TO EVIL.

I have a large Island out in the sea. we shall fight there.)

Do you understand now. How Satan became Evil with the greed of power and jealously and the hunger for power would only become worse from the Greed of even more power. it would never stop his hunger for more.

If you can understand this example. that is the best way I can see to explain it. but too, understand the ways of man do not change that much as in that of a sole. for a sole is the true man.

if you can understand this so far, let me finish. the Island is an example for the Earth. and the example for power is soles.
So you can see now there is a war going on against good and evil. but not for power. ( for what is power? the power as I said is the soles. But then the soles are also the power.) because the more soles you may get the stronger you become. but at the same time as the soles are being separated into their right places. at the same time God is setting up a great Kingdom for his soles, Satan knows he will lose, the war. it has already been foretold. but he is corrupted with so much greed for power, he will try and take all he can with him. for he knows he will need to have as many soles as he can get to keep this hunger for power, the way he wants. the more the better.

but at the end of the war, there will be a Great judgment. and God will separate the Good from the Evil. in which God will cast Satan and all his soles into the Lake of Fire. to Burn forever. as God takes his Angels to their great Kingdom in Heaven.

So if you have ever heard the Lords prayer. what does it tell you?

And I am sorry, for the long story, but that was the only way to explain. and believe me, I do not like writing this much.

2007-03-02 06:12:13 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

Well, I found some book on the yahoo website called the dark side, but the story I remember is that Satan was one of Gods Angles and God loved him very much and gave him every thing until this angle decided he didn't need God, he decided He was God, and that is when the Lord put a halt to it and then , oh yea, (Lucifer) was no longer considered his angle who would reign in Heaven , but he will live in agony and sorrow, and in charge of the mass of people who were given chance after chance, but chose not to believe, and ask Jesus, or god into their lives.

2007-03-02 06:28:13 · answer #4 · answered by nadine_forbear 3 · 0 0

Well, God gave Satan a lot of power and a lot of knowledge, so he though he was as good or better than God, but God said, I created you so you can't be better than me. God has eternal knowledge and power and knew it was bad for Lucifer to think he had that too, So God cast him out because Lucifer Had PRIDE in himself!

Well that's not all but you get the idea.

2007-02-22 17:24:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jehovah gave all his intelligent creation the gift of free will.Satan however misused his gift.He craved the worship that belonged to Jehovah and tricked the first human pair into disobedience.(Genesis chapter 3)
In the account of the angels of Noah's day.These too misused their gift of free will by acting on the improper thoughts and desires they were developing by watching the women on the earth.(Genesis chapter 6)
The account in Rev.12:9 tells us that after Jesus became King of God's heavenly Kingdom one of his first tasks was to cleanse the heavens of all the rebellious and disobedient angels of which Satan was the leader.There the Bible tells us that war broke out in heaven and Satan and his demons lost and were thrown out of heaven,to the vicinity of the earth.
Even though Jehovah created these angels perfect,as he did with Adam and Eve.By giving them the gift of free will,ie the right to make their own decisions,he allowed them to choose for themselves whether they wanted to serve him or not.Jehovah has bestowed this gift upon all of his human creation as well.And many today choose not to worship Jehovah and decide for themselves what course they want to take.

2007-02-27 01:33:16 · answer #6 · answered by lillie 6 · 0 0

God is all-encompassing existence, so everything dwells within in God's Being, but to the divided parts only the allusions appear. Example, Lucifer mean "light bearer", while Satan, which is Lucifer cast to earth, means lusting one, obsessed, oppressor etc.

That is, Satan is partial, and has selfish preferences, is lacking, not included, not equal to etc. [which is what sin is in the literal], but God is all-embracing, does not lack, does not love one over another. Even though some are of greater endowments, St. Peter over Stalin for example, but God is inclusive of all degrees, its what holy means, to be whole, complete etc.

Being One, God can't deem one degree as preffered except relative to themselves, because when thought of in God, all are equal because God is not divided or partial... So Christ is better than us to us, but God loves equally, but Christ is most like God so can partake of that love and what it engenders more ablely than we, so proves Christ is more receptive, and relatively more good, even though there is one good, that is God...

God bless, and the wisdom of the Kingdom of Love descend, and your rational soul ascend, even though all movement is stillness, and done for God, Eternal, everlasting.

Allah'u'Abha [God is all-glorious]

2007-02-22 19:35:15 · answer #7 · answered by Gravitar or not... 5 · 0 0

Rev 12:3 And there regarded yet another ask your self in heaven; and behold a great pink dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and 7 crowns upon his heads. Rev 12:4 And his tail drew the third area of the celebs of heaven, and did forged them to the earth: and the dragon stood in the previous the female which became waiting to be further, for to eat her new child as quickly because it became born. Rev 12:5 and he or she further forth a guy new child, who became to rule all international locations with a rod of iron: and her new child became caught up unto God, and to his throne. Rev 12:6 And the female fled into the desert, the place she hath a place arranged of God, that they could desire to feed her there one thousand 2 hundred and threescore days. Rev 12:7 And there became warfare in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, Rev 12:8 And prevailed no longer; neither became their place stumbled directly to any extent further in heaven. Rev 12:9 And the great dragon became forged out, that previous serpent, noted as the devil, and devil, which deceiveth the entire worldwide: he became forged out into the earth, and his angels have been forged out with him. "Stars" are angels in prophecy. Rev a million:20 The secret of the seven stars which thou sawest in my maximum appropriate hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.

2016-09-29 12:20:42 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Try the last part of the book of Job when he and God were sort of having a debate

2007-02-22 17:20:03 · answer #9 · answered by Kye H 4 · 0 0

"I shall exalt my throne above the stars of God." Have a look at Job.

2007-02-22 20:09:03 · answer #10 · answered by Iron What? 6 · 0 0

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