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iv been a christian for as long as i can remember. i was even the only worship leader for a while until i met my boyfriend and we moved in togather. and now when i pray i dont feel his spirit. is he made at me? am i going to hell? how do i get back with God and still have a relationship with my boyfriend with out moving out or braking up

2007-02-22 17:05:38 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

Sounds to me you already know what the answer to your question is! God loves you. But you know the commandments. It is worse for a person who knows the commandments to break them than it is for one who doesn't know them. We are held at a higher standard because we have been taught the truth. And so your delemna! If you want to get back with God then you need to be with the boyfriend on Gods terms. Is marriage a possibility?

2007-02-22 17:14:14 · answer #1 · answered by Carolyn T 5 · 1 0

Yes He still loves you.

God hasn't left you dear, you've left Him. It sounds like there might be a bit of idolatry going on with your boyfriend. God clearly states in Deuteronomy 5 that He is a jealous God and will tolerate no other gods before Him. By moving in with your boyfriend, you are ignoring all of God's commandments regarding marriage. If your moving out would cause your boyfriend to break up with you, then it's probably a good idea to go ahead and break up with him. A godly young man would understand. You are actually struggling between choosing something transitory (for everything on the earth is, God has said He will destroy it one day) ie your place with your boyfriend over your place with God. There really shouldn't be this much of debate.

That feeling of "Where did God go?"Well, that's a little taste of Hell. It's the divine equivalent of God saying "Talk to the hand." But believe Him when He says He loves you. He does. He died so you may live. He wouldn't have gone through all of that just to say "nope, sorry, this sin was too much and I've changed my mind, you're not saved after all," No, the Lord's promises are eternal. There wasn't anything you did to earn salvation, it was a gift freely given. As such, there is nothing that you can do to loose the love and salvation of the Father, the Son or the Holy Spirit. By not obeying, you are embracing sin and creating the distance between you. God can remove the sins, but if He just did that, would you grow in your walk with Him?

I know how painful this is. I have a similar situation myself. Please know I will pray for you and your young man.

2007-02-23 02:14:33 · answer #2 · answered by gentlewoman_of_god 2 · 1 0

Dear African Qu..You'll never be content or at peace until you face the truth, you say you are a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, well, then you must know that you are to marry IN THE LORD,right? So if your a Christian, why have you surrendered to the lusts of the flesh? You must know fornication is sin, and can only produce destruction in your life, so , why are you asking, how you can get back with God, and still live with your boy friend? Perhaps you never were truly born again of the Spirit of The Living God! It sounds like you don't even have a grasp or are convicted of your displeasure to your heavenly Father. If this is the case, you must be born again, confess your sins and ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit, He will give you a new heart and spirit so you can DISCERN between good and evil, life and death, blessing and cursing. Dear one you must repent which means, return to the high place, turn around, change your mind, where is your 1st love is it The Lord or your boy friend?Dear one, you are at a cross road, you have a choice to make, The Lord can never bless your wrong choices, that's why we are called to for sake the old man, and put on the new man hidden with God in Christ. You are no longer your own, you've been bought with a price right? Or does that not seem right to you? If it doesn't than you may not truly be born again, Christians still battle against the flesh, and the old nature, but a true believer always calls sin, sin, and wont call evil good, or good evil. Do you know the difference? Dear one you must decide in your heart, do you want The love of The Lord in you life and heart and mind? Do you want to know Him intimately? I set before you this day life and death, blessing and cursing, now, choose this day whom you will serve? Trust in The Lord with all your heart, lean not to your own understanding,in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path. Please dear one pick up your Bible and read about your Father in John,read all the new test. Psalms,and PROVERBS for Gods wisdom in your life. If you struggle and need more help, and need to talk, my address is..oneabba1son1spirit@yahoo.com, my name is Tina, and I'm asking The Father as we speak to open your eyes, heart, ears, and mind to the truth, and the wonderful word,and revelation insights, that come only as we soak in His presence. And seek Him as a hidden treasure, than The Holy Spirit will direct you and the husband He choses for you into each others arms, and in all honesty isn't that really what your heart desires? Don't settle for temporal fulfillment, Your Father wants all you can hope and imagine, which always turns out to be in accordance and harmony with the wonderful counsel of His word in purity,in goodness, long suffering,faith,joy,peace,meekness ,temperance, and love, love is always living sacrificial and giving what is right and true even if it means you may loose that persons friendship because of your stand to honor God outwardly and on purpose, and often to your own personal hurt. Dear one, please choose The The Lord tonight, and pursue Him no matter what your feeling, you'll find as you do His will , feelings and self respect will flood your soul and spirit. Trust, The Good Shepard, The great I Am, The First and the Last, only He knows the end from the beginning.Only believe, and decide, have a thoughtful evening Dear heart, !! You have much to ponder!

2007-02-23 02:22:16 · answer #3 · answered by In Light 3 · 0 0

God still loves you. God is love, and God always loves. AND you're not going to hell if you believe in Jesus. He will forgive you if you ask for it...but it must be with some repentence. You need to do some things in obedience to God and His word to begin to feel the Spirit and feel close to Him again. You need to think about where your sin is getting in the way of your relationship with God. And if you put your relationship with your boyfriend ahead of your relationship with God then it becomes trouble. You need to talk with your boyfriend about this and make some decisions either to not live together or to get serious about marriage...also you need to get back to doing the things that grow a healthy, GOD CENTERED relationship. If you truly love him and he truly loves you, your boyfriend should understand. ALSO a bit of advice, find an older, godly woman that you trust and discuss your feelings with her. A family member, or someone that you know can continually give you some good counsel and speak some truth in your life. Then...get involved in a church...and get your boyfriend there too!


2007-02-23 01:17:35 · answer #4 · answered by Keith H 2 · 0 0

Yes he does dear!
Jesus came to earth and died for all of our sins because he loves us all more than anything. Repent is the way to reclaim the Holy Spirit you feel you are missing. That means stop doing the things you know in your heart are wrong. You can still have a relationship with a man you are not married to. But, you need to be honest with him and yourself about your true feelings. Talk to your boyfriend and tell him how you feel. Do good things and help others. Forgive people who don't treat you as you like to be treated and keep hatred out of your heart. Old Folks will tell you "Don't go to bed Mad at your loved ones" and God Bless you.

2007-02-23 01:58:27 · answer #5 · answered by Craig B 2 · 1 0

No one can bring you close to God, except the Holy Spirit. I've gotten the feeling of guilt in your statement regarding you being with your boy friend,

but your righteousness/believing in Him it is the relationship between you and the Lord Jesus Christ. Please understand no man can predict where your soul may go no matter what you do on earth. If anyone claim that you are bound to hell, then he or she is a liar. Your boy friend is not equal to God! You can't say how can I steal money or kill someone purposely and be with God!? You have to choose.

If this is about you staying with your boy friend and committing fornication, if you love him and he loves you, then marry him.

You know in your heart what you must do. Don't let people judge your situation and think that's security by their advice they give to you. Each of us have our own relationship with Christ. I promise I will pray for you!

God Bless

2007-02-23 01:31:32 · answer #6 · answered by tony 6 · 0 0

Honey, God loves us before, during and after we mess up.

We move away from Gods will for us, he does not move away from us.

You will feel Gods spirit again, but you know in your heart that you need to "get right" with God. Stop what you are doing that is against Gods will. This does not mean to break up with your boyfriend or even to move out, it means make the relationship right in the eyes of God, marry the man.

2007-02-23 01:17:42 · answer #7 · answered by cindy 6 · 0 1

You should move out of the house with your BF. God wants us to be married before we live with someone. If you repent, of course God will forgive you. But you need to choose between living with your BF or obeying the Lord. I know these decisions are hard, but Jesus knows what is best for us. I know how you feel, sometimes you just want to do things our way, but i have found that when I do things my own way, it all turns out bad. If your BF truly loves you, he will respect that you are living for God and he live let you move and continue the relationship.

2007-02-23 01:13:13 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My understanding is that God IS love. Maybe you just need to discover if you are feeling just a little guilty about giving love to your boyfriend in a physical way and thus 'taking away your love from God'. I believe God is Love and forgiveness. If you still love God and love your boyfriend and intend to keep your relationship going, then I think maybe all you need to do is forgive and love yourself and your boyfriend and keep on loving each other. God KNOWS your heart and loves you. Just because you turned to your boyfriend doesn't mean you turned away from God. You have evidently been a very strong Christian but remember even Christians need love and the God who loved us so much that he gave his only son to save us, would not turn away from one who loves him.

2007-02-23 01:25:10 · answer #9 · answered by Lassie 2 · 0 1

Of course God will always love you- there is nothing that we can do or not do to cause Him to love us more or less- HOWEVER- there are things we can do to hinder our relationship with Him. How does God feel about you living with your boyfriend? He cannot be pleased with that- that is why you do not feel close to God as you pray, like you used too. Being a Christian does not mean you can do anything you please and please God. His love for you is unending and unchanging, but you cannot expect your relationship to be close if you not obeying Him. You do not have to break up with your boyfriend, but you cannot live with Him. One question is he a believer? If not, what does God say about being unequally yoked? If you desire to talk more, please email me.

2007-02-23 01:22:36 · answer #10 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 1 0

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