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Once again, I am not trying to bash these religions, I only seek answers. I am curious as to, specifically, what magick is used for, what it looks like, types of magick, etc. because I have only seen "magic" in videogames. Can someone please explain about it in reality?

2007-02-22 16:47:54 · 11 answers · asked by Omer 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

i could write for 3 days and not scratch the surface of that one.

but in general. Magic is like a very focused Prayer.

sometimes we spend days to get every aspect of our prayers right. we do not pray in a casual manner there is a ritual that is almost always intricate, and can be from 5 minutes to several hours long. most are in the 20 minute range though.

there is natural magic which is shaping natural energy into a desired effect.

we do not throw fireballs or change our appearance. most of it has to do with removing negative energy from our lives and bringing positive energy to our lives.

Black magic, is usually considered by us as magic or prayer that is done in a negative manner. Asking for the downfall of a rival, etc. really it is anything that would be sent out to somebody that they do not wish to recieve. I view the idea of praying that a person will be turned to your specific religion in this category.

white magic is usually used to put a "good"descriptor on magic. and to tell people that you do not do curses/negative magic.

but many see all magic as intent. what was your intent when you cast the spell or said the prayer? and that will decide if it is positive (white) magic or negative (black) magic.

i felt left out on the e-mail invitation, all good answers, it is noce to see knowlege being shared, you are all free to e-mail me to share knowlege or ask for mine.
(i have sick family so take no offense if i take some time to get back to you)

2007-02-22 17:00:06 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

The same reason you probably fell over the first time you tried riding I bike and why your first cake likely went flat or got burnt or whatever. A spell isn't just like pushing buttons on a computer. There's a lot of nuance to it. You have to be in tune with the energies that you're using...and you have to be of strong enough will to overcome obstacles. (No matter how practices you are, you're not going to bring someone back from the dead, or spontaneously learn Spanish, or cast fireballs) Working magic is about _understanding_ magic. Sometimes you've got the knack to work one type of spell, but not another, and so on and so forth.

2016-03-15 23:50:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In Ásatrú there is two main types of magick.
Galdr makes use of runology (the study and use of Runes) on the basic levels at least.It is the practice of shaping the inner and outer world in accordance with the will of the galdrworker.Inspiration and wisdom are called upon in this practice on many levels.In a way,it is the ultimate study of the larger body of transpersonal knowledge (ie the knowledge one has/gains through the realization that there is more out there than just the immediate self and surroundings).One hears and understands the voices of these forces and then puts them to work in the world.The ultimate example of this is the relationship between Odhinn and his Ravens.
In the galdr,you use mind,memory,and divine inspiration as a whole.You work to make the aims of galdr communicable in the world through song/chant and the Runes.But again,the Runes are a very basic level on this journey;they are the gateway and the means by which these forces and ideas are communicated.It is a magical journey of the mind.
This could be considered the magical path of the body and soul.It has many of the same goals as galdr/galdor.Instead of making things conscious as you would in Galdr,one sinks into the realms of the unconscious and even unkown in siedhr.This can involve certain substances of a magical nature-lotions,teas,herbs,etc. to accompany the trance and facillitate travel into the realms.One's certain soul components fare forth,or they send their fetch/spirit animal/form.Seidhr workers seek to become a part of the supernatural realms in their trances,which may be undertaken for healing or divining,or to gain knowledge.

There is an excellent article at www.troth.org by Kvedulf Gundarrson on what can happen in seidhr work,especially to the unprepared!if you haven't read it I definitely recommend it.Both galdr and seidhr/spae can do you great harm if you don't know what you're doing in either.They have similarities in many areas,but different means of achieving their ends,and one can practice both.

2007-02-22 17:08:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Definately forget what you see in games/movies/etc. None of the special effects are accurate.

There's a number of schools of thought in regards to what magic really is. Some folks view it as being simply psycho-somatic changes in one's mind (more or less "the power of positive thinking"); others believe it to be an actual alteration of the world.

There's a number of different types - shamanistic journeying, ceremonial magic complete with all the trappings, on-the-fly natural magic... it really depends on how the person is trained, what styles they favor.

As for its use? ::shrugs:: Think of it like prayer - pretty much anything you'd expect to see other folks praying for, you'll find Pagans using magic for. The two are remarkably similar.

2007-02-23 01:13:46 · answer #4 · answered by ArcadianStormcrow 6 · 1 0

There are many different magical traditions that are used in Paganism; in Wicca, though, we tend to use witchcraft. In accordance with the Wiccan Rede, the vast majority of Wiccans will not curse or perform magic to bring harm upon anyone else.

Witchcraft 101 would go something like this, at least as I was taught: All things in the universe are interconnected by energy, which some witches (including Wiccans) perceive as Divine in nature. This is how witchcraft works: by focussing my intent, and using sympathetic correspondances (certain herbs for courage, for example), I can create an amulet using those herbs which will stimulate courage in the person who wears it. Similarly, by using a lock of hair from a person who is ill, I can (with their permission) set energies in motion that will help them to heal.

In this sense, witchcraft is a very mechanistic worldview. The entire universe is seen as a giant interconnected machine, and by applying one's will to exert pressure one area, one creates a cascade effect that causes change in another area.

If you're curious as to what a spell looks like, you can email me and I'll be happy to provide you with a couple of examples.

Some other magical traditions, as listed at http://www.vorpral.net/magical_traditions.htm :


Chaos Magic

Occult Engineering, Technomancy, Urban Shamanism

Quantum Metaphysics


Hermetic (Golden Dawn) OTO


Shamanism (American Indian), Seid (pre-Christian Norse, Germanic)

Shapeshifting, Nagualism

Feng Shui & Geomancy (Sacred Geometry)

Tai Chi, Yoga, QiGong, Acupuncture, Reiki


Voodoo/Vodun, Hoodoo, Santeria, Palo Monte

Kabbalistic / Cabbalistic (Hebrew Mysticism)

Polynesian Kahunaism

Shadow, Night, Death Magic (Necromantic), Necromancy

Angel Magic, Fairy Magic, Stone Magick, Tree Magick, Image Magick, Knot Magick, Candle Magick, Wax Magick, Mirror Magick, Rain, Fog, and Storm Magick, Sea Magick

Gnostic Christianity

Stregha (as exemplified in the work of Raven Grimassi)

Pow Wow

As you can see, it's a very large area of study. This is why most people tend to concentrate on specializing in one particular area.

2007-02-22 17:29:04 · answer #5 · answered by prairiecrow 7 · 1 0

Spells are enacted Prayers, so really anything people pray for, there's a spell for.

Keeping your family safe, bringing prosperity, finding love etc.

Types of Magick, include Candle Magick, (directing the energy of a burning candle towards your goal of choice.), Knot magick, (tying knots in cord to seal your intention), fire Magick (for instance, burning papers with you intentions on them.) There are as many types of magick as there are people in the world. It all depends on the person and the need.

2007-02-23 05:21:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

forget everything that you've seen on t.v. it just isn't like that.
pagans believe that there is energy in everything, and all around us.
magic is using your will to focus these energies into what the user wishes it to be. this is a pretty simplistic answer, but it's the best way that i can explain it.

here is a question for you - have you ever held a stone in your hand and felt the energy it contained? if you can do this then you can manipulate the energies around you. again, simple, and there is more to it then that, but it's possible.

2007-02-22 16:57:55 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Most Pagans use natural magics, which work on very simple correspondencies, and natural tides. Wiccans have a highly theotic approach to it.

Essentially, magic is used to alter life, and embolden yourself. The best definition is by Aleister Crowley, "Magic]k] is the science and art of causing change in conformity with one's Will." You will never see anything flashy like in a video game, or T.V.

If you'd liek to know more, feel free to e-mail me.

2007-02-22 16:54:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

There are no real types of magic. Some Wiccans will tell you that there is white magic and black magic (the definition being similar to what you would see in an RPG like Final Fantasy). Most magic is using nature's gifts, things like herbs and stones to heal, and to direct energy toward a goal (kind of like a prayer). Many of us think of magic as use of our personal energy (like Chi to the Chinese) to accompish goals. You will frequently hear from pagans that "yesteday's magic is today's science", meaning that it is kind of a spirituality mixed with the study of science. If you have more specific questions please feel free to email me.

2007-02-22 17:00:02 · answer #9 · answered by Huggles-the-wise 5 · 4 1

Wicca is mainly white magic. They only do spells that help others and themselves without hurting others. They do spells of protection, purifying rituals. I have been out of practice for a while cuz I am in a dead zone. But Wiccans worship nature, they respect nature and they are tree huggers. It really is a very free religion and one of the oldest out there. No gimmicks, no martyrs, no lies, no mandatory rituals, just do what you wnat, when you want and as long as you dont hurt anyone in the process your are doing fine. You can get in as deep as you want or just dabble, either way thier is no judgement. Hope this helped. Blessed Be

2007-02-22 16:55:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

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