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I hear from people that you are all just evil satan worshippers and black magic users etc etc., but I don't believe any of that crap, it is probably a heavily exaggerated opinion or even fact, but the point is it is heavily exaggerated. I respect these religions, and I simply want to learn more about them. and don't worry, I will not hate u based on what u say. I only seek knowledge and the truth. Please bust all the stereotypes the general populus has set for u. I appreciate this, and I know ur all not as bad as others make u seem, just as the world has done to Muslims, especially after 9/11.

2007-02-22 16:26:22 · 9 answers · asked by Omer 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

9 answers

Paganism is an umbrella term that covers a wide variety of non-Christian religions. Neo-Pagan is an umbrella term that also covers a wide variety of religions, specifically earth-revering and mostly polytheistic faiths based on pre-Christian religious practices.

Wicca is one of the Neo-Pagan faiths. We are not Satan worshippers -- we have no equivalent figure to Satan in our cosmology.

The central tenet of the Wiccan religion is the Wiccan Rede: "If you harm none, do what you will." This is a deceptively simple "commandment" which can take a lifetime to contemplate and to master.

Wiccans honor Deity as both male and female, God and Goddess -- or at the very least as Goddess. We believe that the universe is the body of God/dess, and therefore that all things contain Divine energy and that the world itself is sacred. Some Wiccans are polytheists (many God/desses); others are duotheists (God and Goddess, of whom all other Gods and Goddesses are simply aspects); others are monotheists (God and Goddess Themselves are simply aspects of an unknowable Source).

Wiccans do not believe that God/dess is separate from the world; therefore, we have no concept of salvation, since God/dess is present to all and always. Many Wiccans believe that God/dess is too big to fit inside one religion -- all religions/spiritual paths are ways of reaching the same goal, and atheism and agnosticism are honorable perspectives on the mystery of life.

Each Wiccan operates as their own priest/ess. We do not have a distinction between clergy and laity. Therefore, each Wiccan is responsible for their own personal development and for forging their own relationship with God/dess. Some Wiccans practice in covens, which are generally initiatory and require a long period of study (traditionally a year and a day) before entering. Others practice in loosely affiliated groups of solitaries, which are Wiccans who practice outside of traditional coven structure. Others simply practice alone.

Wiccans do not usually have churches. We create sacred space as and where needed, by casting "circles" of energy which function as temples. When inside those circles, we invite the spirits of the four Platonic elements (air, fire, water, and earth) to join us, as well as the Goddess and the God (or at minimum the Goddess).

Many Wiccans practice witchcraft, which we see as working with the Divine energy that permeates the world to bring about change. In accordance with the Wiccan Rede, the vast majority of Wiccans will not curse or perform magic to bring harm upon anyone else.

A relatively objective (non-Wiccan) set of articles on what Wiccans do and believe:


Another useful article:


A good site by Wiccans:


And the US Army Chaplains Handbook excerpt on Wicca:


If you have any further questions, please feel free to email me.

Blessed be!

2007-02-22 16:30:27 · answer #1 · answered by prairiecrow 7 · 4 0

It is a little hard to sum up some 500+ religions in a couple of sentences...but here goes. What you are thinking of are the Earth-based religions. Wicca has been around since the mid-twentieth century and is kindof a weirdness of its own. It is very warm and fuzzy, they believe in a Goddess and a God and the Rede which is, "an it harm none, do what ye will". They do practice magic (which they spell magick) in a manner you would think of as "hollywood witch". They are really nice folks and are in no way evil or satan worshippers. The other pagan religions you are referring to are similar in that the holidays follow the cycle of seasons and agriculture. Most of them have been around since before recorded history and survive as either new incarnations of old ways or outcast threads that were not killed off during the medieval european horrors (the Inquisition or Crusades or the witch hunts). Most of these have more than two gods/goddesses and some practice magic, some don't.
There is more information by going to Witchvox (online) or just browsing. Of all the pagan faiths, Wicca tends to dominate the internet but other religions are there too. If you have other questions feel free to email me.

2007-02-23 00:37:13 · answer #2 · answered by Huggles-the-wise 5 · 4 0

Wicca IS relatively new, being sort of developed in the 1950's by Gerald Gardner. But he did incorporate some of the pactice and knowledge of actual witches (information that has been pretty much kept out of the public eye for centuries).
I am proudly a WITCH (a small segment of Paganism), a Hedge Witch. NOT Wiccan. I am a practitioner of "the old religion" which predates Christianity. We don't recognize the existance of demons or the devil, so how could we worship something that isn't? Evil exists, that is a given, but it is of MAN not of nature. Doing anything even remotely evil goes against our principles. We do our best for humanity and the environment. If we were being influenced or led by the devil, why would he teach us how to use healing herbs and why would he want us to advocate saving the earth? Why would he want us to use our very being to help others? Doesn't that sound more like of "God" than of "Satan"? Can we be so mislead that we spend our entire lives doing good things for people & nature and helping in any way that we can that we are actually doing the work of the "devil"?!? Get real.
I can't say I worship any God (or Goddess) because everything is of nature, and like the Amerindians everything has it's own place in nature and has a deity associated with it. It is my place on earth to do what I can to help others, whether they be human, animal or any part of this planet (which mankind is doing it's best to destroy). I will invoke a specific deity to help in spellwork from time to time, but it is more of a partnership than worship. I believe in many deities, but all are less than the "One". Yes, many of us believe in a single supreme being that is over all.
Oops! Sorry I was ranting.
There is no way to briefly explain all the different aspects of Paganism, especially since anything that is not Abrahamic in origin is considered Pagan (including Buddhism) and since I am not Wiccan, I can't help you there either. One big difference between most Pagan religions and Abrahamic religions is that we are more tolerant and accepting of peoples differences. We do not condemn anyone for what they choose to believe.
If I can be of further assistance, feel free to contact me.

2007-02-23 17:13:25 · answer #3 · answered by Enchanted Gypsy 6 · 0 0

wiccans follow wicca. they basically follow a god and a goddess. their worship is centered around the moon.
it like other earth religions are pagan. these are some of the most peaceful people you will ever meet. the only person that i've met that was as laid back was a buddhist.
most wiccans prefer to worship in a group. some are witches some aren't. i do follow the wiccan rede of "harm none".
i am a solitary pagan. i prefer to work and worship alone. although i do have a friend who lends me energy when i need it.

you really should check out a pagan web site (i'm sure there will be several suggested here).
we don't believe in satan. that's a christian concept.
well i hope that this was at least of a little help.

2007-02-23 00:41:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Wicca and New Age Paganism is usually based on the ancient religions of the Old World. Some traditions are more into connection to the Divine in nature and the world around us, some are more structured and have to do with ritual observations, veneration of specific deities, and particular practices. Some use magick, some don't. Most of those who use magick do not use black magick. They just practice using their natural inner tools to effect the world, themselves, for positive goals. The only people who actually worship Satan are Satanists and they are really rebel Christians. Satan is a part of the Christian and Muslim theology and no one elses.
Wicca is much more specific, while Pagan covers alot of different traditions. Most of it focuses on connecting to the Divine through worship, adoration, and cooperation with gods and goddesses. Which gods/goddesses depends on the tradition. One pagan path, the Asatru, worships the Norse/Germanic gods/goddesses, attempts to reconstruct the ancient practices, and generally doesn't practice any magick at all. They try to live honorably and their connection with their gods/goddesses is very important. Some Wiccan traditions have less emphasis and working with Divine beings and focuses more on magick and the personal power of the individual.

2007-02-23 00:36:22 · answer #5 · answered by St. Toad 5 · 4 0

Paganism as was mentioned previously, is an umbrella term for all religions that are not based upon the Jehovah/Allah/Jesus Christ vein. See this website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/paganism/

Wicca is one of the Pagan religions that has gained in popularity in the past 15 years or so. It is often described as a New Age/Witchcraft religion. But many Wiccans believe they are worshiping in the same way that many of their ancestors from hundreds of years ago worshiped. It is a religion that does not tell you what to believe or what not to believe. It does not place blame on anyone or anything and does not talk about "sin". Go to this website to learn more: http://www.witchway.net/

2007-02-23 00:40:17 · answer #6 · answered by Pixie 7 · 4 0

this is a copy and paste(of my answer) from another question that i answered that was similar to yours. hope it helps.

It is impossible to give a "brief" description of something that dates back to before we understood time, and is known on every continent and in every culture.

but if i were to compress it to modern standards. i would say that Paganism represents 4 things.

1, Many gods worshiped throughout time. and many cultures from every continent.

2, A belief in many ways or paths to the gods and a peacful afterlife.

3, A society of people that believe in the merrits of the person and not which god they follow.

4, A free thinking belief system that accepts every walk of life and believes in the very simple proncipals of Harm none and Karma.

Paganism is not actually a religion, but an umbrella term for the many people of many different faiths . that do not subscribe to the Abrihamic religions.

2007-02-23 00:43:27 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

wiccan are people who study and practice magick from what i hear but im sure they dont worshp satan

2007-02-23 00:30:05 · answer #8 · answered by dangel6667 2 · 2 0

Briefly...It's evil, leave it alone!

2007-02-23 00:31:34 · answer #9 · answered by dabuttsfly 2 · 0 7

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