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Ok so i got another ?.. i got a puppy for my son...he is 4months old and i've had him for the last 3months..and still not potty trained..and i kindda gave up on trying to so it by myslef..so..my ? is does anyone from north jersey...know of a place where they will train ur dog...pls.. i need help..my puppy needs help...ty so much...

2007-02-22 15:25:01 · 16 answers · asked by newlove 1 in Pets Dogs

16 answers

Take a deep breath.

Has your puppy been checked for any medical conditions that would lead housetraining difficulties? That is where to start first, if he does have a medical issue training will go much better when that's cleared up.

Also give the following a try as well.

How long it will take you to house train your dog depends on your dedication to the training process and your puppy's maturity and learning rate.

Things you will need to housetrain your puppy are a properly fitted crate, a collar and leash, some treats, and time and patience.

You also need to pick a spot for your puppy to go potty. Using the same spot each time will help the puppy recognize that this is where he should go, and the smell from going there other times will help him go potty faster when you take him out.

I don't recommend using doggie litter boxes or those puppy pads. If you want your dog to always go potty in the house fine, then use this article to teach them to go there. But don't complain to me when your dog starts going other places in the house. Dogs often times cannot tell the difference between a puppy pad and your expensive rug. All they know is its ok to go potty in the house so any area with a roof is fair game for elimination. Also trying to paper train a dog and then trying to switch the dog to going outside is counterproductive and confusing for the dog. Doing this will only slow the training down. So forget the puppy pads and start teaching your dog to go outside from day one. If you have already been using them throw them out and start all over from the beginning, but keep mind the process may take a little longer the second time around since once your dog has bad habits they are hard to break. Its much easier to prevent them than to correct them later.

When looking for a crate you want one that is big enough for your dog to stand up, turn around and lay down. You don't want it so big that he can lay in one end and use the other end as a bathroom. If he can do this trust me he will. There are all kinds of different styles of crates: the two most common are wire and plastic. But they come in mesh, wicker, all sorts of different materials now. I would recommend choosing either a wire or plastic one, especially for puppies that like to chew. Here are some pros and cons of plastic and wire crates.

Plastic: These come in several sizes so can accommodate nearly every size of dog. They also give a more den like feeling to the dog and have less of a cage look. The disadvantage to these crates is that you may need to buy more than one to accommodate a growing puppy, and they take up more room if you want to store them even though they usually will come apart in halves for storage. There are also some newer plastic crates that will fold up similar to a wire crate.

Wire: Like the plastic crate these also come in a variety of sizes. They do look more like cages though, something that can be fixed by purchasing a cover for it. A cover will also help some dogs feel more secure in a wire crate. The advantage of these is that you can buy a size to fit your dog when it is full grown. Wire crates have dividers available for purchase so that you can make the crate fit your puppy. These also have a storage advantage in that most fold up very neatly and can be stored easily.

Next you will need to introduce your puppy to its crate. Just sticking the puppy in there without a positive introduction can be very stressful for the pup. I like to bring a new puppy home on a day off, and try to pick it up as soon as possible in the morning. This way I have all day to introduce the puppy to the crate so that by bedtime the puppy will feel pretty comfortable with its crate and shouldn't fuss to much.

Start by showing the puppy the crate and let him explore it. Next show your puppy a treat and then toss it inside. When your puppy goes in to get the treat praise him excitedly. Repeat this a few times and then end this session. If your pup won't go all the way in the crate to get the treat try throwing it closer to the door, or even outside the door and then gradually toss it farther back, until the pup goes all the way in.

After an hour or two have another session with crate. If your pup went all the way in the last time start there, if not start at the point you left off. After a couple times of going in the crate and coming right back out you can shut the door. But let the pup out after a second or two. Repeat this gradually increasing the amount of time the pup is in the crate. If you do this several times the first day by the time your ready for bed your pup should be pretty comfortable with the crate. I also like to repeat this process for a day or two after the pup comes home.

Also remember that whenever your dog is crated you need to remove any type of collar, even a buckle collar can catch on a crate and strangle a dog.

Now that you have your crate set up and your pup introduced to it you need to put your puppy on a feeding schedule. Puppies 8 wks to 6 months should be given three meals a day. After six months this can be cut down to 2 meals. Free-feeding (having food available all the time) is not recommended. It can lead to obesity and makes it harder to housetrain your puppy. Another disadvantage to this feeding method is that it will be harder for you tell if your dog is off food which can be a sign of illness. Feeding on a schedule allows you to predict when your puppy will need to go out. If you know when it went in you can predict when it will come out. You will want to divide your dog's full daily amount into three smaller meals. Give him the food and after twenty minutes take away the bowl whether there is food in it or not. Dogs will generally consume all they want in twenty minutes. Take your puppy to his potty spot about 15-20 minutes after he has finished eating. Repeat the go potty command while you are waiting for him to go. When he starts to go tell him good boy go potty, and when he has finished give him a treat and make a big fuss over him.

I'd also like to tell you how to tell if your puppy is getting to much or to little food. The recommendations on dog food bags are just a starting point. Start with that amount and then watch to see if your dog needs more or less. The way to tell is to do a rib check. You shouldn't be able to see the ribs, if you can add more food. You should be able to easily feel the ribs under a thin layer of fat, if you have trouble feeling the ribs, cut back the amount of food.

In addition to having to go out after meals your puppy will also need to go potty after he wakes up from a nap, after playing, and first thing in the morning and before bed. Signs that your puppy needs to go out: are restlessness and circling an area while sniffing. If your puppy does these things it's a safe bet to take him out. Remember though that individual dogs have their own signs of needing to go to the bathroom and you will soon pick up on these signals as well.

When you are out for potty breaks you should stand still, if he wants to play ignore him. You want him to know that it is time to go to the bathroom not time to play. If you allow him to play before he goes to the bathroom he may start to hold out on you to extend his playtime. Once he has gone to the bathroom however you can play all you want. Stay outside with your dog for about 10 minutes to wait for him to go, if he doesn't go in ten minutes just pick him up and carry him back inside matter-of-factly. No treats or playtime on the way in. When you get back into the house he will either need to be crated or watched like a hawk. Try again in ten minutes. Repeat until he goes.

Another mistake a lot of people make when they bring their new puppy home is to allow him free run of the place. This will only hurt your training and will also cause your dog to get into a lot of trouble. Young puppies need to be watched. When your puppy can't be watched he should be in his crate. This way he can't make a mistake or get into trouble.


The only time you can punish your puppy for having an accident in the house is if you catch him in the act. Even then it's less of a punishment and more of a redirection. If you see your puppy going to the bathroom in the house, startle him with a sharp NO and take him outside to finish the job. When he finishes outside, give him a treat and lots of praise. Back inside the house clean up the mess and use an enzymatic cleaner (such as OUT or Nature's Miracle) to remove all traces of the mess so he won't be tempted to use the same spot. Most carpet cleaners will leave traces of the mess that you can't see or smell, but your pet can.

If you find a mess after the fact, well to bad that one is your fault, you should have been watching the puppy. Simply clean it up and try to watch more carefully. If you try to scold your pup after the fact he will have no idea what you are mad about and will be confused and may even become scared of you. NEVER, NEVER rub your dogs nose in urine or feces. It is not only disgusting but it also has no training value what so ever. Hitting your dog with anything including a rolled up newspaper is also unacceptable.

Young puppies may need to use the bathroom during the night, so I advise putting the crate in your bedroom. This way if the puppy sounds restless you can take him to the bathroom. This will also make your puppy feel more secure because he is close to you. If you do need to take your puppy out in the middle of the night make sure you allow him to go to the bathroom only. No playtime for these outings. Still give him a treat and praise, but do so in a quieter manner than you would during the day. This way you won't get him all riled up the middle of night. Remember if you let him get away with playing in the middle of the night he will begin to expect it, and you don't want that. How long night time outings will last depends on the age of your puppy, and how fast his bladder matures.

It also helps to have his last meal of the day at least two hours before bed and take away his water an hour before bed. You don't want to put it in the crate with him, it would be unfair to the puppy to expect him to have a supply of water and then not have to go to the bathroom all night long. The only thing that should be in your dog's crate are a chew toy and maybe a doggie blanket. Although some pups will urinate on absorbant materials that are in their crate, if yours does remove it. Also if you see that your puppy is chewing on his blanket it should be removed. If the puppy ingests part of the blanket it could cause an intestinal blockage. If that happens emergency surgery is needed to remove the blanket from the intestines.

I know this sounds like a lot of work but that is what puppies are. They are also a lot of fun and that should make up for the work part of having a puppy. And just keep in mind that one day soon you will have a beautiful dog who is housetrained and is a joy to have around.

(Note: if you are going to use this article to train a dog that had previously been housetrained and is now having accidents, please contact your vet first. If your dog suddenly "forgets" his housetraining it can be a sign of infection, and that needs to be treated. Once you have confirmed that the dog is healthy with your vet, then refresh your dog with this article)

2007-02-22 15:44:40 · answer #1 · answered by Bindi *dogtrainingbyjess.com* 7 · 0 0

Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you https://bitly.im/aL30H

A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I recommend it to others. The dog training academy also has as an excellent home training course.

2016-05-14 18:00:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Most pups are not going to be fully housebroken at 4 months and can't usually hold thier bladders that long.

If you are not able to commit to potty training your pup, then you might consider finding a home with someone who will. It's not "normal" to hire a trainer to "potty train" your dog. Trainers are typically going to work on obedience type things.

Oh, and some dogs reach a year old before house broken completely, some even longer, depends on the dog. Best thing to do is to make sure your dog gets out as needed... for this age, every 30 minutes, at least.

2007-02-22 15:35:09 · answer #3 · answered by Shadow's Melon 6 · 0 0

I don't know of anyone in your area, but have you tried taking the dog out every 15-20 minutes so it will go outside? Have you tried crate training? That really helped me with my dog.

Using paper on the floor just reinforces the dog to go inside the house and not outside. Mainly, I think it takes a lot of persistance and praise on your part. Definately find a class though, puppy kindergarted is great. Did you try asking the breeder for a good place to go? Maybe Petco has classes. Give them a try, or your vet may know of a place.

Good luck, and enjoy those puppy kisses!!! =)

2007-02-22 15:35:51 · answer #4 · answered by Laura R 2 · 1 0

You need a crate to put him in at night and take him out asap in the am and let him go. Then when he eats take him out in about 15 mins. or when he sniffs around the floor. If he doesn't go put him back in the crate and take out again in a little while. This is a process and your son needs to take some responsibility. If he pees wipe it up with a paper towel and take it utside. The next time you take him out he will smell where he went and get the idea. It is aprocess. Always nake a big deal, praise and give a treat for going outside. This reinforces good behavior. The crating is teaching the bladder to hodl, just like children, diapers first then they hold it all night then the graduate. So, that is what it takes. Take him out as late as possible at night to go and as early as possible and often during the day. They are a big responsibility and are worth it, just know the easi3est way...buy the crate that he is going to fit into in 6 mos. It will take that long and you may have to crate him when you are gone too. this is the best way to keep your house from being destroyed, theyare cave dwellers and don't mind as long as it's not an extreme, cruel amount of time. They don't go where they sleep unless they have no choi8ce, so don't scold him. Prais him when he does good and let the bad stuff go for now. he is a baby. Give him lots of chews and rawhides for teething too. I tlasts for 6-8 mos at least. And it keeps them occupied. Good luck.

2007-02-22 15:37:46 · answer #5 · answered by MISS-MARY 6 · 1 0

Here are some trainers in the northern NJ area who mention housebreaking:

New Jersey K9

Sit and Stay Dog Training

D'Andrea Professional Dog Training
(this one has a dog ownership 101 class that may be helpful as well)

Sit Stay Play

Consider reading up on crate training. It is fast and relatively easy, though as in anything else to do with keeping a pet, it does take your involvement and commitment.

2007-02-22 15:44:46 · answer #6 · answered by straycat 2 · 0 0

Dog House Training
Take your dog out at the same times every day. For example, first thing in the morning when he wakes up, when you arrive home from work, and before you go to bed.

Praise your dog lavishly every time he eliminates outdoors. You can even give him a treat. You must praise him and give him a treat immediately after he has finished and not wait until after he comes back inside the house. This step is vital, because rewarding your dog for eliminating outdoors is the only way he will know that is what you want him to do.

Choose a location not too far from the door to be the bathroom spot. Always take your dog on leash, directly to the bathroom spot. Take him for a walk or play with him only after he has eliminated. If you clean up an accident in the house, leave the soiled rags or paper towels in the bathroom spot. The smell will help your dog recognize the area as the place where he is supposed to eliminate.

Do not give your dog an opportunity to soil in the house. He should be watched at all times when he is indoors. You can tether him to you with a six-foot leash, or use baby gates, to keep him in the room where you are. Watch for signs that he needs to eliminate, like sniffing around or circling. If you see these signs, immediately take him outside, on a leash, to his bathroom spot. If he eliminates, praise him lavishly and reward him with a treat.

When you're unable to watch your dog closely, he should be confined to an area small enough that he won't want to eliminate there. It should be just big enough for him to comfortably stand, lie down and turn around in. This could be a portion of a bathroom or laundry room blocked off with boxes or baby gates.

Most dogs at some point, will have an accident in the house. You should expect this, as it is a normal part of your dog's adjustment to his new home.

If you catch your dog in the act of eliminating in the house, do something to interrupt him like making a startling noise ( be careful not to scare him to anger). Immediatley take him to his bathroom spot, praise him, and give him a treat if he finishes eliminating there.

Do not punish your dog for eliminating in the house. If you find a soiled area, it is not too late to administer a correction. Do nothing but clean it up. Rubbing your dog's nose in it, taking him to the spot and scolding him, or any other type of punishment, will only make him affraid of you or affraid to eliminate in your pressence. Animals do not understand punishment after the fact, even if it's only seconds later. Punishment will do more harm than good.

Cleaning the soiled area is very important because dogs are highly motivated to continue soiling in areas that smell like urine or feces.

Best Wishes for you & your puppy,

2007-02-23 13:40:38 · answer #7 · answered by Sam H 1 · 0 0

You're very lucky, there are quite a few great training places to go up there. Check out

But for potty training, you need to be responsible for that yourself. Get a crate and crate train your dog - by far the fairest, kindest, most clear way to house train your pup.

2007-02-22 15:48:11 · answer #8 · answered by Misa M 6 · 0 0

It will take you a week. Put the puppy on a leash and keep the leash on your arm.

When he wakes up... outside
When he eats... outside
After he plays about 10-15 mins... outside

Say your potty word.. (mine is Hurry Up) as soon as he goes say *good hurry up* and run him back to the house and give him a treat.. he will soon get the idea that he is suppose to *go* when you take him outside and say *hurry up*... after about 2-3 days they get the IDEA of it all... then guess what? Your puppy is trained.

AND crate him at night so he can't roam the house and eliminate.


2007-02-22 15:38:37 · answer #9 · answered by H.O.T. Dog 6 · 1 0

Your the puppy's mama.......no one can do it for you. I don't know how old your son is but maybe you could ask him to help you. There is so much information of housebreaking puppies. Never give up. You and your son will be proud when you accomplish the housebreaking. There will be many more challenges before you pup in all grown up. Good Luck!

2007-02-22 15:41:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

how are you training it i potty trained my dog when it was 3 months old it only took us 1 week to train him

2007-02-22 15:29:22 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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