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Why do you think having a clean home for your child is important. Please give me some seriouse answers. I need this for a parenting class and if yall could give me some good sources that would be cool too.

2007-02-22 15:07:22 · 10 answers · asked by moonlitocean2000 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

10 answers

A clean home is a necessity for children because of their lower immune systems. As adults or older children sneeze and cough and then touch items throughout the house these germs get everywhere!!! When baby starts crawling and pulling themselves up on things - they touch the germs and infect themselves.

Also, having things around the house that are hazardous to your children such as cleaners or small parts to things would not fair to well. No trips to the ER for choking on an older siblings marbles thank you.

A clean house also affects one's mood. I'm quite certain you don't function well in a home that is completely cluttered and the frustration starts to overwhelm you - and the same goes for baby.

I hope I made a small dent in your request.

2007-02-22 15:15:25 · answer #1 · answered by momto3 4 · 0 0

There are benefits to a clean home. A clean home reduces the accidents because there are not things to trip over on the floor, or dangerous things like knives left out to be played with. There are fewer bacteria nd virii living in the home if it is kept cleaner and it is easier to prepare dinner if the dishes are done.
A balance must be kept though. A home where mom spends all her time cleaning and the children are not allowed to play for fear of making a mess is not as healthy an environment as a somewhat messy home where the children can play and learn freely. The balance is best kept if the children are allowed to mess it up (with toys, not filth) during the day with breaks to pick up before mealtimes and naptimes and again before bed. Mom should keep the filth down by cleaning out the tub, sink, toilet, dishes and vacuuming but shouldn't overdo the cleaning at the expense of having time with her children. Moms shouldn't overdo the antibacterial stuff either because it reduces the child's ability to build antibodies (we actually need a little exposure) and also can create antibiotic-resistant strains of nasties.
Hope that helps

2007-02-22 15:18:34 · answer #2 · answered by Huggles-the-wise 5 · 0 0

I think a clean home is good for several reasons especially when your kids are involved. If children live in a dirty home all the time they have a higher chance of getting sick. Kids get all over a home. They're all over the floors and furniture. There really isn't an area that kids cant get into unless its locked. If you have a clean house you're less likely to have dangerous or off limit things within grabbing reach of them. Plus if your children grow up in a clean home they'll grow up more likely to be clean as well. The biggest mess a person can ever find in my home is when my toddler raids the toy box and throws them everywhere. If dishes are left in the sink overnight it's usually cause I'm sick.

2007-02-22 15:15:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How clean is clean? We try to keep it sanitary, but it's not perfect. There's crumbs on the cabinet from my little guy making his own snack, there's toothpaste in the sink from my kids learning how to brush their teeth on their own. There are buckets and bins of unorganized toys lining the walls (and a few escapees that didn't quite make the cleanup patrol) The windows are opaque from all the fingerprints, but I happily give up my Martha Stewart clean home badge for happy kids that know momma is here for them, not for Better Homes and Gardens.

We don't have dirty dishes laying around, or rotten food on the floor. We do have a few loads of laundry that could use some washing, and the floor could use a mopping. However, we also have enough dust to make really cool motes in the sunshine, enough soap left over to blow bubbles, we have enough paint to color the world happy, and enough love to make the house 'clean enough' for now.

I'll have plenty of time to clean when they are older. I'll have more time than I care to have when they move out. Kids don't see dirt, they only see mom caring more about the house than them. Moms care about dirt and dust and toys on the floor.

2007-02-22 18:28:48 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

All these answers are really good. I want stress that I also believe that too clean is not that good either. I think (about 97% sure) that kids will be perceptible to getting sick easier if they go to dirtier places if they are not used to it. I've seen it time and time again, they will not develop a strong immune system if you try and take care of them too much.
I have to add that a clean home is a happier home. Everyone is happier, starting with the parents and trickiling down to the children.

2007-02-22 19:48:02 · answer #5 · answered by Andres N 3 · 0 0

i'm not all that convinced that a super clean home is all that good for a child. there's a theory now that our society's "overcleanliness" is responsible for the rise in kids with allergies/asthma. but anyway, i'm a cleaning freak and a mother ... so i must on some level think that a clean home's important to my child.
a clean kitchen with clean dishes and good food handling practices (i.e. no raw meat on the island and no dirty sponge in the sink) is important for keeping food-borne illnesses at bay.
i like keeping things dusted and the carpets clean because dust causes sneezing and coughing.
when a house is really dirty, i suppose the child could get really dirty from the house (i.e. playing in the dirty floor).
if there are pets in the house, it's important to keep it (and them) clean so as to remove pet hair and dander (both potential allergens). there's also pet parasites like ticks, fleas, worms, etc. that would thrive more in a dirty house.
babies/toddlers eat everything--they're more likely to eat stuff they shouldn't in a dirty/messy house.
there's a danger of falling issue, too, if junk is scattered all over the floor and on the stairs.
then there's aesthetic appeal--a clean house just looks and smells and feels nicer. it also teaches kids good habits like working hard and taking care of things.
also, bugs and rodents are probably more prevalent in a dirty house.
i guess there's a lot of good reasons to keep a house clean for a child's sake. but i personally (in theory at least) don't think an immaculate, germ-free home is necessary.

2007-02-22 15:18:41 · answer #6 · answered by Manders 2 · 0 0

You need a clean house for the child so that it dosent get sick, or pick up and eat dirt. But if the house is too clean then the child wont be used to any germs and when you go out the child will get sick. Hope this helps!

2007-02-22 15:14:25 · answer #7 · answered by Kellie M 3 · 0 0

I am a stay at home mom with an 2 year old who has an unbelievable amount of energy. My house will never look like a good housekeeping ad but its clean. it looks lived in. So what if there are a few toys in the floor! There's clean and then there's freaking out over a speck of dust. like i said my house is clean but it looks lived in which i have suspicion that most houses with small children look like mine!

2007-02-22 15:36:21 · answer #8 · answered by llllll_amanda_lllllll 6 · 0 0

Having a clean home for your child is so important. It teaches your child how to respect things. My mom always kept our house so clean and I am so happy she did that for me. It taught me to take pride in what you worked so hard for. I personally think it is also healther for the child. If you dont clean then dust builds up and that can cause more health problems.

2007-02-24 08:43:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Babies experience with their mouths... textures and tastes. And babies are all hands. Turn your back for a second, and the child has grabbed whatever is within reach and is trying to put it in his/her mouth. They don't know something is dirty, or may be bad for them. They just know it looks interesting, and they want to experience its texture... through their mouth because that's the only way they know how to do it. In a dirty house, there are other things besides just "germs" (which, frankly, they'll run into eventually anyway because you can't germ-proof anything). In a dirty house babies can pick up chemicals that could poison them... even if those chemicals are just tracked in on your shoes.

2007-02-22 15:16:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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