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I have read many,.perhaps very many,wiccans, devil worshioers,pagans,etc come on this website stating how powerful their numerous ( and they need thousands!) gods, spirits, and whatever are. They bleat, like the goats they have never personally killed, of their RIGHT to dance around whatever effigys they think are more, indeed much more, powerful than they consider themselves to be. Weak, pathetic, fools. God is the only being with any power. So come and get me. Prove that your simplistic, sad, cretinous, beliefs have some kind of foundation.

I do not believe a word of it!!

2007-02-22 14:39:18 · 44 answers · asked by JOHN D 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

For anyone who is unclear on the above question, please allow me to clarify. Devil worshipers, satanists, wiccans, etc. have ABSOLUTELY no power whatsoever. They are only interested in themselves and wish to believe, and have others believe, they have power. Sad, so sad. God is the only power. And the challenge to these cretins is, come and get me! Show the rest of cyberspace just what little real effect you have on us all!.

2007-02-22 15:20:26 · update #1

For anyone who is unclear on the above question, please allow me to clarify. Devil worshipers, satanists, wiccans, etc. have ABSOLUTELY no power whatsoever. They are only interested in themselves and wish to believe, and have others believe, they have power. Sad, so sad. God is the only power. And the challenge to these cretins is, come and get me! Show the rest of cyberspace just what little real effect you have on us all!. Or, push off. Take your 'beliefs' and tout them to some microbial life forms some where.

2007-02-22 15:23:29 · update #2

44 answers

Nobody has to prove their beliefs to YOU or to anyone else. Belief is a personal matter. Don't be so disrespectful. Judging by your ranting and raving, you know very little about any sort of pagan practices anyway.

Learn some manners, grow up a bit and learn to talk about this intelligently. Your beliefs are your affair; other people's are their own. What gives you the right to abuse anyone else so ferociously? Wake up.

2007-02-22 14:59:06 · answer #1 · answered by Wildamberhoney 6 · 8 1

I have never, ever seen a Wiccan, pagan, Satanist, etc come on this site and taunt other users with the power of their gods.

You said "God is the only being with any power. So come and get me. Prove that your simplistic, sad, cretinous, beliefs have some kind of foundation."

I have never seen a Wiccan, pagan, Satanist, etc say anything idiotic like that on this site. Only Chr*stians like you.

Do your worst? Please. You are the only one I see making trouble here. G-d must be proud.

2007-02-22 15:05:22 · answer #2 · answered by LadySuri 7 · 8 0

::sits back with a bowl of popcorn::

Ah, the internet. Such a great place for entertainment. I mean, really, you can't make this stuff up. A true diamond in the rough...

John, buddy - there's really no need to get into a "my god can beat up your god" argument. That sort of thing sounds way too much like schoolyard taunting, and serves about as much use.

Come back when you want to have a discussion, and not a pissing match.

2007-02-23 01:18:10 · answer #3 · answered by ArcadianStormcrow 6 · 3 0

I have read many, perhaps very many, Christians come on this website stating how powerful their God is.
Weak, pathetic fools. FSM is the only being with any power. So come and get me. Prove that your simplistic, sad, cretinous beliefs have some kind of foundation.
I do not believe a word of it!

That's called the BOOMERANG OWNAGE.
When you realize why you reject all those other gods, asker, you'll realize why atheists reject yours.
Insulting other people does not make you look good by default, dumbass.

2007-02-22 14:42:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 13 1

and you dont have to...I thought living in a 'free society" allowed people to live as they chose to live, free of persecution, so long as they dont piss off the Southern Baptists, the EPA, PETA, OR the ACLU..

While I dont believe in any of the dark magics, I dont burn those peoples name in effigy either, b/c this IS after all America, (freedom to choose). I'm a little concerned about you though, you seem a little angry, not a lot of reason to be too angy, these people believe as they choose to believe, such as you choose to beleive as you do. Try a little compassion..after all, honey will get you more then Vinegar...

2007-02-22 14:46:32 · answer #5 · answered by m34tba11 5 · 4 0

you really don't know anything about pagans do you?
wiccans follow the rede "harm none". that is about their only law. if only christians would follow that, or any other religion for that matter. there would be far fewer wars.
when was the last time that anyone heard of a wiccan starting a war?

i follow a celtic goddess. i don't ask her for anything, because she wants her children to be strong and independent.
but i will keep you in my thoughts.

you do realize that devil worship and wicca are totally different don't you?

2007-02-22 14:48:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Um,. that's good, because I've never known a Wiccan to sacrifice anything or brag about their Gods' power. (Though I have known Wiccans to eat a goat-meat gyro.) In fact, the only one here who is bragging on their God's power to hurt is...Y-O-U you! Why are you trying to reduce your religion to a pissing contest, anyway?

2007-02-22 14:43:23 · answer #7 · answered by GreenEyedLilo 7 · 7 0

Hmm, seems to me you are the one who is bragging about your God's alleged power. What, you can't stand up for yourself or something?

And why would anyone waste their time trying to "get you"? You are nothing more than a silly person trolling for answers.

2007-02-22 15:52:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Please learn proper grammar before you try to brow beat people and imply they are simplistic... One without proper grammar may not be taken very seriously because of their "simplistic" grammatical errors. For example, you wrote "worse" where you should have written "worst". Also dont you know what word "cretinous" is derived from? It is derived from the Latin Christiānum (Christian). Hmm I wonder why?

2007-02-22 15:04:42 · answer #9 · answered by Kelly + Eternal Universal Energy 7 · 6 0

Who says you need to know how to spell or use a keyboard in order to talk tough or BE tough?
Their beliefs do have a foundation. It's just that they're based on lies and misconceptions. Satan's most powerful deceptions are;
1. Convince people that there is no God.
2. Keep people misinformed about God and how to properly serve Him.
3. Convince people that there are more than one true God.
Rather than issue immodest challenges, why not feel sorry for them and pray for them?

2007-02-22 14:48:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

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