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Do some research people look at who founded mormon, Joseph Smith Jr. Do you know that your founder claimed to talk to an angel when he was given the golden tablets or whatever he calls them and this angel was called "The Angel of Moroni" or however you spell it. Well anyway moroni translated from latin to english means moron. So you wonderful founder talked to a angel that was a moron. Now how can you believe this guy? seriously do the research please. Go Christian and join a baptist church. Get saved from the grace of God and accept Jesus Christ into your heart and believe he died for your sins. God Bless and I pray for you all

2007-02-22 14:34:32 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Religion does not get you to heaven first but knowing the truth does, which is in the right religion (christianity) or should I say church. Don't get me wrong there is corrupt churches everywhere every religion. But who are you to judge? How can you hold the book of mormon to the same level of the Bible? Who gave Joseph smith the authority to deem that? Did God say hey Joseph Smith write this book and it will be as good as the Bible? No!!!! I do not knock the people of other religions it is the people who teach it that I do.

2007-02-22 14:46:28 · update #1

18 answers

You are correct in some of your statements, but misinformed and using odd logic in others.

You are basing the believeability of an event on someone's name? Have you really read the Bible? There are some pretty crazy names in the Bible, which the Mormons hold to be the word of God. It seems your real problem is believing that God continues to speak to man and would visit anyone to reveal truth; you believe God only spoke to man in Biblical times, but ceased to thereafter, and that truth is restricted to one book and one location. Of course, that is your right and I respect you for your beliefs. However, to try and criticize someone for believing that God does care for His children and reveals pertinent information to them in all times is disrespectful and unnecessary.

As you state, and I think most Mormons willl agree, organized religion is just a vehicle, but not the end all. The important thing, and what the Mormon faith teaches, is that we must accept Jesus Christ and His atonement/sacrifice. That we must understand His purpose and glory in His grace. But, Mormons also believe, as the Bible states, through our actions will Christ know us.

Mormons are some of the most serviceable, sincere, genuine and neighborly people in the world. They are taught to be educated and find truth for themselves, rather then believe in something blindly; they believe God answers their prayers. Who is anyone to tear someone down who believes (whether it has happend or not) they have received answers to their prayers from God?

One of the biggest problems in our world it the lack of respect for mankind. Rather then tear each other down we should be building each other up. It is the pride of the world that will destroy it.

2007-02-23 02:33:22 · answer #1 · answered by straightup 5 · 4 1

If there is a Mormon out there who doesn't know about Moroni, they obviously have slept through any lesson they needed to have in order to enter the Mormon church. And by the way, Moroni isn't Latin. He was a Native American (or at least was on one of the American continents).
How about you research it a bit more? It's obvious you don't know much about the Mormon beliefs (even the basics!) if you don't believe they don't accept Christ. As far as for the being saved, every true Mormon has been saved, they do accept Christ into their hearts, and they do believe he died for their sins. Thank you for the prayers, though. We will continue to be blessed, and will pray for your continued blessing, too.

2007-02-25 14:12:10 · answer #2 · answered by Laurel W 4 · 0 0

People believe in Mormonism because they were born into it and told to believe it by their parents. Or they were convinced to join by missionaries who use typical salesman tricks (I know, I was one of them). Very few believing Mormons know much about the early history of the church. Most don't even know that Joseph Smith had 33 wives.

Joseph smith claimed a lot of things that are far more outrageous than talking to the angel Moroni. Did you know that he claimed there were Quakers living on the Moon?

Dissing Mormonism and promoting the Baptist church is ridiculous. There is no more evidence for the truth of mainstream Christianity than there is for Mormonism.

To answer your question again, people believe because the human mind is designed to want to believe in the supernatural. Unfortunately, these believe are invariably false.

2007-02-24 21:24:28 · answer #3 · answered by bigjarom 4 · 0 0

First, yes, we are aware that our "founder" spoke to an angel, called Moroni. Thus the reason that Moroni graces the top of most Mormon temples. Ta-da! So as far as a translation from ancient Nephite to modern English, I was not aware that there is an English-Nephite/Nephite-English dictionary in existence, so I am not sure how you came to the conclusion that Moroni translates to "moron". Any more than "John" translates to "snothead".

As to your advice to join a Baptist church, shall we look for the Westboro Baptists and make a$$e$ of ourselves at veterans funerals because...uh...welll...hmmm...gays are bad...yeah, that's it. Don't like gays, so we're going to scream horrible things at the funerals of brave men and women who give the ultimate sacrifice for liberty.

We claim the privilege of worshiping the Almighty God according to the dictates of our own consciense...thanks for playing.

2007-02-23 10:35:01 · answer #4 · answered by Fotomama 5 · 0 0

Mormons worship in funereal meetings so dreary that depression is commonplace. They play dress-up to an amazing extent for their meetings, it's like a contest. Mormons comprise the only christian religion that believes in things that have been patently proven false by the best science available, like the existence of elephants and horses in the Americas in 600 BC, and also that Native Americans came from the middle east, not Asia.

They wear 'magic' underwear called 'garments' that supposedly shield them from harm and temptation, yet they can't seem to overcome the temptation to commit more sex crimes per-capita than any other group in America. They also preach abstinance from sex yet have the highest rate of teenage pregnancy.

Joseph Smith, the founder of mormonism, boasted that he was a better religious leader than Jesus and Brigham Young, the second "prophet" said that no man could enter heaven unless he believed in Joseph Smith, so they are kind of exclusionary. They say that they have abandoned poligamy, but they haven't, refusing to remove the 'poligamy commandment' from holy texts (Doctrine & Covenants 136) and preaching that the holy practice of poligamy will resume when Jesus returns or when it is 'practical' to do so. Men may be "sealed" to more than one wife if one dies prematurely, as well as posthumously in temple ceremonies. Since no woman can enter heaven without a husband, when a single woman dies she is "sealed" to whatever man is chosen for her.

People who have been babtized into the mormon church posthumously include adolf hitler, josef stalin and mao-tse tung, as well as all of the jews in the holocaust. Someday you too, will likely be babtized a mormon, like it or not!

2007-02-26 03:53:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

People believe the church because the things that they are told are sanitized and beautifully wrapped by spin doctors before the elders get them.
Another thing is the desire to do something to get salvation. This has been a hurdle that allows people to join the JW's since they earn their salvation by knocking on doors. Mormons believe that they are saved after all they do (read salvation by works.) We have a hard time knowing there is nothing that we can do to gain salvation.

2007-02-25 15:00:22 · answer #6 · answered by Buzz s 6 · 1 0

I'm not going to delve into the preposterosity that is your additional details. I'm only going to answer your posted question, "Why do people actually believe in the religion of Mormon?"

As you refer to the LDS church, not "the religion of Mormon", here is your answer:
It is true. I know it, and anyone who has studied it prayerfully with an open mind (truly open, not just partially open) will also know it. Why not believe the truth?

And to Buzz S: We do not believe that we are saved by works alone. We live our life, trying to have done good works, and if our works are deemed worthy at the final judgment, we are saved by grace.

2007-02-25 23:47:09 · answer #7 · answered by Beast8981 5 · 0 1

Because they are BRAINWASHED. If you go to church and all you hear is the church is true,the church is true,the church is true,the church is true,the church is true,the church is true, Joseph Smith was a prophet of God,Joseph Smith was a prophet of God,Joseph Smith was a prophet of God,Joseph Smith was a prophet of God,the Book of Mormon is the word of God,the Book of Mormon is the word of God,the Book of Mormon is the word of God,the Book of Mormon is the word of God you would start to believe it too.

2007-02-26 09:05:51 · answer #8 · answered by MistyAnn 3 · 0 0

Why do you actually believe the religion of Baptism? Answer that and I will bet a great deal of money that a Mormon will give you a very similar answer.

2007-02-22 14:38:10 · answer #9 · answered by Scott M 7 · 4 0

One reason people believe in the religion of Mormons is because they have smarter and more informed people in it then you.

2007-02-23 14:12:47 · answer #10 · answered by J T 6 · 0 0

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