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11 answers

My daughter and I are watching the bonus DVD to The Crow with Brandon Lee and during the interview with him she looks at me and asks "They filmed this before he died right?" .........When I could stop laughing I said...no they are showing this on the AfterLifeTime Network...duhhhh" She is a straight A student, but bless her heart sometimes I gotta wonder.........

2007-02-22 14:18:28 · answer #1 · answered by Mustang Sally 4 · 0 0

A lizard and a monkey sit in a tree. The lizard decided to get a drink in the lake, so he climbed down the tree and got a drink. Just then, an alligator came out of the water and walked into the trees. He saw the monkey in the tree and said, "Hey!" The monkey replied, "Holy ****, I think you drank too much water!"

Maybe this isn't very funny, but, here you go.

2007-02-22 22:18:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

One day eight years ago, my mom was at home with my little brother, who was five at the time, when three Jehovah's Witnesses came to the door.

Mom, not wanting to be rude, let the zealots in and sat them down in the living room.

She then called my brother and told him that some nice men wanted to talk to him.

She quietly slipped to her bedroom doorway to hear the goings-on.

At that age, my brother had a 200-megahertz mouth. He would not stop talking. EVER.

So, he sat with one of the zealots and launched into a nonstop five-minute lesson about hippos, or whatever animal he was obsessing over that day.

It sounded something like this:

and . . . "

After that, my mom heard the shuffle of feet and a slam of the front door.

We never saw the zealots again.

2007-02-22 22:21:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I used to work in the vacuum department of Sears as my first job when I was 15. I hated it, but that is where all the noobs start. I was there this one time and an old lady came up to me and asked me where the vacuums were, so I walked her over to them. We were standing right in front of them and she was denying that they were there. She kept saying these aren't vacuums, I want to see the vacuums. Why are you being a jerk? She didn't beleive me that we were in the vacuum section. I swear she wanted to hit me with her purse. She went and complained to management and then she never came back, I never heard anything about it either.

2007-02-22 22:19:25 · answer #4 · answered by dark_forsaken_wolf 3 · 0 0

Before Winter Vacation [i'm a senior in high school btw], I was in Economics and it was snowing [NYC], so there was tons of snow out the window. I opened it up, and then took the snow and kept throwing snowballs into my English Teacher's room and shutting the Economics door really fast. Then my English teacher stood outside confused to where it came from because there was no one in the hallway. We did it a few times, until he caught me and he started laughing.

2007-02-22 22:19:00 · answer #5 · answered by kelsey 3 · 0 0

Have you seen that car comercial where it looks like the car is driving on the ledge of a building ??
My 5 yr. old grandson saw it Monday and all he could say, after realy staring at it was * Geeeee, Grammy, I didn't know a car could drive there !!!*....... I nearly fell out of my chair.... but maybe you had to be there and know this child..... He can make you believe the sky is purple with pink stars..... God bless

2007-02-22 22:18:59 · answer #6 · answered by Annie 7 · 0 0

ok let me think..
My son when he was in preschool, (I'd say about age 3) was in class doing "end of the day" work, the teacher was looking at the kids' pictures and asked the little girl across the table from him what she was drawing (the page had a bunch of dots) and she replied "It's rain" the teacher then saw my son's page (that looked identical) and asked him if he was drawing rain also and his reply "No..they're dots". She said his expression was like "where have you been...duh".

My daughter asked a while back (around Thanksgiving) "Is green bean casserole casserole with green beans in it?"

We were in the eye doctor's office and she was about to dilate my son's eyes and she turned to us and said "I'm going to put d-r-o-p-s in his eyes." my hubby looks at her and was like "What are d-r-o-p-s-?" (He was thinking some weird contact thing)

I'm sure I have more if I had time to really think. Hope these are as funny to you as they were to me.

2007-02-22 22:22:02 · answer #7 · answered by Kitikat 6 · 0 0

one day, 3 men were stranded on an island, so the people of the island told them that they would help them get back home if they gathered some fruits for them. so the 3 men set out to get the fruits. one man gathered 10 grapes and brought it back to the islanders. they told him that they would stick all the grapes up his butt and if he can withstand it all, they will sail him home. when the 6th grape was stuck up his butt, he could not take it anymore so he died and went to heaven. the second man had gathered 20 cranberries. they also started to stick it up his butt. he almost made it, but he died on the 18th cranberry and went to heaven. In heaven, the two men met each other and burst out laughing when they saw the third man coming out from the brushes with 3 pineapples in his hands.

one day, there were 3 girls stranded on an island. as they were walking along looking for shelter, they saw a bottle on the ground. so they rubbed it and out popped a genie. the genie gave them 3 wishes for freeing him, so each girl took one wish each. the first girl said i miss my friends and my family, so i wish i was back home, instantly, the gilr disappeared and was back home. the second girl also said that she misses her friends and family and wishes she was home too. she also disappeared and was back ome. the third girl, seeing that her friends were gone felt lonely and missed them. so she wished they were back on the island with her.

2007-02-22 22:23:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well one time i was in 2n grade and the bathrooms had locks on the outside and inside well i was going to the bathroom and a girl locked it on accident and i was stuck there for the whole day (6hours) and i was pounding and pounding no one came becouse they all went on a feild trip so then around 8:oo pm some teacher found me and took me home

2007-02-22 22:18:24 · answer #9 · answered by bronte d 2 · 0 0

once i was at an assembly..
and i saw this boy i liked.
he was with his friends.
and i was watching him.
suddenly his group and my group sortof merged without notice.
and he had keys in his back pocket.
i was staring off into space at his bum..
when his freinds saw me and
laughed and pointed.
well that was embarassing..
because now everytime i see him he gives me funny looks.

now trust me..
YOU had a good day today!

2007-02-22 22:19:16 · answer #10 · answered by ninjah_jamie 3 · 0 0

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