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i cut myself. my one friend knows and she keeps telling me i need to tell someone. i cant tell my mom because she'll just get mad at me and tell me i want attention. she did that before. i go to a phyciatrist but she tells my mom what i say. i cant tell anybody at my school because they arent allowed to talk to me without my moms consent. i cant talk to my dad because he'll just tell my mom. i dont know where to turn. im thinking about suicide all the time. please help

2007-02-22 14:02:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

8 answers

Admitting that you are feeling this way is the first step, and realising that you need to tell someone is also a good step forward.
Your friend is right, you do need to tell someone how you feel, and what you are doing to yourself - but you must tell a responsible person, someone who is an adult that can direct you in the right direction - so that you keep yourself safe.

Do you have an aunt, or an uncle - even a grandmother that you can talk to?.. if you feel as though you can't talk to anyone - what about your friends mom?

I'm thinking that if you do tell your mom that sure she'll be angry and upset for a little while, but if she loves you enough for her to get you to see a psychiatrist she's genuinely worried about the way you feel.

Just remember, things can get better if you choose to get help!!

2007-02-22 14:16:09 · answer #1 · answered by ice_ang3l24 1 · 0 0

I can see why you feel like you do not have anywhere to turn. You do need to find someone to talk to, but there are some things that I do not understand. Why is your phyciatrist reporting confidential information to your mother without your consent? The only times when doc/patient confidentiality can be breeched is if you admit to abuse or wanting to harm yourself or another. And by harm I don't mean cutting, that is not serious enough. If I were you I would confront your phyciatrist. My next question is why are the people at your school not allowed to talk to you without your mothers consent?

I do think that you are going to have to face the fact that your mother will find out. I know that you think she will just say you just want attention, but you are going to have to try very hard to explain it to her. Sit her down and tell her how you feel before you cut, why you cut and what the cutting does for you. This may help her to realize that this is not an attention seeking behavior. If that still does not help, then go to your father. Do the same thing with him. Explain what happened when you tried to tell your mother. Make somebody realize that you need more help then what you are getting.

Good luck.

2007-02-22 15:35:27 · answer #2 · answered by ragtad 2 · 0 0

Well if you want to talk to someone and you don't want your mom to know then just talk to that friend for the time being. I cut myself a few times, which landed me with the dream I asked about-I think.

You can talk to me, and when you need professional help talk to a guidance counseler. If you're not allowed without your moms consent, then have your friend talk for you and have them say their friend is cutting!

They're going to ask who, and your friend will probably have to tell. But you should tell someone who can help you. I'm not so sure I'm going to tell anyone, because I'm stopping-at least I hope. I kinda don't mind but I get scared of going crazy...

If your mom says that she probably just doesn't want to believe it. Why didn't SHE tell someone the first time!?

Don't commit suicide! Plus, most ways are very painful, and difficult with a low accuracy.

You can email me at daniellea2007@yahoo.co.uk for help if you want!

Good luck!

PS-please visit my question!

2007-02-22 14:15:21 · answer #3 · answered by Keys 3 · 0 0

She is right about this. Learn how to find your centre of consciousness, using the easily learned methods at: www.relax7.com/7.php and the 2 in the blogs of Shan Eris on "tackling depression" at myspace.com In the bar near the top of the myspace homepage, type: "cutting", "self harm" & "self mutilation" separately. Join a support group of people with similar problems, either in person, or online, at myspace; groups or Yahoo! groups or Google; groups, possibly exchanging phone numbers & email addresses, so you can contact one of them, whenever the urge becomes overwhelming. Tell your psychiatrist about your mother's reaction, and that he really needs to have a session with her (maybe more), because you now feel restricted in what you can say to him, because you know what her response has been so far, and it is definitely limiting any possible progress.

2007-02-22 14:48:12 · answer #4 · answered by CLICKHEREx 5 · 0 0

Why do you hurt your self? Jesus would not have you do this for nothing, so that tells me satan has you binded, how old are you, Talk to the Lord just like you would any one else, and ask Jesus to unbind you from satans grips.Life is good and it is what you make of it, you have got to regain your self worth, By telling your self that your life is very important and it is up to you to change the wrongs in your life, only you know what makes you happy, what ever it is do it, and rember this A positive attitude is a magnet for positive results, regain your self worth, hold your head high and face what it is bothering you, nothing is worth you hurting your self, when you start to fill this way again try this it really works, say Jesus name over and over and over and over Jesus , Jesus Jesus as many times as it takes until these feelings leave you it will really work, I am praying for you and Jesus loves you and would not have you feeling this way for nothing, life is to short for such, enjoy life for you only have one chance at it, Life has a lot instore for you, a lot of great things, always rember this Jesus loves you and is waiting own you to call out to Him, Jesus will give you a peace so grand try it, it is so grand, God bless you and may the Lord shine His light own your life,

2007-02-22 18:09:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

you need some help you must talk about your troubles .it sounds like your going through alot. did you try a church?im not realy religouse ,but thats a place you can go were they can help you .i know that a priest can help and if you talk in confesion they cannot tell your mother and are bound by the vows they have taken with the church to help you....you need to be brave now.
you can talk to me anytime.

2007-02-22 14:17:26 · answer #6 · answered by giggles 2 · 0 0

please don't commit suicide......i almost lost my little sister that way (she was dumb enough 2 tell me what she was doing and i stopped her).......i know its hard but you have 2 tell your mom if you don't it will only get worse.....i used 2 cut myself and i finally told my aunt and she was able 2 help me.....if you tell your mom she can help you.....if you need 2 talk about it even though you don't know me personally you can e-mail me or if you have yahoo messenger you can talk 2 me on there........my e-mail is smallfrie2012@yahoo.com if you decide you want 2 talk about it

2007-02-22 14:27:49 · answer #7 · answered by the idiot down the road 4 · 0 0

Know that there were voices in my past that told me that I had nothing to offer!, I was nothing!, God and Jesus Didn't value me and maybe you should think about what life would be like if you weren't in it because it would be better for everyone!, because this world would be better without you!....I tell you sister! Ignore these kind of voices, this second! because this is the deceiver Satan and his legion of evil spirits, who is the father of all lies! I don't know what the voices in your mind are holding against you? Maybe you trying to end the pain from all the lies in your mind by trying to cut yourself! Hoping that in cutting yourself your pain will stop!? I will encourage you sister that this is not the answer to your life! DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO TAKE THE EASY WAY OUT! The Fact is you are valued, your life does have a purpose and you are very much loved! Before I go any farther I would like to recommend two books to you for finding purpose in your life! 1. The Purpose Driven Life. by Rick Warren 2002 and 2. Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen 2004. I believe that your feeling almost to the state of emptiness. I believe the reason you feel this way is because your heart is feeling that something is missing. I believe that something is God and Jesus! The Bible says that you were created to have a fellowship with God, and to have Him at the center of your life. Did you know God loves you and values you! "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son Jesus, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)Know apart from Jesus Christ, the Bible tells us, we are "harassed and helpless, like sheep with out a shepherd" (Matt 9:36). But God loves us, and one reason he has allowed you to have this feeling of emptiness in your heart is that He loves you and wants you to seek and have a relationship with him. No matter how hard we try or what means we use--material possessions, money, pleasure, drugs, or whatever--the emptiness is still there. The thing is that if you let your emptiness go this leads into depression and cutting yourself! How do I know this? Because I have dealt with that empty feeling, life with no purpose or meaning and eventually depression. The three things that really turned my life around was: 1. Knowing that God and Jesus Loved me and I was valued! 2. Knowing I had people on my side at church, in my social life and in my family that cared about me! and 3. I had to get myself out of the atmosphere that I was in! When you put yourself in line with what God has for you, then you will see yourself back with a renewed joy! I would not be telling you this if I had not experienced what you feel myself! Know down inside you are looking for love and happiness but you will never find it the way you are living right now. God created you, and God loves you. His only Son, Jesus Christ, loved you so much that he gave His life on the cross so you could be saved and break free from in perfectness, sin and this empty feeling to become a child of God. When you accept Jesus Christ into your life, something wonderful and supernatural happens. God Himself comes to dwell within you! You become part of His family, and you can know the joy of His presence every day. The Bible says: "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). As a christian I know that Church is a excellent place to meet people that might of once felt the way you do now with no purpose and they might tell you how now they live for Jesus and how they have found that purpose. Not only at church service but a lot of church's have activities like support groups and small groups like bible study! Not only will you be meeting new people and developing relationships with them, you will be also be developing a relationship with God and Jesus by learning what the word of God (the Bible) has to offer you in your life, like questions like this one! Also I encourage you to take other steps to reach out to others. Are there others at work or in your neighborhood who are also feel life has no purpose? Are there others in your neighborhood or work who seem to have just a few friends? It may be not easy for you at first, but learn to be a friend to others. Is a good way to start to do something practical for someone else who has a need. The fact of the matter is you need to put yourself in a new atmosphere! I battled though depression! So, I felt like life was just one, big black, end less, tunnel that I felt so alone and that no one valued me! I later found out that I was valued! I was valued by Jesus because he gave his life on the cross for me! and in essence I was carrying my own cross and Jesus said let me carry that for a while and you put your faith in me and I will bring you hope for the future and a future partner! You know what? He did! Now am happily married to the woman of my dreams! And you to can have that person you desire and things in your life will have meaning and purpose if you believe in yourself and start having a relationship with Jesus! I will be praying for you sister! Right now! Pray to Jesus, tell him you don't want to have a life without a purpose anymore! For the lies for Satan and his evil spirits to go and leave you alone so you my know Jesus Truth! You want him to come into your heart by faith! Tell him you want him and him alone and you do not want to hurt or hurt yourself anymore! You want him to come and stay with you and bring you comfort and wisdom. In Jesus Name! Amen!

2007-02-22 15:47:57 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 2 0

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