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ok, so all of us who have babies and toddlers..what is the one thing really WANT???? A FULL NIGHT"S SLEEP!! i have an 8 month old so doenst always sleep though the night..oh, well, i have to deal. my freind has 3 kids ages baby- toddler,-kindergarten. she has told me on MANY occsions and that she desperatly needed sleep, so she has given all of them NYQUIL to sleep and they arent even sick....i am sick about it myself..what should i do, if anything??

2007-02-22 13:56:21 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

24 answers

That is dangerous,and neglectful.

2007-02-22 13:58:34 · answer #1 · answered by MaryBeth 7 · 1 0

I say turn her in. I'm sure you can do it anonymous.Chances are if she's doing this most likely it's gonna happen more and more. If she thinks there is nothing wrong w/it then she will probably do it more often. I knew a woman that did that w/cough syrup too.That's terrible! If she didn't want the responsibilities of a baby she shouldn't have had 3! I know parents get tired I have 2 kids myself but that is just uncalled for! You are right to feel the way you do. That stuff isn't made to take for no reason and I'm betting if u read the bottle it say's NOT to give to kids that age! it's dangerous! Don't let this go.

2007-02-22 22:04:35 · answer #2 · answered by same girl/new name :) 5 · 0 0

I'm not sure. I know that My friends mom did that to him on a few occations and he is fine. No harm was caused by it.

It's not the right thing to do because a baby cries for a reason so she might be ignoring a cause for the crying. however, I would talk to your friend about it before reporting it. After all she is your friend and she deserves a chance to try to fix the problem. Let her know that she maybe ignoring the reall problems with her children and find out if there is anything that she could be doing different. Give her some suggestions. Maybe this was some advice that she got from some one else and it has worked for her so she continues to do it. so until she finds something else that works she will continue to do it.

If she continues to do it and you think that the children are in some real danger I would tell some one about it. ask a school for some numbers that you could call if it continues to happen after your talk with your friend.

2007-02-22 22:37:07 · answer #3 · answered by duobat00 1 · 0 0

First of all if she cant take the sleepless nights that everyone knows comes with being a parent why did she have 3 kids? That's why condoms are made. Second of all, if she needs sleep so bad why NyQuil? Children's Tylenol is just as effective but much less dangerous. Personally I don't think a child should get medicine unless he/she is sick or has pain. Report her to CPS. They will keep your name confidential.

2007-02-23 00:18:46 · answer #4 · answered by Amanda 7 · 0 0

There was a case in the newspaper awhile back, where a daycare provider was giving medicine to the children to make them sleep while she did her other daily whatevers. One of the children DIED as a result of getting to much medication over a long period of time. I think this woman should be reported. It is very dangerous to give children medication they do not need!! When sick, they should be taken to a Dr. who will prescribe the correct dosage and medication to help with their illness. I couldn't imagine giving my children something to help them sleep. I too, wish they would sleep sometimes more then they do. I have 2 1/2 year old twins and im 35 weeks pregnant, so i am tired a lot...and there are days my twins do not take naps. NEVER would i give them medication. That is soooo dangerous!!! What if one of her children were to be overdosed, and die as a result. Something needs to be done.

2007-02-23 10:29:55 · answer #5 · answered by misty n justin 4 · 0 0

I would call a pediatrician and ask about any long or short term effects of NyQuil on children. I know that children under the age of six are not recommended to take most cold medications. It often says, "Under age six consult your physician." I am a teacher, and often when kids age 10 have cold medication, they come in a bit lethargic the next day. This case you discussed is worrisome to me in that I know that products with acetaminophen have effects on the liver if taken too often, or in large doses. Again, consult a doctor.

2007-02-22 22:15:44 · answer #6 · answered by goldengirl5 1 · 0 0

I cant say I would give my child NyQuil, BUT is your friend otherwise a good mom, how much is she giving them, I don't think there can be any damage but I'm not a doctor, maybe you should ask a doctors op ion, I would say not to turn her in if that's the worst of it but if you find out side affects that could harm the children let her know and then do drastic measures.

2007-02-22 22:00:10 · answer #7 · answered by LuvnLife 3 · 0 0

administering NyQuil and /or its contents to anybody is not natural, even if i stretch my imagination.

when things, such as this, exist there are repercussions of some kind. chemical drugs are so processed that any one ingesting these contents will also experience a side effect, however moderate or pronounced.

as to the legal aspect of these incidences, one would have to weigh out, very carefully, whether or not to intervene. take, for instance, a pain killer for teethers administered on soothers which would have similar contents to NyQuil. parents (guardians) do have rights together with discretion. i always say that if you take a person's discretion away, it's akin to pulling the teeth out of a watch-dog and then expecting it to protect you.

this is one of those judgement calls. it is said that we all can give you advice (which i have) but when it gets right down to it, the final decision is still yours....Yeah?

2007-02-22 22:29:28 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

O.K. I don't have kids but my niece does and this is what works for her. If at all possible get a sitter, preferably a family member maybe that'd keep the cost down sitter-wise. maybe a family member could watch 2 of them..then 1 wouldn't be so much to deal with. Your friend is simply over-whelmed and is playing with fire by medicating them. I'd tell'em you're worried about this and try to come up w/a alternative. It's dangerous to medicate them like that and probably illegal but unless you really consider them in danger it's probably best to stay out of things. I'd go w/the sitter..they're not for just going out on the town.

2007-02-22 22:07:50 · answer #9 · answered by G=ME 5 · 0 0

That is terrible and can harm the darlings inner body parts especially the liver. You should really try speaking to your friend first and if that doesnt work try child servies last resort social services (dyfs) there are many programs that will help. Try to get her to use benadryl but to only use it on occasion this way one really necessary days she gets her sleep but really she needs to reinforce betimes better if she needs to use it often. Nyquil is also not for children. I hope that this may have helped you in some way

2007-02-26 04:06:00 · answer #10 · answered by lorileeandme 1 · 0 0

NyQuil wouldn't be my first choice. I have used Benedryl to help my daughter get to sleep, particularly when we traveled (four flights in the US, two overseas). My doctor suggested it.

My dad is a nurse and he has used Benedryl for years to help him manage working a swing shift, with no ill effects. It is very safe provided that you are extremely careful to use the correct dose.

You might suggest to her that she talk to her doctor, and see if he can recommend something safer. NyQuil is for adults. It's not made for or safe for kids. Benedryl is safe for all ages, assuming you use the correct formulation, and will produce the same effect.

2007-02-22 22:04:10 · answer #11 · answered by Amy 3 · 2 0

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