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So my fiance and I can not decide on what we want to get. We are buying a house and plan to have children in the future. We have a decent yard that has a stockade fence. Currently have 1 young cat and no other animals. Our top three choices of what we want to get are a labrador or a mastiff or a doberman. All are great dogs with pro's and con's but we would like everyone else's advise. Please help!!!!

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So, I just want to thank everyone who has already answered this question and encourage them to re-answer if they prefer.At this point, I found out some more information regarding the above breeds and am not even sure if I want any of them. Come to find out, statistically, a lab is more apt to bite than a doberman, but then why do most families own them? I am obviously confused at this point? Can anyone give any good advise on a good, laid back, medium-large sized, family dog that's well natured? What breed does everyone recommend? Help :) Thanks

2007-02-22 13:32:49 · 18 answers · asked by Kat 2 in Pets Dogs

18 answers

Statistics can say anything you want. First of all, did this study about dog bites mention how many labs are out there as opposed to how many other dogs were in the study! Labs are abundant therefore there are is more likeliness for them to be involved in a bite.

I am not a lab owner so don't read more into this than what I've said. The study you read is simply doggie profiling:). When I worked for animal control the statistics we had in one year was 40 heeler bites to 2 bit bull bites!

I think the emphasis is on the actual dog, not the breed standard. A dog is as good as his owner, nor worse, no better. Any dog can be a great family dog, if you are a great handler and owner!

2007-02-22 13:40:09 · answer #1 · answered by dressage.rider 5 · 0 0

All dogs will bite if put in the wrong situation and if they're not trained properly.
All three choices you have are all awesome dogs! My mom has a lab and she's a very VERY high energy dog..so you may want to think about that with a new baby in the house, otherwise she's a great dog, very smart.
I grew up with Dobermans, very loyal dog. Very protective.
Mastiffs are the gentle giants (i currently have one and two saint bernards). I love big dogs. They are very friendly, loyal, and can be protective when they have to be. The main thing that you need to take into consideration with the Mastiff is that it will end up being a very large dog....over 200 pounds..so it will take up alot of room, need a large yard, lots of upkeep...and it will be expensive to feed.
I dont know if I really helped you out any, but those are my personal experiences with the breeds you have listed. I personally would do for the Mastiff if you have the yard, and if you'll be able to handle the upkeep of a large dog..they really are the gentle giant.

2007-02-22 14:24:03 · answer #2 · answered by photogrl262000 5 · 1 0

The lab wins hands down as far as being around children. The breed seems to almost be made for kids! Keep in mind that all three of your considered breeds are BIG doggies, and that alone can be concerning with small ones around. Mastiffs are great dogs, not all that demanding with exercise either, compared to the Lab which I would say needs moderate work outs. Doberman seem to suffer a bad image, but I have never been around one that was anything but super. Never been around one trained as an attack dog I admit, but the ones I have known have all been sweethearts. These do need areas to run like crazy once in while! I think the Dobie is probably the quickest learner, the Labs second, and the Mastiff is third, but still not a dumb bell either.

2016-03-29 08:01:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I must admit I am a but jaded in my choice from the above list. I raised Dobies for years. Nearly 20. They are excelent animals. Like all dogs they have to be raised properly. Lots of love and attention, they all must have a good strong ALPHA dominate person to follow as a pack leader. Recently I had an American Staffordshire Terrier that was absolutely incredible. Most people would call him a pitt bull. He NEVER got at all agressive with people. He was dog on dog agresive to the point that I as a dog trainer could not break this habbit and I had to let him go. Still breaks my heart. anyway back to the point. He was around small children a lot of the time from weeks old to 3 years old. The would climb on him pull his years ride him around the house like alittle horse and he love it like nothing else on this earth. My point is that each dog is his own "person" the owner is what makes the dog.
Picking a quality breader is of the utmost importance. This will do wonders for you. One less health problems. Two better attitudes in the dogs. I recomend that you spend at least 3 or 4 hours with the breader watching how the dogs react to the breader and how the breader reacts to the dogs. If they have a respectfull and loving relatioship the chances are that you will have a great dog. If you get a feeling that the dog is property they run forthe door!!! Remember that any dog can be god or bad. I honestly think that there are NO bad dogs just bad owners. the dogs do what they are raised to do for the most part. Good luck in making your decision. Pick your puppy from the litter early and visit him, watch him grow and develop, get him acustomed to you before you take him home it will make things easier on teh both of you in the long run.

2007-02-22 13:53:09 · answer #4 · answered by kb3hmj 3 · 0 0

I have been a trainer of obedience classes and have watched people with their dogs so I have another question for you....Can you handle the dog the size of a mastiff? Even though they are are usually friendly they get rowdy and can be hard to handle .They have lots of slober which is very very messy wether they are inside or outside dog...they will slime ya bad....remember Beethoven. Doberman..have a tendency to become closer to one member of the family than the rest and will sometimes become overly protective of that person and get testy with the rest of the family. I know it doesnt happen all the time but I have seen it occur a lot of times. Labradors...are smaller do get rowdy but also settle down quickly and if socialized properly are great with every one and are great with kids. They slober a bit but not near as much as mastiffs. I would say Mastiff if you and your fiance both can handle the size but Labrador is really the best choice.

2007-02-22 16:39:28 · answer #5 · answered by dac46219 3 · 0 0

I don't believe Labs attack more then other dogs at all. Was this an australian study. I know in America labs are treated like mongrels and left in the streets, so safe to assume like any animal left to fend for itself it will protect whatever it has or wants.
I have a lab which we got 4 years before our first child and she is still here with our now family of 3 children. She is very protective of my children and will scare the life out of anyone getting close to our home but has never gotten too close, for there sake and her own! My children lay all over her and she just sleeps, she comes on holiday in the car with us, she is one of the family. She is very loving and loyal. She has never been shut of from the kids since they were babies which makes a big difference in dogs.
They do come with pros and cons and it will be the way you raise the dog and it will also come back to the pups parents aswell. It is best you get to meet them. I bought my lab from a small country town and didn't know about hip displasia, she turned out to have hip and elbow displasia, cost $1000 to find this out. I don't give her tablets just changed her food made alot of it myself and a check up a few years later found she was much better. She limps if sleeping on the ground instead of her raised bed. Again i do believe it is how you raise and care for your animals to how they behave. Exercise is really important.
I wouldn't have a doberman not because I believe they will attack I know the movies have done the breed alot of damage but I think if it did attack it could do so much damage, so quickly. My sister in law has a one year old Doberman with to children, its a fun dog, loving and social.
I think labs are a little bit more softer and cuddlier. They do not grow out of puppy stage for about 4 - 5 years which is a handful if you can't train it and listen to commands.
If you want to come down to a medium sized dog the English cocker spaniel is a beautiful dog.
I am really biased and would not go past a lab as a pet. Plus they come in 3 different colours!!

2007-02-22 14:25:50 · answer #6 · answered by riszo 2 · 0 0

No matter what people say, Labrador Retrievers actually have horrible attitudes. If it doesn't show up while they're young, it will still end up happening as they get older. And Labradors attack more children than any other dog, except the poodle and Chihuahua. But, as long as you try your best to raise it correctly, it should end up fine.

Omg, I love Bull Mastiffs. They're HUGE!! They're also really friendly. But, I haven't ever had one, though I want one badly. There isn't anything wrong with them, but they drool a lot. I think it's cute, though.

And Dobermen...Actually, out of the three, I would say to get that one. They're loyal, smart, strong, friendly, and good house dogs. They never have trouble with children, unless raised wrong, and are a lot of fun. They have a lot of energy, and they're really good at playing fetch.

I'm on the phone right now, so I can't really give you much more information. E-mail me if you want to hear more later. =) Good luck!

2007-02-22 13:48:37 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

How about a nice dog from the humane society. Why are you wanting a purebred dog- are you planning to breed or show them? If not, there is no need for a purebred- and especially if you
are going to get it neutered for a better mannered family dog.
Getting a dog is a big committment. That mastiff might sound nice, but, how are you going to drive it around to the parks and vet with a child in a car seat next to it? (besides the damage to the upholstery.) Labs love to carry stuff around, it will be a constant battle with kid's toys with dog slobber on them. besides the chewed up plastic mess. do more research on types at akc sites.

get a nice even tempered pup from the pound- perhaps a mix of two of the types of dogs that you are interested in. I live in puppy mill country, and alot of purebred dogs are unhealthy and have not been properly socialized as pups (left in cage and not handled or loved) leading to unpredictability and future hidden problems. If you do get a purebred, purchase it from a family and not a pet store- Please!
get a nice even tempered pup from the pound- perhaps a mix of two of the types of dogs that you are interested in.
You will get a better animal; trust the pound staff, they know their dogs and can help you pick. I took 6 months going to the pound, looking, lettting the staff know what i was looking for and got 2 nice lab mixes that are great family dogs (but not great watch dogs, oh well...)

2007-02-22 14:01:29 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I love dobbies and mastiffs... (owner/breed of theshar-pei) im not as fond of the lab! i was seriously bitten by one as a child. seriously yes they do and can bite as any and all dogs can. and no i didnt tease or touch the dog for it to bite me , it actually climbed our chain link fence to attack me.. (the dog was not put to sleep as i feel its the owners fault not the dog) but honeslty i hold no grudge against that bred as dogs are dogs and act out when treated or raised badly. I think all the dogs you have chosen are all mighty fine breeds/ they is alot of pro's and con's , i would personally go through the good the bad on those breeds etc and meet with a few breeders of each and pick one of the pups that you find suitable for your lifestyle. (I LOVE DOBBIES...FAV BREED...LOL) dont own any but did while growing up best dogs i ever had other than my pei's...heh heh

2007-02-23 16:40:33 · answer #9 · answered by sunkissedpei 3 · 1 0

All dogs can bite. It will depend on how you bring your dog up. All dogs can be well natured and laid back.. Again it depends on how the owners treat them/bring them up.

All the above 3 dogs can be well natured and laid back. Labs are excellent family pets, good with kids etc but so are the other 2. You should take your dog to classes to socialise and obedience classes.

I like the American Staffie myself, but I also like any pup they all melt my heart. The best dog I ever had was a Kelpie (Australian)

2007-02-22 13:43:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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