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I am so tired of living my life the way I have been living it. I have always made all A's, been the first seed on the tennis team, tried to help and be there for my friends when they have needed me, and have always been a Christian. But lately... I don't know what to do. I have 3 B's on my report card, and I don't really know who my friends are. I am sick and tired of everybody thinking I am as close to perfect as you can get because I am not. I screw up a lot, at least lately. I feel like I have no control over my life any more. I feel like I am on the verge of doing something really stupid to myself: going anerexic, committing suicide, or cutting myself. The thing about suicide is I don't want to upset my mom amd dad and make them think they haven't been good parents. I also don't want it to make my parents look bad to thier employs and friends. I don't think I could ever bring myself to do suicide. I would probally chicken out. But I do want a way for all this to get better.

2007-02-22 12:55:53 · 22 answers · asked by tennisluver90 2 in Health Mental Health

I need suggestions. I feel like I am losing control of everything I have ever had control about. I feel like I am the one they are talking about in that song "Hate Me." If you don't know that song it doesn't matter.

2007-02-22 12:57:50 · update #1

I have always been good at giving advise to my friends but not taking my own advise.

2007-02-22 13:01:42 · update #2

22 answers

Even Know I was a Christian, Know that there were still voices in my head that told me that I had nothing to offer!, I was nothing!, God and Jesus Didn't value me and maybe you should think about what life would be like if you weren't in it because it would be better for everyone!, because this world would be better without you!....I tell you sister! Ignore these kind of voices, this second! because this is the deceiver Satan and his legion of evil spirits, who is the father of all lies! I don't know what the voices in your mind are holding against you? Maybe you trying to end the pain from all the lies in your mind by trying to cut yourself! Hoping that in cutting yourself or committing suicide your pain will stop!? I will encourage you sister that this is not the answer to your life! DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO TAKE THE EASY WAY OUT! The Fact is you are valued, your life does have a purpose and you are very much loved! Before I go any farther I would like to recommend two books to you for finding purpose in your life! 1. The Purpose Driven Life. by Rick Warren 2002 and 2. Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen 2004. I believe that your feeling almost to the state of emptiness. I believe the reason you feel this way is because your heart is feeling that something is missing. I believe that something is God and Jesus EVEN KNOW YOUR A CHRISTIAN! The Bible says that you were created to have a fellowship with God, and to have Him at the center of your life. Did you know God loves you and values you! You know: "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son Jesus, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)Know apart from Jesus Christ, the Bible tells us, we are "harassed and helpless, like sheep with out a shepherd" (Matt 9:36). But God loves us, and one reason he has allowed you to have this feeling of emptiness in your heart is that He loves you and wants you to seek more and have more of a relationship with him. No matter how hard we try or what means we use--material possessions, money, pleasure, drugs, or whatever--the emptiness is still there. The thing is that if you let your emptiness go this leads into depression and cutting yourself! How do I know this? Because I have dealt with that empty feeling, life with no purpose or meaning and eventually depression. The three things that really turned my life around was: 1. Knowing that God and Jesus Loved me and I was valued! 2. Knowing I had people on my side at church, in my social life and in my family that cared about me! and 3. I had to get myself out of the atmosphere that I was in! When you put yourself in line with what God has for you, then you will see yourself back with a renewed joy! I would not be telling you this if I had not experienced what you feel myself! Know down inside you are looking for love and happiness but you will never find it the way you are living right now. God created you, and God loves you. His only Son, Jesus Christ, loved you so much that he gave His life on the cross so you could be saved and break free from in perfectness, sin and this empty feeling to become a child of God. When you accept Jesus Christ into your life, something wonderful and supernatural happens. God Himself comes to dwell within you! You become part of His family, and you can know the joy of His presence every day. Remember Sister what The Bible says: "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). As a christian myself I know that Church is a excellent place to meet people that might of once felt the way you do now with no purpose and they might tell you how now they live for Jesus and how they have found that purpose. Not only at church service but a lot of church's have activities such as support groups. I would talk to your pastor in private and tell him of your current situation and he may be able to suggest some support groups for you! Also I encourage you to take other steps to reach out to others. Are there others at work or in your neighborhood who are also feel life has no purpose? Are there others in your neighborhood or work who seem to have just a few friends? It may be not easy for you at first, but learn to be a friend to others. Is a good way to start to do something practical for someone else who has a need. The fact of the matter is you need to put yourself in a new atmosphere! I battled though depression! So, I felt like life was just one, big black, end less, tunnel that I felt so alone and that no one valued me! I later found out that I was valued! I was valued by Jesus because he gave his life on the cross for me! and in essence I was carrying my own cross and Jesus said let me carry that for a while and you put your faith in me and I will bring you hope for the future and a future partner! You know what? He did! Now am happily married to the woman of my dreams! And you to can have that person you desire and things in your life will have meaning and purpose if you believe in yourself and start having a relationship with Jesus!
Now about the voices you hear from Satan. Know the bible says: The spirit is willing, but the body is weak. 1 Peter 5:8-9 says: Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers (and sisters) throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings." With that sister I would encourage you to pray to Jesus and renounce Satan and his thoughts of worthlessness in your mind! So you don't give Satan a foothold! Confess and renounce each one of your thoughts as follows: "Lord, I confess that I have bad thoughts of": (And confess each one of your in Bad thoughts and continue to pray>) "I ask for your faith, and I renounce these: "Bad thoughts of Satan" In Jesus Name Amen. I would also encourage you to say this prayer: Dear Heavenly Father. I know that you desire truth in the inner self and that facing this truth is the way of liberation (John 8:32). I acknowledge that I have been deceived by the father of lies (John 8:44) and that I have deceived myself (1 John 1:8). I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that you, Heavenly Father, will rebuke all deceiving spirits by virtue of the shed blood and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. By faith I have received You into my life and I am now seated with Christ in the heavenlies(Ephesians 2:6). I acknowledge that I have the responsibility and authority to resist the devil and when I do he will flee from me. I now ask the Holy Spirit to guide me into all truth (John 16:13). I ask You to "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way" (Psalm 139:23,24). In Jesus' Name I pray Amen. I pray for you sister that what I have said to you today brings you hope in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! Amen

2007-02-22 14:02:49 · answer #1 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

I know exactly what you're going through, because I've been in the same position myself. Remember this: B's on a report card are not a bad thing. I doubt everyone expects you to be perfect, and a B is an above average grade. It may make you feel sad, but it's not the end of the world, and it isn't going to affect your future to any extreme. As for the friends thing: People in this modern society tend to be fake. If you're worried about being popular, which I was at one time, the biggest lesson you could possibly learn is this: to not care. If you let the stress of making lots of high social status friends and clothes go, you will be much happier. The test to see who your friends are will be determined by who stays by you during these times. As for screwing up and having no control over your life: Screwing up is natural. If everyone were perfect, there would be no perfect, only average, if that makes sense. There is very little that you can control in your life. Only about 10%, really. You can't help what life you were born into and what you have been given. The only things you can control are inside your head and what you put out into the world. Keep in mind that everything ends eventually, no matter how bad. Please feel free to email me about this if you still want to talk, cause I have a lot more that I can say that might help. I understand if you don't want to go around emailing some strange kid on the internet though. Good luck.

2007-02-22 13:08:23 · answer #2 · answered by A 2 · 0 0

I know exactly how you feel! I do I do! I am 14 years old and feel that everything is going wrong. I don't know who I can trust. I have lost all ways of making new friends, I only see the negative. One thing that has helped me a lot is a dear friend Marissa. Talking to a loved one who will understand makes things suddenly 20x better!
Today I opened my windows, cleaned up my room a bit, and then lit 2 or 3 candles. I sat down in a comfy spot a took in several deep breaths counting to 4 while breathing in a 4 while breathing out. It was an excellent way to clear my mind.

Take a walk outside, do some physical excercise. It has been proven to clear the mind and make you feel much happier. I love to go jump on the trampoline then flop on my back and look up at the sky.

Write down everything you love about life.

Here is an excercise that always has worked for me and the people who I have told about this. Get a piece of paper. Write, draw, whatever makes you feel unhappy (anything you want to forget). Once you have completed fold it in half and RIP IT TO SHREDS! Then throw it away in a garbage can far away from you. It sounds stupid but my school counselor told me about it and it worked for me when I couldn't forget something creepy a kid said to me, or when I was fighting with my siblings.

Please don't resort to anything bad for you. To many people already do that and it makes the world even more depressing. There is always someone who feels your pain. There is always someone in a worse situation than you. There is ALWAYS someone who cares about you and would be devastated if something were to happen to you.

Email me sometime! We can get through this together!
I wish you the best of luck and hope that you know that you are loved. God loves you, your parents love you. There will always be someone there for you!

2007-02-22 13:15:09 · answer #3 · answered by Liz 3 · 0 0

GUess what??? NO one is perfect, and life only gets harder when you are older.

I advise you to stop and think more clearly about things.. Stop getting so emotional over stupid things..All this stuff you are upset about it really meaningless in the grand scheme of life, I promise you.
Let things roll off your back, and start laughing at your screw ups.

And... start laughing at these children for whom your dont know if they are your friends or not. At your age, their true friendship is not at all important, because friendships come and go by nature.
They arent capable of being true friends anyway. They are only kids!
All you can do is be a good person, and dont let anyone get away with wronging you.
Always let those people know what they have done, and that what they did was wrong. Never let people walk on you.
I think this will help a little.
Eitherway, just laugh all this stuff off, I promise you it all means nothing!

2007-02-22 13:03:45 · answer #4 · answered by Dawn H 3 · 0 0

People have been picking the Colts to get upset about 6 straight weeks now, they just seem to find a way to get by everyweek.. and I think they keep in going. The Colts D is fast, and can contain Vince Young better then some other teams have. Not sure about Rams and Bears. The Rams are just horrible. SFO over Seattle, if you call that an upset. And Houston over Jacksonsville, again if you call that are an upset. Both of those seems like good ones. Buffalo possibly over the Jets also. Short weeks always strongly favor the home teams.

2016-05-24 00:37:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I totally understand what you're going through.Look, what it basically is, is normal teen depression. Don't commit suicide, don't cut yourself, don't go anorexic...just don't do anything stupid, okay?Being a Christian you should know that God doesn't want you to hurt yourself. I don't mean to make you feel bad, but it's just that those things aren't the answer.Ask God for giudance; talk to him. Talk to your parents or someone you really trust about the way you feel.I know that things seem impossible right now, but things will get better, believe me.Keep being a good friend. You'll know who you're true friends are when your mind clears and you make it past this.I understand how you feel about getting B's, but don't freak, you'll be able to pull them up if you don't stress out and do your best.Try not too push yourself too hard and just take life one step at a time. You don't want to start getting wrinkles and gray hairs at such a young age, do you? Life seems unbearable all the time when you're growing up, but don't ever let it get to you.

Hope things work out for you ^_^

2007-02-23 10:03:11 · answer #6 · answered by Lids 2 · 0 0

Sorry if this is a little long but hear me out...
I know how you feel, I'm going through this right know and I have been for a while now. I feel the same way you do. But enough about me I'm here to help you.
My suggestions to you is that suicide is not the answer, and I'm being honest with you. I'm not trying to sound like a "after school Church special" or anything. Not only will it seem like you couldn't hold on it will make everyone you care about feel like its there fault. And I know you don't want that. But I'll tell you becoming anorexic is going to make this all worse on yourself. As far as cutting goes, I'll be honest...I've done it and it kind of felt good to release some of that pain. Now I'm not tell you to go and do that because that brings up questions that you can't/won't be answered. The first thing I'll give you advice about as far as not being as close to perfect as anyone could ever imagen, let everyone know that your not perfect. Tell them that no ones could even imagen what being that close to even feels like, because you and I know that nobody's perfect. And about taking care of all your other problems, one thing that will make you release those indorphens (which is a chemical in your body that makes a part of your brain not as depressed-if you didn't know that, I'm sorry if you did.lol), besides cutting yourself is cry. I know it sound stupid but it feels good after words.
But my mom's making get off the computer but I know this may seem strange but I want to give you my e-mail. Please don't give it out to anybody, because I want to help you. I haven't found a friend or a person, that I can talk to about this kind of stuff and I want to get it out so that I kind of feel better, and I want you to feel you to feel better too. Well my AIM is Tas7g4 if you have AIM, but if not my e-mail is k-mccurn@yahoo.com.
Hope To Hear From You.
p.s. don't do anything out ragguse until you talk to me about it.
And if you e-mail me I'll give you details of who I am.

2007-02-22 13:24:18 · answer #7 · answered by 1 confused chick 2 · 0 0

Err...this is quite complicated actually but what i think is that you are in need of someone who can guide you...judging from your attempted suicide action i can conclude that you were showing a kind of protesting...maybe to someone whom i'm not really sure. One more thing, I think that there is a conflict between the way of life that you want and the one that is preferred by the other side, mainly those who are close to you. That's why you are idling and don't know what to do because you don't know which way of life to choose...As for suggestion, i think you should talk to whoever that you think are having their hands on your life. Be frank to them and tell them that what you want is a life that is fair. I hope this would help...

2007-02-22 13:19:15 · answer #8 · answered by anjoi_05 2 · 0 0

hey tennisluv i feel your pain, but i must say that suicide is not the answer and i am glad that you feel like you would chicken out. listen i know things seems rough right now but know that this is the time you should be leaning on God even the more. you just need to pour out to him all your concerns,hurt and pain. listen you must recognize that you are not super woman and even if you do see yourself like that know that there is always kryptonite around ready to weaken you,but that is alright. if you go down know that you can get back up. going anerexic will kill you to and cutting is definitely should not be an option because you are doing more harm to yourself than good and then remember that will only fix the problem for that moment and then you have to do it over and over again. listen baby you are a young woman and will have bad moments like that in life,but remember God will always be there for you. pray and wait on the lord even though it is hard wait on God to move. you must know that you are going too make mistake and you are right you are not perfect and that is alright because God know you. relax and enjoy life and don't be so hard on yourself. call on the father and he will answer you i will be praying for you.


2007-02-22 13:20:33 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Go to the library and take out a book called "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. It might use a few difficult words, but the book can help you put everything into perspective, without you having to go out of your way. It doesn't take much effort.

You're ahead of the game. A lot of people come to this sort of phase in life when they're a lot older. They think they have been doing everything so perfectly, then get upset when people don't understand.


2007-02-22 13:03:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

13 is a tough age. I was the same way when I was your age. Except I didn't make good grades or anything like that. All I know to do is be proud of who you are and how you feel about yourself. The bad feelings will go away as you get older.You said you are a Christian. If so, you know God will help you through the tough times. Good Luck.

2007-02-22 13:02:56 · answer #11 · answered by Dogness 5 · 0 0

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