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I am growing as a Christian and I feel as if God is really dealing with me to change what I allow myself to see and hear. A lot of media has bad (anti-Christian) themes in it. Even popular shows like Friends, which can be funny, have most of the characters sleeping with several people over the run of the show. Even songs that are not in any way sinful take away from our worship of God because we are listening to them instead of thinking of God. Our primary focus as Christians should be to worship and praise God and to get others to know Him. Ideally, I feel that we should only allow Christian media into our lives, but it's hard to make that conversion when you've had that kind of stuff in your life for a long time. One way to look at it would be, what would God think if He was watching / listening to this with me... or would this be playing in Heaven? What are everyone else's opinions on how to make this conversion if you've done so already. All Christian opinions welcome.

2007-02-22 12:07:27 · 22 answers · asked by growingchristian1 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

I recommend the movie, "The God that Wasn't There", and the book, "The God Delusion".

2007-02-22 12:12:33 · answer #1 · answered by nondescript 7 · 0 8

I totally understand where you are coming from with your points. Turning on the TV set at times is almost like immersion into a sewer. Same thing with music.

My problem with "Christian media" is that many times I don't agree with the theology that they are promoting (700 Club comes to mind and Pat saying that some politician should be killed comes to mind). While it may have the title of "Christian" - still not what I would want to have coming into my home.

Same goes for some of the music that some see as "Christian".

I am selective now with what I have on the TV.

I also have an extensive collection of DVD's and music in my home for those times that I want to listen or see something that I know is not going to be less than moral.

I have found that I spend less time watching TV now and really only listen to music mostly when I am driving (and even then I still have CD's that I make choice of over radio stations) - though I still love to have music on when I am cleaning (makes the time pass in a pleasant way).

Whatever choice you make within your own life - understand that some are not going to agree with that choice. I know some don't agree with my choices - not that such matters as I am the only one accountable for those choices. You will have to determine what and why about the choices as well.

Make the choices after praying about it and you won't go wrong.

2007-02-22 12:23:41 · answer #2 · answered by Toe the line 6 · 2 0

I watch mainstream TV and if something offends me I just turn the channel. Some of my friends have gotten SKY ANGEL which is satellite TV providing Christian programming. My husband is a Christian but has not surrendered his life over to God. therefor, he would never think of having all christian programming. So I make do with what I got. I have some great programming with my satellite that has a lot of Christian channels.
Also- I listen to both general and Christian Radio. There are a lot of songs that aren't offensive in the mainstream. Again, I just turn the channel. You will find what works for you. Good luck. I am glad you are growing in Christianity.

2007-02-22 12:19:12 · answer #3 · answered by momof2 5 · 1 0

Personally, I'd take in a lot more Christian media if the Christian media wasn't so awful. Most of the music is horrible and unoriginal. The news is poorly thought out and overly political. Most Christian media does not play well toward my personal beliefs. The problem is that there are a lot of different kinds of Christians being lead in different directions, but the variety in Christian media is not so diverse.

So I, personally, have never felt drawn to supposed "Christian" media. In addition to this, the secular media helps me to understand them better. When Christ and Paul went out to spread their message, they were getting down with the people who needed them. They were not just hanging out and listening to their own kind. They were not merely congregating with the "good" crowd. I feel that my experiences with secular interests makes me better understand the people I know that do not believe in Christ, and gives me the opportunity to minister to them when they are ready. At the very least, I can set a good example for them. Don't get me wrong. There is stuff I refuse to listen to or watch that I do not think is appropriate, but I don't feel any need to pull away from the secular world in general.

I do not intend that as criticism of Christian media or your movement toward it. I am merely suggesting that we all have our own calling. So I, personally, will be spending my time in the secular world. I have faith that God will come with me. That is where we are most needed. In any case, I'm afraid that means I don't have an easy answer for you. The best thing you can do is pray and listen to your heart! Good luck!

2007-02-22 12:17:46 · answer #4 · answered by Mr. Taco 7 · 3 0

Be of good advice, my brother in our Lord Jesus Christ, . . do as it says in Philippians 4 and ' dwell on those things of good report.' If there be any good in it, then it's ok to see, hear and think on. Secular music, depending on the message, if you can understand a message, is not forbidden in the Bible. I like to listen to Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Hank Williams, Buck Owens, Patsy Cline, and many other secular musicians and singers.
Beware of the Devils music out there that 'tears down' the morality, promotes death and destruction, war, biotry, and outright meaness! Written by M.A.D people (malajusted, anti-social, and darn mean).
It is much better to listen to Christian musicians and singers when ever possible. To uplift and build your spirit on a daily basis. Remember, our minds and our bodies are for His glory and not our own! They are the living 'temples of God'. . . As far as only allowing Christian media into your life . . .if you feel in your spirit that God is telling you to do so, then obey His voice. Perhaps your're not at the place in your Christian walk where you feel strong enough to allow secular media around you. A very hard thing to avoid in this secular world these days, I'm afraid. I will add you to my prayer list my brother in our Lord. PTL

2007-02-22 12:23:35 · answer #5 · answered by Old Truth Traveler 3 · 0 0

I honestly think if Jesus listened to Marylin Manson, if he hasn't already, he would get a good laugh out of it. Don't be to strict on yourself, God wants you to explore the world in order to make good Christian judgments. If you think a certain type or style is not your thing, then simple don't listen to it. But beware, some of the best music has been criticized as non-Christian over the years because of misunderstandings and quick conclusions by radical "Christians". Do you want to be closed minded, what if you where close minded in the beginning when you decided to become a Christian? Think about that...good luck with your quest.

2007-02-22 12:17:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

YES this too was one of my biggest battles but the HOLY GHOST had to teach me that the things that i feed my soul the most is what i will become. so if i fed my soul more fleshly things then i would no doubt become fleshly and of the spirit the same. so i made a decision to watch what passes through my eyes and hears and even mouth. additionally, when we become saved our spirits become so open and receptive that anything thing we hear or see has a lasting impression. for example i sometimes hear people playing secular music and its not that I'm attracted to it or that I'm listening to it but because my spirit is so opened that song keeps replaying in my spirit long after i hear it. so my friend you are very right it is important to take care of your souls input and outputs. GOD bless you

2007-02-22 12:18:03 · answer #7 · answered by Spirited 3 · 1 0

I believe the book of Romans addresses this issue. It says that the person strong in faith will eat meat, whereas the person who is weak in faith will only eat vegetables. In other words, it's the weaker person, not the stronger person, who thinks he/she has to watch what he eats.

The Bible also says, "Everything is permissible--but not everything is good." It's up to the individual Christian to decide what his/her mind and soul can take. But remember that Jesus prayed about his disciples, "I don't pray that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them safe from the evil one."

God has heard it all. He has heard worse that many of us will ever hear. I also believe that, as the Psalm says, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it--the world, and everyone in it." In other words, I believe that while everything may not be good, everything is permissible. This is between you and God. However, the Bible also warns the stronger in faith against flaunting their freedom in front of the weaker, to their detriment. If I want to watch an R-rated movie like Silence of the Lambs, I can, but I shouldn't try to coerce you into watching it, or even discuss it with you if you don't want to hear about it.

Many things in the world do speak about God, or speak about our need for God. As some people would say, "Eat the meat, and spit out the bones."

2007-02-22 12:17:34 · answer #8 · answered by MNL_1221 6 · 4 0

Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. Clearly Christians are not the same as far as level of maturity. So what makes one sin may not effect another. There are things that are obviously offensive and should be avoid. Always nice to be accountable to someone to call you on what you watch and listen

2007-02-22 12:14:32 · answer #9 · answered by TULSA 4 · 3 0

You are being convicted in your spirit, which is another way of saying that God is encouraging you to grow as a human being and a Christian. He is telling you that He wants something better for you than what the world offers. That said, I don't believe ALL secular entertainment is bad. You are developing the gift of discernment; use it.

2007-02-22 12:13:37 · answer #10 · answered by Amalthea 6 · 5 0

You are growing in Christ. part of that process is putting away distractions and allurements of the world. maybe they are not sinful - although many of them are - but they are not "edifying".

"would Jesus watch this?" is a valid way of approaching your decisions.

many christians grieve the Holy Spirit by being careless about what they watch, how they spend their time, what kind of music they listen to, etc.

God calls us to be a "peculiar people".

May God help us to walk uprightly before him, counting everything that stands in the way as absolute garbage.

god bless!

2007-02-22 12:16:33 · answer #11 · answered by happy pilgrim 6 · 2 0

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