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So people say now is a bad time to join the military, my mom is scared for me to do it... but what about those who joined before the war to do things like go to college... I mean the way I see it if you go now at least you know what you are going into.... My brother joined and a monthe after AIT the gulf war broke out, he just wasn't ready to go to college! Do you think its a bad idea to join now? do you think it matters when you join because war can happen anytime... please don't tell me not to join and not to sign away 8 years of my life... stay in school go to college...

2007-02-22 12:06:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

13 answers

Well, more power to those who join now when their country needs them, knowing that they most likely will be going into combat. that takes a person with extreme "testicular fortitude".

I got home from Basic and AIT...went out the next night and consumed enough liquor to intoxicate the entire population of Equitorial Guinea...then woke up the next morning to planes hitting the WTC.

Talk about the wrong time to have a hangover. Since then i have been activated as a Guardsman 7 times and have spent more time away from home than i have away from home.

do i think its a bad idea to join now? NO! my country needs me and men and women like me who are willing to get our hands dirty.

thats why i re-enlisted for another 6 years a month ago

2007-02-22 12:12:03 · answer #1 · answered by ganjaman415 3 · 2 0

joining the military now is not a bad idea, joining th emilitary is never a bad idea, i should know i joined the army but got picked up to go on scholarship with ROTC so now when i finish college i'll still be in the army. humanity is unstable and there has never been a time in this country under any president that troops have not been used in some fashion in some conflict. right now joining can get you signing bonus of up to $50,000 a guarenteed job of YOUR choice as long as your ASVAB score is high enough, college paid for completely as long as your in, and even more money after your out if you don't choose to stay in, don't let nay sayers discourage you, being a soldier is one of, if not the greatest things you could do with your life, not a single soldier that has ever served will tell you that it didn't make them a better person in some way, if you want to be proud and want to serve do it, and be happy that your serving in the military of the best country in the world

2007-02-22 12:43:59 · answer #2 · answered by fla5232 3 · 0 0

Anyone joining the military at any time should be prepared to go to war. That is the main reason the military exists. War is not planned or scheduled, it just happens.
If you want to join simply for the benefits then don't do it. What the military really needs is people who believe in and want to fight for their country.

2007-02-22 14:39:13 · answer #3 · answered by Mitchy 2 · 0 0

I joined in 2000, before 9-11, for school. That happen and changed my life plans alittle. I'll never regret going overseas, it was fun. If you want to join, do it. Just be careful on what branch to join. Air Force and Navy offer the best options. Look into. Any questions my e-mail is jurzzy81@yahoo.com

2007-02-22 12:33:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If all you want is to go to college, don't join. If you join the military, be it in peacetime or war, you should be prepared to serve where your country wants you to. The military isn't a part time social club, it has a serious roll and anyone joining should realise this and not just focus on what they can get out of it.

2007-02-22 12:14:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I think you are right about at least being able to prepare for war. Also, incentives right now are the highest they have ever been so you could look at it as a great time to join.

I am in the Army National Guard (spent 04 in Baghdad) and I know we are offering a $20,000 bonus, free college tuition and $659 a month in gi bill. Compare that to 6 years ago and you would find a $7,500 bonus, $269 gi bill and no free tuition.

2007-02-22 12:10:51 · answer #6 · answered by Kilroy 4 · 2 0

Join the Navy and be a yoeman or cook if your not looking for any direct action. No its not a bad idea to join. But theres always a possibillity no matter what branch your in or job of being deployed to Iraq or other non desirable place.

2007-02-22 13:02:31 · answer #7 · answered by truthpeaceusa 1 · 0 0

One of the first things they tell you when you get to first training is, "if there's a war, you might go". In 1986, when I went in, they showed us pictures and video from Grenada (1983) and said "this is what we're here for."

I didn't go to one until 1990. I knew I was going to war when I turned on the TV, 8/02/90 and saw Iraqi tanks in Kuwait City. I started preparing then and there.

2007-02-22 12:16:45 · answer #8 · answered by dBalcer 3 · 0 0

I used to work at a Verizon call center with a bunch of kids who were in reserves and talked about how pud it was. One weekend a month and 2 weeks each summer= payday. It was a good way to stay buff and you really never have to do much of anything on the weekends but sit around. Well, long story short, they all got called up and a couple are dead already. They were always trying to get thier friends to join and several did. One reservist lived next door to a close friend. Their 12 year old sons are together all the time. Now, one has no daddy coming home. He was shot through the neck by a sniper while driving down the street in a hummer. The ones who had signed up never thought they would be asked to give their lives in their efforts to gain a college education. You know what you are going into up front. I can't imagine why you would want to do that. Even if you do come home, you will come home damaged. It's impossible to go into combat without emotional or spiritual damage. My husband and brother were drafted into Nam. My husband is dead at age 54 prossibly from agent orange contamination. Those men who were there have a very high death rate from cancer compared to the normal population. My brother was a grunt on the ground for a year. He came home in one piece but I could tell how different he was. The crazy cut up brother who left came home very quiet and he didn't hug good. When I'd hug him it was like hugging a tree. Every muscle in his body was tight but I thought when he was home awhile he'd be ok. He's lived a good life since then. He and his wife had children and he had a good job. However, he recently came unglued. He started having those scenes in Nam he thought were stuffed away forever coming back in dreams. He dreamed about all his buddies who were blown up and that was bad but then the faces changed and they were the faces of his friends and family. The dead **** kid was his own kid. He couldn't go to sleep for fear the dreams would come and when they came, they would wake him up shaking and sweating. He finally has had to go to the Veterans Hospital for mental treatement. He still doesn't talk about it much but he is going in more days a week than when he started so I'm assuming he's not much better. They are calling it post traumatic stress forty years later. He was a tough guy, raised on a farm, used to seeing birth and death but what he did and saw over there is way over the top. So do you think it is any easier for the guy over there now? Why would you be different? Tough marines are coming home and killing their wives from PTS already. What will the years to come bring? War is a horrible thing. I think we all should be ready to stand for what we believe in but it's so sad that we waste the youngest and the best we have. I know you must be an special young man to even consider going for that piddling amount of money. I'm sure it seems like a lot of money for a young person like you but it is not in the scheme of life. You are young and have so much to learn about what is important and what is not. If you were my boy, I'd be just like your mother. We had to stay at home and cry and pray because the government said they had to go but to put your family through what we went through while our men were over in Nam is heartless when you don't have to go. We have some pretty mean streets here in our own cities but it's a joke compared to what is going on over there. I'd get myself into school and work my way through. You could put up with a lot of crap to get an education and not even come close to the risk you take going to war. I'd really like to know if you do choose to go so I can keep you in my prayers while you are gone. My prayer for you right now is that you make another choice. God bless you.

2007-02-22 14:32:45 · answer #9 · answered by moonrose777 4 · 0 0

earlier u . s . a . joined international conflict 2 many individuals joined the British air stress did any connect the German military? confident it did ensue. I study one. i think of rather much all of them have been born in Italy or Germany or have been 2d era.

2016-11-25 00:51:40 · answer #10 · answered by kyllonen 4 · 0 0

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