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i have done a detox befor but its the problems that come after.Alcohol is my.mask without it i become a recluse and have to relie on my son to do the stoff i cant out side the house. i have a cpn n shes great but i am terrified

2007-02-22 11:48:15 · 10 answers · asked by jane.bletcher2@btinternet.com 1 in Health Mental Health

10 answers

Darlin i totally understand you.

I done a detox last July.

Although Alcohol, to me, protects me, stands up for me and basically makes me not give a s***, i HATE the stuff and what it makes me feel. Half of why you feel so depressed at mo is probably cos of this downer!

BUT I know, and YOU know, that we CANNOT go on like that!!! Do you really think that you can live the rest of your life drinking every day....?

No....? I don't either.

think of the hot/cold sweats when u wake up......shakes.....gagging when u brush your teeth......nausea....

Here's my tips 4 staying off which worked 4 me.

* Get LOTS of non-alcoholic drinks (Fizzy is great, like coke as it has same chemicals as alcohol and your body craves that)
* concentrate on eating well, take time to cook something nice every day.
* spend time with people who do not drink
* Ask your friends/family to agree NOT to drink around you.
* make a list of advantages/disadvantages of giving up, seeing on paper makes it a hell of a lot clearer
* Distract yourself...go for walks, read a nice book, spend time with your son
*make sure you have relapse prevention work, without focusing on the mental health needs of an addict, little progress will be made. It's WHY you drink in the first place you need to concentrate on. When this is sorted honey, you won't 'need' to drink!!!
*finally, take ONE day at a time. Think if u can make it thru this day without drinking its an achievement. Don't look too far ahead.

BE STRONG, you CAN do it!!! I KNOW it's hard, but it CAN be done!!

Life is what you make it, and if you really truly WANT to give up, you WILL.

Let's beat this terrible substance together, and one day, we won't need to fill this terrible gap in our lives with substances.

PS: AA is good.

Take Care,
Will be thinking of you!!!!!


2007-02-26 04:47:22 · answer #1 · answered by Hayley 3 · 0 0

There is no reason to be terrified about a detox.
If, after that you relapse, do it again ,and again. Even if you stop for a few days, or a month or two, you're winning, believe me.
Doesn't your CPN get your doctor to give you medication to get out of those withdrawal symptoms, it's natural when you stop drinking, and there is plenty of medication available.

Just be brave, but after the detox, make sure you have medication to help you handle your withdrawal symptoms. You can't just go through detox, and expect that that's the end of it . detox is only the start.
I'm an alcoholic, I'm 56 yrs old, but I get by with proper medication,I stop for ,sometimes 2-3 months, but I know I'll start again. But I WILL stop again.
DO not worry.

2007-02-22 20:08:51 · answer #2 · answered by usha4pillai 2 · 0 0

I can't offer much advice, but I would say that being scared is a good sign. If you weren't then you wouldn't be getting anything out of it and it wouldn't have a chance of working. Good luck, and make sure you keep getting the help you need.

2007-02-22 20:03:00 · answer #3 · answered by Kanst 3 · 0 0

Thats what we like to do is use to feel better but it does not last long. Get sober and head down a better road and grow up and learn and move on and be sober and work one day at a time and just keep it up. Dont use to feel better. good luck

2007-02-23 02:57:24 · answer #4 · answered by michael m 3 · 0 0

Your right the problems staying off not only coming off..Feck the Phycatrist who told you "border line personality disorder".it was a Phycatrist who told you that..You are you .me is me and thats it.....Look upon it as not giving up alchol but gaining all those other things bieng an alcholic stopped you doing...The mind rules the body ,you will cope with the world and its problems better sober than pissed..

2007-02-22 19:57:43 · answer #5 · answered by yaboo 4 · 1 0

I can offer no advice, sorry. I hit the sauce a few yeras ago and yes it too was my mask. The only thing i can say is, behind the mask is a real person. My very best to you and your son. I hope you succeed.

2007-02-22 19:58:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

look on uncommonforum.com its a forum of people who have been where you are now and come out the other side

2007-02-22 19:52:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Just relax.. contact your local A.A. and talk to someone about getting help.

2007-02-22 19:57:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you should be...good luck and god bless.

2007-02-22 19:55:56 · answer #9 · answered by Doctor J. 3 · 1 0

I first would like to say that you have made a great step by going to detox to get that junk out of you system! And I too did the drug/alcohol thing but you know what? YOU WILL NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER FIND HAPPINESS AND RELEASE FOR PAIN THAT WAY and I believe you have found out that by taking the first step to detox. I found that I did the drug thing and the next day and the day after that I realized that my problems in life WHERE STILL THERE!? I would also like you to know that I think it is great because you have been truthful about your situation in finding a drug de-tox place somewhere in your own town and going. That takes alot of will power just for that alone! Like you have found out that detox wasn't easy and it was pure hell but, after de-tox if you would continue to say no to the voices in you mind for the pressures of getting right back to the alcohol you could find life does have purpose and it makes a big difference! Even though you don't feel like that right now! Second, Know Your Life has a purpose! What do you get for just staying in your house and drunk!? Make something out of your life and be a role model to someone!First before I say anything more I would like to recommend two books to you for finding purpose in your life! I recommend reading: 1. The Purpose Driven Life. by Rick Warren 2002 and 2. Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen 2004. Yes! I have been though depression and drugs! I believe the reason you feel depressed and you need the alcohol for your release is because your heart is feeling that something is missing. I believe that something is God and Jesus! The Bible says that you were created to have a fellowship with God, and to have Him at the center of your life, NOT alcohol!. Did you know God loves you and values you! "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son Jesus, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."(John 3:16)Know apart from Jesus Christ, the Bible tells us, we are "harassed and helpless, like sheep with out a shepherd" (Matt 9:36). But God loves us, and one reason he has allowed you to have this feeling of emptiness in your heart is that He loves you and wants you to seek and have a relationship with him. No matter how hard we try or what means we use--material possessions, money, pleasure, drugs, alcohol or whatever--the emptiness is still there. The thing is that if you let your emptiness go this leads into depression AND MORE alcohol USE! How do I know this? Because I have dealt with that empty feeling, life with no purpose or meaning and eventually depression and drugs. The three things that really turned my life around was: 1. Knowing that God and Jesus Loved me and I was valued! 2. Knowing I had people on my side at church, in my social life and in my family that cared about me! and 3. I had to get myself out of the atmosphere that I was in! When you put yourself in line with what God has for you, then you will see yourself back with a renewed joy! That also means changing the atmosphere were you buy your alcohol and you use your alcohol! Get out of your alcohol comfort zone in your mind! I would not be telling you this if I had not experienced what you feel myself! Know down inside you are looking for love and happiness but you will never find it the way you are living right now. God created you, and God loves you. His only Son, Jesus Christ, loved you so much that he gave His life on the cross so you could be saved and break free from in perfectness, sin and this empty feeling to become a child of God. When you accept Jesus Christ into your life, something wonderful and supernatural happens. God Himself comes to dwell within you! You become part of His family, and you can know the joy of His presence every day. The Bible says: "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5). As a christian I know that Church is a excellent place to meet people that might of once felt the way you do now with no purpose and they might tell you how now they live for Jesus and how they have found that purpose. Not only at church service but a lot of church's have activities like support groups and small groups like bible study! Not only will you be meeting new people and developing relationships with them, you will be also be developing a relationship with God and Jesus by learning what the word of God (the Bible) has to offer you in your life, like questions like this one! Also I encourage you to take other steps to reach out to others. Are there others at work or in your neighborhood who are also feel life has no purpose and have symptoms of not feeling like themselves? Are there others in your neighborhood or work who seem to have just a few friends? It may be not easy for you at first, but learn to be a friend to others. Is a good way to start to do something practical for someone else who has a need. The fact of the matter is you need to put yourself in a new atmosphere! I battled though depression and drugs! So, I felt like life was just one, big black, end less, tunnel that I felt so alone and that no one valued me and my only release from anxiety was alcohol! Which is not true! I later found out that I was valued! I was valued by Jesus because he gave his life on the cross for me! and in essence I was carrying my own cross and Jesus said "let me carry that for a while and you put your faith in me and I will bring you hope for the future and a future partner!" You know what? He did! Now am happily married to the woman of my dreams! And you too can have that person you desire and things in your life will that have more meaning and purpose if you believe in yourself and start having a relationship with Jesus! I will be praying for you! Right now! Pray to Jesus, tell him you don't want to have a life without a purpose anymore! You want him to come into your heart by faith! Tell him you want him and him alone to come and stay with you and bring you comfort and wisdom not drugs. May Jesus be your release from the anxiety's in life not drugs! In Jesus Name! Amen! Know this solution in your choice but, know you have brothers and sisters and a God that does care!

2007-02-22 20:35:27 · answer #10 · answered by ? 3 · 1 0

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