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so my birthday is in one month and I just want a shih tzu I wrote an essay on them (no not for school) just to show my parents how much I care they know that I am responsible enough because I watch my brother every day for an hour after school I do all my chores and today I cleaned the house without being asked.
I think that I am getting to them now how much I love them because my Mom is becoming softer. But I am still working on my Dad. They know that I am very good with animals because my aunt has 2 shih tzus and I just love them to death and take care of them 24/7 when they come to my house or I go up to my aunts.
I will never lose intrest in a dog because I have been dreaming about a shih tzu for about 1 year now and I cut every single shih tzu add out of the classified section of the news paper everyday.
I would train it and care for it and even pay its vet bills and for all the things it needs!

please help me make my birthday wish come true by answering this question!!

2007-02-22 09:48:25 · 18 answers · asked by glamour_bebe9423 1 in Pets Dogs

18 answers

ok u have 2 do some things without asking. be so ready in the morning before school and stuff like that. i am going through the same problem but they're getting softer. maybe go 2 a shelter and let ur mom and dad see the dogs looking at them with those BIG BROWN EYES that drive the dog lover inside everyone crazy! and if that doesn't work, look at them and break down and cry or something dramatic and make their hearts break. or make ur mom get on ur side and ask her to work a little magic with ur dad by "persuading" him! thats what my moms doing and, i may have 2 wait a little while, (but it will be worth it!) but he is warming up my idea, cuz my moms a SERIOUS dog lover! hope this somehow helps! bye and umm good question!

2007-02-22 09:58:08 · answer #1 · answered by mikey0612 2 · 0 1

Puppies are a lot of work - especially Shih Tzu puppies. My husband & I just got one - she's now almost 12 weeks old - and is the cutest thing to watch - when she's being good. We love her to pieces.
The thing is Shihs Tzus are one of the most stubborn & opinionated breeds out there. THEY are the boss (in their mind!) and no-one else which makes housetraining them quite a task. They also require constant grooming (every day they need to be brushed and have their faces washed).

I can understand your parent’s position. They probably feel that they will end up as primary care taker, if not in the next 6 months, probably as you get older.
You're almost 13 and likely to be heading off to college/leaving home at 18 or so. Who would mind your puppy then? A college student's life is not one of a teenager at home with Mum & Dad. Would you have time for puppy then? Would the puppy stay with Mum & Dad? that's something you should think about now as Shihs Tzus can live to 18 years of age.

Another thing you need to think about is the cost of a puppy. It is not just getting one and loving it. There are vet visits, vaccinations, medication, toys, food, boarding if your family goes on vacation, grooming. That can run up quite a hefty bill as well. Maybe show your parents that you’re willing to pay towards the puppy’s upkeep by giving over some of your allowance towards that expense?

I’m not on your parent’s side, but I do understand their reservations. Puppies take work, time and money and they need to be on board. Cleaning the house today as a “bribe” might not cut it, but coming up with a thought out plan as to how you plan to train puppy, what time you’ll be able to give puppy, how much you can contribute to pay for puppy’s upkeep, might let them see that you’re coming at this from a thought out perspective rather than an “I want” perspective.

2007-02-22 10:13:50 · answer #2 · answered by Durlas76 1 · 1 0

At 13, you cant possibly pay for all the vet bills unless you have mass income. What if she breaks her leg and needs $1000 in surgeries? Are you going to raid your college fund? What if she has a condition that requires $100 of medication each month? Or vet visits for $100 in bloodwork every month?

What do you intend to do in 5 years? Are you going to college? Because a dorm certainly won't allow a dog. And a toy dog SHOULD NOT be left home alone more than 3-4 hours regularly. Even if your parents hold her while you are away at college, what's their schedule like? Is it fair to them or the dog to expect them to care for her for 4 years?

Do you plan on working at ANY point in the next 15 years? If so, what will you do with the dog? You can't leave her home 8 hours at a time while you are at school, running track, and then working at the movie theater.

Good dogs are NOT found in the classified ads. These are usually terrible breeders who are breeding poor quality dogs for cash. The follow none of the ethical guidelines out there.

I think it's great that you love animals. I can tell that you really want what's best for a dog. But, I have to say that I personally would be hesitant about selling your family a dog if it's a gift for you and you alone. A 13 year old, even the most responsible one in the world, just isn't the right parent for a dog. It's not fair to the teenager to be saddled with a pet for the next 15 years and its not fair to the dog if the teenager's life changes to a point where she cannot keep the dog.

I say keep doing the research on getting a dog. Be realistic and honest. Address all the issues I brought up here. If you can answer all of these issue in a way that's best for the dog, then perhaps your parents will reconsider. If you don't address these issues, it could affect you for years and years to come.

I got two cats at the age of 16. After I was on my own and my father left me, I still had the cats. I worked full time and went to school full time. I couldn't do what I wanted in school because I was tied to the cats. I couldn't do any travel because I was tied to the cats. I couldn't do any foreign study programs, and internships away from home, or any lengthy immersion studies. I love and loved my cats dearly, and because of my responsibility to them, my education and opportunities suffered. There were months that I ate nothing but peanut butter and generic cereal because the cats needed vet care. One of them ended up needing $5000 in surgeries and treatments at one point. How can you afford that at 13, or 17 or 21?

Had I known how much of an undertaking it was, I may have reconsidered. And owning a dog is even more care. You can't just leave them at home for a weekend with a litter box and a big dish of food. You HAVE to be home every 4 hours to care for them. Many apartments will take cats, but not dogs. You get the idea.

Good luck to you and I hope you seriously consider ALL the repercussions on this, not just the here & now.

2007-02-22 10:14:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Right now your are dreaming about a dog, That is great. I can't imagine a world without them. But, Honey, in just a couple of years you will be dreaming about some boy at school.

Then the dog you begged and begged for will be not much of an interest any more. But, I feel that you would hold your dog dear to your heart and you will be a good mama. A dog can be your best friend that you can talk to about anything. His/her coat can soak up lots of tears and when you are happy he will jump (dance) around like you.

Try telling your parents that the dog will be there with and for you all the time and may help sooth some of the heart aches you may have in the future.

2007-02-22 10:09:01 · answer #4 · answered by bluebonnetgranny 7 · 0 0

Sounds like he has a very sensitive tummy but if nothing is helping with the vomiting then he is more than likely dehydrated I would get him to the vet so he can be rehydrated & I would call the person you got the dog from & talk to them & also get numbers from from other people that have bought dogs from there. If they are true breededs they will not have a problem with giving you the info but if they cause a real stink about the info you request from them then that tells you that they are not reputable breeders & if anyone else has bought a pup from these people they may be having the same trouble. It may come down to where you will need to make a very tough decsion if the vet can't help you can either let him continue on as is or you can have him put to sleep. I know this is not something you want to think about but if the poor little guy has been vomiting thhis long & nothing is helping you may have to make the decsion. I hope that the vet can help him & I wish y'all the best

2016-05-24 00:03:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was the same way! I did not care what type of dog. I just needed one! Ask your aunt if you could dogsit her pooches for a week. This will show how responsible you are and might help your case. I m warning you though, as much as you promise to take care of them, you'll eventully lose interest. I wanted a dog for 5 years!! When my parents finally gave in, I was really good, but now, not so much.

PS beware of the poops!!

2007-02-22 09:59:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anna Banana 2 · 0 0

Show your parents what you wrote here. I breed Shih Tzu's and I would be proud if you had one of mine. I don't run into many kids like you thinking on a dog like you do. A puppy would be one lucky puppy to have you. Good luck to you and I hope your parents will let you have a Shih Tzu. Just show them what you wrote here. I think that will do it. Good luck and Happy Birthday.

2007-02-22 09:57:21 · answer #7 · answered by china 4 · 0 1

I have a son that is 13.. he wanted a puppy, cute as can be but I told him everything that he had to do to take care of it... "Oh yes Mom, I will." Since it was a friend we worked out this plan that if it doesn't work out I can bring the puppy back, she agreed to it. So I brought the puppy home, son was as happy as could be.. I ended up taking the puppy back 3 days later because he got tired of letting the puppy outside. Respect your parents, if you still want one at the age of 18... then get one. Don't beg or whine to your parents. Respect them and their house.

2007-02-22 09:59:14 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

My family owns 2 Shih Tzus, too. Elvis (9) and Lucy(4). Tell your parents how much you love them. Ask your aunt if you can barrow her dogs for a few days just to prove it to them. I hope I helped!

-Robin, age 14 1/2

2007-02-22 09:58:18 · answer #9 · answered by doodlegirll 2 · 0 1

They are great dogs, but.....
You do have to respect your parent's wishes.
Do they think that you all are just not home enough to take good care of one? Do they have a policy that there's no dogs in the house? A dog does effect the whole family even if it is "yours".
I feel for you (and I'd love to give my little Herbie away...we are never home...) but you do have to respect how your parents feel.
Start thinking of an alternate gift....

2007-02-22 09:54:29 · answer #10 · answered by Buff 6 · 0 0

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