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The premise behind the Academy Award nominated film Babel is that modern society is a melting pot of cultures that tend to avoid solidarity as a global community. To create awareness that goodness should not know boundaries or prejudice, Oscar nominated actress Adriana Barraza asks the above question.

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2007-02-22 09:18:21 · 174 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Community Service

174 answers

support them,let them know you LOVE them.

2007-02-23 13:35:35 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

In a world where most of us are unwillingly conditioned to 'look after No.1' it's sometimes a real struggle to acknowledge that other people exist outside of your own personal circle. If each of us would try to 'help somebody' at least once a day we may find that the 'good karma' generated is addictive, so much so that you want to keep it going. What may seem like a small inconsequential act of kindness on your part could mean a whole lot more to the person you've helped. Even the fact that you took whatever brief moment of time out to do it shows a thoughtfulness that is appreciated. If your motives are sincere and the only personal gain you are likely to receive is a smile or thank you that's enough reward.

2007-02-23 06:01:29 · answer #2 · answered by Cal 2 · 0 0

The best thing i could do is by adviissing them how 2 enjoy life without having burden on `along` or `financial free`.

EVeryyboddy is qualify, if they have proper plan how they wish 2 become on their future or during their retirement. It just that they do not have a chance 2 meet somebody who profesional like me 2 plan 4 their future or maybe they have a wrong strategy.

Becoming 'CIMB Wealth Advisor' is the most valuable decision i had ever made because i could share with others how 2 enjoy better life and a make right decision 4 their future.

So, if u have some money eg 100 k ,n do not know how 2 double u /become more wealthier, i show the way.....ok ka
or if ur epf saving in acc 1 is more than 55 k ....i can show 2 double ur money.
Most important it is secure...... by trustee Amanah Raya Berhad.

'Your action 2day will define your future colours'

2007-02-24 06:51:43 · answer #3 · answered by rinas 1 · 0 0

I help someone everyday. I am a carer but apart from that I think that people need to respect others space and boundaries more.

the little things count so much more, like the experience at the supermarket. I do that and the people are soo amazed. to me that is living socially.

do something for someone is rarely financial though. you will find that the making a cuppa, adopt an abandoned animal, going to the shop, making a phone call can be just as big a help to the general community.

dont force your help as it will be Very obvious to the person being helped that you are! only help if it comes from the heart. be compassionate, respect differing points of view/culture/lifestyle, etc, and most of all SMILE - this little thing all on its own will have a big impact on yours and others lives.

happy helper

2007-02-25 11:38:25 · answer #4 · answered by pixie_proof 3 · 0 0

There are many things I can do:

1. Whoever is in need, do what I can to help eg give to anyone
selling flags for charity, never ignore them or walk away,
pretending not to see.

2. A simple greeting with a smile goes a long way to
make someone's day.

3. In the bus or train, give up my seat to the elderly, pregnant
lady, mother struggling with children.

4. Go all the way to help any foreigner or tourist who asks for
I was very impressed with the locals in Melbourne
when I was there as a tourist with my family. Some
Australians in the bus will just come to you to ask where I
wanted to go, without your asking them. I enjoyed the trip
very much because of their courtesy and helpfulness.

5. At home, help family members, mum and dad in little ways
like clearing up, packing up , running errands.

6. Sometimes there are accident victims or people whose
cars are broken down and need help. Just stop to lend
a helping hand.

7. In serious cases where someone is bleeding, has fainted or
sustained some serious injuries, I can bring the person to
a nearby clinic or hospital.

The possibilities are endless if we bother to look around with
a compassionate heart.

2007-02-22 18:02:16 · answer #5 · answered by Toshihiro 3 · 3 0

There are so many things people can do to help people out.

The one thing I'm very proud of being involved with is Students Teaching Adolescences Reading Techniques (S.T.A.R.T.)

This is a tutoring program where students in high school teach underprivileged children in elementary school how to read better. Two times a week, for two hours each day, the students meet up with their child to help them in anyway possible.

This has made me realize how something so little, can make a big difference.

2007-02-27 18:55:17 · answer #6 · answered by xxbreathe0ut88xx 2 · 0 0

I help people everyday, I'm a volunteer firefighter and my duty is to make sure anyone who is hurt, injure, or just need a listening ear I stop whatever I am doing and do what I have to do... A human life is more important then material things...
Plus, when I have something in my room that I don't care for and it's still in excellent condition, I'll give it away to a person that needs it. Like right now, I have a pair of rollerblades that are in excellent condition and I'm trying to find a nice kid that wants a pair of rollerblades but can't afford them so that kid can have them, as long the rollerbaldes fit the kid that is. Yeah that parent might hate me for that but hey the rollerblades are free...

2007-02-24 01:48:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

By been humble ,kind and polite to everyone. You can always offer your time and not just money to total stranger or people you met who might walk in or out of your life thru a regular basis. It doesn't take to much to listen or offer your help or assistance if you know someone in need of help. Who know you might change the world eventhough a little at a time . But no effort goes unanswered . You kindness might affect that person to bea better human being. I guess our greatest asset is our humanity. Show compassion and empathy with utmost respect for all life. Like the great Native Indian chief said we are but a strand in this web of life. How one affect the other like a interlink thread in a fabric. One thread cannot make a difference.

That my taught on this.

2007-02-23 21:05:09 · answer #8 · answered by mrosooi 1 · 0 0

You can't help anyone, all you can do is present possibilities to them, and hope they make up their own mind to do something to change their own circumstances.
People are basically selfish, and do things that make their own lives easier.
So, someone leaning accross with change for you at a checkout, while you are fumbling for your own change, is actually that person being fed up of waiting behind someone who is so badly organised they can't organise change in their purse... been there done that.
If people would take charge and responsibility for their own lives, there would be far less need to 'help'.

Another example is villages in Africa without water, UN says 'Eveyone has the right to clean water...' on the surface I would agree, but I don't have the 'Right' to clean water, If I don't pay my water rates, they stop my supply.
Let the African Villagers put £50 each into an account, send it to me, and I'll go to African villages, dig wells, install pumps and pipe it to their dwellings. Let them do it every year, and I'll maintain the system too.
I hear you say 'they have no money... ' Neither do I unless I work for it.
Sick to death of do gooders, trying to raise my 'awareness'.
Lets see the do gooders and oscar winners and pop stars and all the other 'Hangers on' put their hands in their own pockets and give everything, like they say we should, then they might start convincing us of their 'sincerity'
Got nothing against any other race, many of my friends are global, just hate do gooders

2007-02-26 00:03:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The question should not be "what can you do today" to help somebody it should be an ongoing thing.

I donate to two charities every month thereby doing something every single day - it more ppl did this it would be a better world. Those less fortunate than us need help.

If everyone donated a small amount each month this problem will still be there but at least it will go a little way to helping those less unfortunate.

2007-02-25 04:42:15 · answer #10 · answered by toon_tigger 5 · 0 0

By championing my own differences against another's culture, history, religion or skin colour I would achieve nothing more than what the generations before have achieved. The time is upon us now for each individual to make the conscientious effort to understand the other who walks among us. If we fail in this, human kind will perish. So to help anothers' world to exist I will go to the library and learn about culture or differences of those who live or look different from me. Not only will I diffuse my
ignorance and fear, but I would have replaced them with understanding and appreciation. I will have found the common thread that still binds us all. I will see that in his smile and I will know that I have helped not just him but all of his kind. If each person, everywhere, would do this much today, all the world's hunger, poverty, lack of education and other problems will start to resolve themselves. Problem is, too many think such a goal is too alturistic.Don't you? We have offered a zillion prayers, sang glorious songs of world harmony arm in arm, entrusted the pursuit of peace to the politicians, but all have come to nought. What we need is not more prayers or songs or politicians but a simple plan that starts with you and me, and the belief that the fire of change will start here with your question today. Is there a chance in heaven that you would believe this? I do and would love to say more, but now, I have to leave for the library.

2007-02-22 15:52:30 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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