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I totally believe that God can speak to us thru his spirit.but Bush says that God spoke to him to invade Iraq,and now theirs about half a million,mostly ennocent babys children women and men dead.do you think he is imagining things or did he really hear the voice of God.eather way My dear mother told me to always pray for the President even if you disagree with him.so I do,But I sure disagree with most everything he does.

2007-02-22 07:01:02 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

To the person saying I am wrong about the half a million dead in Iraq. since the feds had their country attacked.this is a fact.babys,women. children and men have died because we attacked and bombed and etc their country,Yes.Half a million people have died since we attacked that country .This is a simple fact,not made up, it is real.horrible. but still a real fact.

2007-02-22 10:55:57 · update #1

19 answers

Bush did what he did out of political miscalculation. Also out of stubborness, and an innate refusal to listen to other points of view. He is FAR too religious for my tastes...but I don't think religion caused it either.

He thought he'd be able to relocate our Saudi troops in Iraq to relieve pressure from the Saudi Government. He also thought relocating to Iraq would put added pressure on Iran and Syria.

He miscalculated who and what Iraq was. He also didn't listen to those that tried warning him.

I didn't vote for Bush. I actively opposed him in fact. I think he is possibly the worst President we've had Post-WW2....HOWEVER......just blaming Bush is unfair.....

The American public was %75 behind this. They had a duty to research and analyze the siutation better then they did. Blaming the politicians and media isn't good enough, since the truth was there for those looked.

The Democrats didn't oppose this, as a group, when it might have made a difference. THey were afraid of the poll numbers...and acted in a cowardly manner.

The media did not challenge this at all for fear of being labeled liberal.

We are accountable as a nation...not just Bush.

That being said...he reaaly, really, does suck.

2007-02-22 07:07:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Obvoiusly we can be mistaken when we think we hear God, but that is why He gave us the Bible and the idea of personal accountabilty in fellowship. God confirms His directions to us. I have no idea if President Bush did or did not hear God. I have no idea about his personal safety net for double checking what He hears.

I agree we should pray, he is probably under more demonic attack every day than we could ever imagine. Many voices trying to mislead him. We all need to pray for clarity and guidance for him.

There is something called the Just War Theory that I believe was written by John Calvin way back during the Reformation. You migt want to look into that to see why he is engaging in this war. There are people at my church that are very well versed in this and they agree with this war. It deals with the duties of civil government.

2007-02-22 07:07:07 · answer #2 · answered by BaseballGrrl 6 · 0 0

Do you think God supports dictators that rape, murder, and starve 100s of 1,000s of their children; torture and kills millions of innocent people?
I don't. Our God is a God of justice. When He says, "Enough is enough!" He can use anyone or any government to accomplish His will. I believe Bush was right and in time taking out Saddam and establishing a democracy will pay off both for the U.S. and the kingdom of heaven. Now the gospel of Jesus Christ can be preached in Iraq and that is what matters most!!

Yes, many have died in this war, but we can't count the millions that were saved.

2007-02-22 07:08:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Bush uses religion to advance his ideas to try to make us believe in him, and that is TOTALLY wrong, God did not tell Bush to invade Iraq, no one else believes what he done is right, so now he tries to push it off on God. God will be the Judge what is right and wrong. We should respect our leaders only when they are doing God like things, not when they turn into someone terrible, was the people suppose to follow King Herod, because he was a leader no, it all depends on thier actions.

2007-02-22 07:06:12 · answer #4 · answered by bryton1001 4 · 0 0

The invisible voice that spoke to him was Dick Cheney on the intercom. So sayeth The Onion.

GW is a masterful politician, and very secretive. He won't disclose subject matters in meetings with corporate and media giants, yet suddenly this sacred lecture between him and God is public knowledge. He wants you to believe that God spoke to him, a known liar ("a wiretap requires a court order"), rather than to speak to all of us.
The suffering of the people in Iraq is real, horrible and beyond imagination. I mean, people burning alive or tortured with power drills. I am certain that many people there begged God to kill them to end their suffering only to have their prayers unanswered.
To me it demonstrates that many people care more about how they are seen in the eyes of God than in the eyes of fellow men.

2007-02-22 07:17:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

"and now theirs about half a million,mostly Innocent baby's children women and men dead."

So are you saying there are around a half million Innocent baby's dead? Or are you there are a half million Innocent people dead?
Are you saying Bush killed these Innocent people?
Are you saying Bush killed them because God told him too?

If i was you I would pray for wisdom and understanding, and quit drinking the cool-aid.

2007-02-22 07:34:26 · answer #6 · answered by Shawn 2 · 0 0

I believe that He can speak to us through his Spirit, but I don't believe that God told Bush to invade Iraq or Afghanistan. I think it was just GWB's revenge for what Hussein did to his father, GHWB. I also believe in the Ten Commandments, one of which is "Thou Shalt Not Kill." I believe that GWB is indirectly (or directly, depending on the perspective) breaking that commandment. Your mom is right, though. You still should pray for him, even though neither of us agree with him.

2007-02-22 07:17:47 · answer #7 · answered by Sam U. 2 · 0 0

I too believe that if you listen and pray God will guide you, it's hard to say if God told Bush to do that but he and God will only know. I pray for the prez. after all he is the leader of our country and what he does effects us.

2007-02-22 07:08:02 · answer #8 · answered by m cheryl 3 · 0 0

Bush I am sure prays to God and maybe God gave him a sign of what to do!!! Just put yourself in his position what would you do if you ruled the u.s.!!! If he wasn't doing this our country would be ruled by other people and we would not be free! so think about that..

2007-02-22 07:06:27 · answer #9 · answered by ashie bug 1 · 0 0

It's a classic case of someone exploiting the name of God (or using the Bible) to get his own way, to manipulate and intimidate others into believing that he has supreme authority.

2007-02-22 07:16:42 · answer #10 · answered by SB 7 · 0 0

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