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I have heard some non-believers state that simply by stating what I believe that I'm "preaching" and forcing my beliefs on others. Furthermore, they say that it's unacceptable, and some even feel that it should be illegal. Another thing we Christians are often called is hypocrites. Whether we are or are not isn't the issue but some of you non-believers are hypocrites as well. I say this because I have often read sincere and honest questions on this site from Christians who are asking fellow Christians for help on an issue. Instead of butting out, some of you start preaching about how our religion (or all religion) is nothing but a fraud. You tell them that they should quit believing. By your own definition, you are forcing your beliefs onto others. Now here is my disclaimer: Certainly I realize that not all of you here fit into the group I have just described. Many of you who do not believe, don't rush in to try and convert a Christian to your way of thinking. That is how it should be.

2007-02-22 06:38:26 · 34 answers · asked by Unorthodox 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Most of the previous answerers have missed my point entirely...

2007-02-22 07:18:09 · update #1

34 answers

I couldn't agree with you more. I am an Atheist, but if you can accept me for what I am without trying to convert me, then I will treat you the same way.

But, of course you do get some people on both sides that will take any opportunity to antagonize those who have different beliefs, even when a question is not directed at them. I do wish that these people would exercise a little self-restraint, but on the other hand, I wouldn't really be bothered to visit a forum where everybody simply agreed with one another.

2007-02-22 06:59:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anthony Stark 5 · 1 0

First how do you force your beliefs on someone else in this country? Are people being held at gunpoint while someone is witnessing to them? If you want to see religion forcing their beliefs go live in an Islamic country for a while.

Second - the bigger question would be is it wrong to not share your beliefs. If you are a Christian then you have been given the key of eternal life and you know what is in store for those who do not believe. If you saw a bind man headed toward a cliff would you leave him be because he looked happy and you didn't want to force your beliefs on him??? NO you would tackle him if you had to or do anything you could to warn him of the danger in the direction is heading.

That is all Christians are doing. We are not trying to wave some holier than thou flag. We realize we are sinners and deserve the wrath of God. And we know that if someone dies without a savior (Jesus Christ) then they will simply get what they deserve. But we are called to go to all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. We are out to issue a warning that we know what lies on the other side. I can't look at another human being and not think about their eternal destiny. Jesus said that he is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father unless through Him. That is either true or its not. And if you believe it is then you have a duty to share this information.
God Bless

2007-02-22 07:03:45 · answer #2 · answered by mselsing 2 · 1 0

Your job, according to your bible is to preach the gospel to all nations.. bottom line, that's been done already.. good job!
Now, since we've already heard it and rejected it, why do you continue to preach it at us when we say no thanks?
As for your statement that people butt into questions that are specifically designed for one particular group (christians).. that also goes both ways. If I ask a question of Non-believers, it's a guarantee that some christian's going to come in there on the attack.
I don't try to convert christians to anything. I do ask some questions to get you to think for yourselves. Many of you (not all, that's my disclaimer too) haven't read your bible cover to cover even once. Many of us have (personally I have over 50 times)..that's just a sad commentary on your people, man.

This board isn't designed for specific groups in R&S. I personally think it should be.. that way, christians can go to their room and discuss their issues, and other beliefs could have rooms in which to do the same. Unfortunately, we're all lumped together, and it's a free site so anyone can answer.

2007-02-22 06:47:29 · answer #3 · answered by Kallan 7 · 2 0

First off, I'm not particularly religious... I'm agnostic. I believe that there is likely a higher power, be it God, Buddha, or any mix of deities. Now, with that being said.. am I forcing my belief onto you by saying that? No- it's merely a statement. I AM something, just as you are something different. It's about as 'preachy' as telling you that I wear sneakers. Some people just don't have the social tolerance to be able to tell the difference between having a bible shoved at them, and being reminded that they do not hold the only way of thinking in the world.

2007-02-22 07:07:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is fine for you to tell others what you believe. If they are interested and ask, by all means explain it.

But it isn't right to tell people what they should believe.

People are stubborn, especially when it comes to religion. You are no more likely to convince an atheist to become religious, than you are to convince a religious person to lose their religion.

Religious people have their faith, which by it's nature, can't be disproved to them.

Atheists have their scientific proof, which by it's definition, has been proved to the maximum possibile level of accuracy as possible.

To say that it is your duty to convert people (like some did earlier in this answer) is quite offensive. You would be annoyed if a Muslim continually tried to convert you, so don't try and convert other people.

2007-02-22 07:03:56 · answer #5 · answered by Adam L 5 · 0 0

It is not wrong at all for you to state what you believe. I am a Christian as well and I will tell anyone who asks that I am one. It's just some people I think have run into a lot of other Christians who have maybe gotten to excited and have taken their witnessing too far, and now they are wary of all Christians.

Yes, share your beliefs like God told you to, but if someone doesn't want to hear it then don't force them to. Instead, just be their friend and love them like Christ said. If you show them you genuinely care about them and your not just trying to get another convert, then usually they are willing to listen and respect your beliefs more.

As for the accusations of being hypocritical: It's really really sad to say, but they are right to a point: Many many many people who claim the name of Christ are in fact hypocrites. They either don't truly believe what they say, because they are just following what their parents and/or friends do, or they are so tied up in their sin that they are unwilling to give it up. But I agree with you as well. There are alot of us who are not hypocrites, who truly believe everything we say we believe, and who try are best to live the way we say we are trying to live. (To all the un-saved reading this, I do not mean to say that we are perfect and that we don't mess up, because that is completely untrue, we are fully aware we are not perfect.)

2007-02-22 06:46:23 · answer #6 · answered by Chip 7 · 1 0

A couple of days ago, I called a friend and her teenage daughter answered and said her mom was in church. I told her she should be there too and that she knew it. Later I was told that she said I was "preaching" to her. ONE sentence.

Why am I saying this? GOD's word said that the Gospel will...not can be but will be offensive to those who do not know the LORD. Just saying with conviction "I am a Christian" is offensive and in fact, it could get you arrested in many areas while these same people want the right to force their belief on you.

To answer this question I refer you to something I have already written:


2007-02-22 18:38:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

First of all, as a Christian, you have a duty that after you have been converted, you too should go out share Christ's Gospel. However, many Christians tend to be rude and forceful in their methods. I believe that to be very un-Christian like. Jesus never forced himself on anyone, although he had not problem telling people they were wrong when they came to him. You will notice in the Bible that every time Jesus had a confrontation with a non-believer, it was they who came to him. Not the other way around. All Jesus did was present the opportunities for people to hear his message. He never forced his message on anyone. That is the example we, as Christians, ought to follow.

2007-02-22 08:01:07 · answer #8 · answered by rbarc 4 · 0 0

No. It is not wrong. Jesus, in three of the four
Gospels commanded His followers to share the good news with everyone.

As you asked a person, if they want to accept Jesus into their heart as their Lord and Savior, and if they say - no Thank You, then of course respect their Free Will = not judging, criticizing, or condemning them. As Jesus said in Matthew
7:1-5 {not to judge, criticize or condemn other people/Amplified Bible).

But there is nothing wrong with sharing your beliefs about Jesus, good news, for He commanded Christians to do this. And He also said, "If you love Me, keep my commandments"
John 14:15.
If other people hurt/harm you with words, maturly forgive them {1 Cor 13:11), and pray for those who persecute you. Jesus did this.
The last thing I highly recommend, is that you share your beliefs with wisdom, when you discern that a person is receptive to hear what you have to say, "then share with them." Some people on Yahoo Answers do not do this, and this gives Christianity, and Jesus a bad name. And respect the Free Will of others, as you compassionately share your joy.

Take Care, I hope I did not offend you, that was not my intention. Demonstrating compassion and unconditional love {1 Cor. 13:4-7; "11") is what is always most important.

Thanks for listening. You asked an excellent

2007-02-22 08:38:41 · answer #9 · answered by Thomas 6 · 0 0

All we can do is share our belief. It's not on us to convert and we definitely should not force others to believe what we believe.

That said, I think the best way to share your belief is by living it daily. Get to know people and let them see you for who you are. When someone asks you about the reason you act as you do and behave as you do, then there's a golden opportunity to share your faith.

I agree with you; no one should force their beliefs on others, Christian or otherwise. Nor should anyone be forced NOT to share their beliefs. We're open to believe in what we want. That is the purpose of the freedom we enjoy.

2007-02-22 06:50:35 · answer #10 · answered by kevness 3 · 1 0

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