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16 answers

i have a seal point siamese neutered male who greets me in the driveway then runs round the front and meets me inside then stretches out as long as he can on the floor so i have to scratch his tummy
when i hang the washing out he sits on the laundry bench and watches me out the window meowing until i come back inside
he fetches a baby born soft rattle though i don't know where it is at the moment
he stalks the two girl cats and has his wicked way with them when the mood strikes
if he gets really stressed he will pluck his fur out of his back and spit it on the floor in front of me and if i pay attention he does it more
i love him so much as he gives the best smooches ever and he gets into bed with us sometimes and plays cave kitty under the blankets
he is nearly 4 and i hope he lives a long long time

2007-02-22 09:31:31 · answer #1 · answered by kittykat2 2 · 0 0

We had Siamese for years and they sometimes have very odd habits. One used to chase it's tail, going round and round faster and faster until she got dizzy.

Another only ate cooked frozen peas. Not cat food. Not fresh meat. Frozen peas. It's amazing she survived!

I watched a large tomcat Siamese, pulling a huge Turkey across the kitchen side by the parsons nose. There were three femlaes sitting on the floor looking up, waiting for it to fall....

They are very like dogs, often retrieving screwed up paper and small toys, usually very affectionate, always shouting with a loud howl.

2007-02-22 06:43:34 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

My Granny had a Siamese cat -- I have never seen a cat so vicious in my life. You didn't even have to touch it, if you even looked at it it would hiss and spit. The only person it liked was my Granny. It got so bad that she had to stand between the cat and us just so we could pass by.

My Granny got the cat very young and it was treated extremely well - never abused and never traumatized by dogs or kids etc.

I am an animal lover and this is the only time I have ever truly disliked an animal.

2007-02-22 06:35:06 · answer #3 · answered by paloma 3 · 0 0

Most of the time they do. My Siamese is very irritable and grouchy most of the time. If he looses me in the house, he wonders around looking for me & meows a very whiny meow. Siamese cats pretty much do their own thing when they want to do it and don't care what you think about it!

2007-02-22 06:54:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Mine isn't like other siamese when it comes to odd behavior. He is though, the most active cat I've ever had.

2007-02-22 06:30:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anon 2 · 0 0

I have a calico cat, named Cali, whose mother was an Applehead Siamese. Cali has the intelligence of a Siamese and the Fiery temperament of a red head/Calico. She taught "me" to play fetch with anything small enough to fit in her mouth. She had a tiny rubber ducky that we would play fetch with and if i said, "where's duck duck?" she would go and find it and bring it to me. She also taught herself to pee in the toilet(wish she would learn to flush!).
She meows if you so much as look at her and she is only one of the few cats that come when i call her name. I love to make her meow as she scrunches up her cute little pink nose and it's so cute. She is also a bossy boots to her siblings who give her a wide berth as she is likely to haul of and clobber them for no reason.
I rescued a female Applehead kitten who is very sweet and loves to just lay on me and lick whichever part of my skin that is exposed. Her name is Bleau because of her beautiful blue eyes.
She has asthma too. I've had her for 8 months or so and she has so far been very docile and sweet.
I have always heard Siamese are very intelligent, Cali is smart as a whip!

2007-02-22 10:53:31 · answer #6 · answered by kaylamay64 4 · 0 0

Mine does not. He is an apple headed Siamese, not the thin wedge headed ones. He is very cuddly and docile. He just lays around most of the time. He only meows if he wants food.

2007-02-22 06:34:47 · answer #7 · answered by AsianPersuasion :) 7 · 0 0

My cat is only part siamese, but she enjoys licking my shirts..? It's really kind of odd if you ask me.

2007-02-22 06:52:02 · answer #8 · answered by ill-informed 1 · 0 0

I had a siamese that would play catch. I'd throw a ping pong ball and he would get it and bring it back. Had a clear ball and it looked like a spit bubble in his mouth LOL

2007-02-22 06:30:45 · answer #9 · answered by bill.2933 2 · 0 0

Yes my neighbour has 1 who spends time at my house(as cats do with neighbours)and it has a weird wailing meow and acts more like a dog than a cat.

2007-02-22 14:56:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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