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Ok first of all this is the 3rd question i've asked and my cat is about six weeks pregnant and after this litter we are getting her fixed!!! I am not going to be cruel and aborth the kittens. I wanna be a vet when i get older and well i want this experience so ya.I can't bring inside because my mom won't let her come in so ya. I'm afraid she give birth somewhere i cant get to her and what do i need to do to prevent that.How would i know that something was wrong?My moms friend says that its an incredible thing watching cats be born and i don't wanna miss this.Should i buy kitten toys for them and everyone says i should start looking for homes should i or not?My moms friend tok her cat and kittens to a farm that is really cool.It takes cats in and doesn't put them down or anything so i think i might do that.What if shes not a good mother?please help me!!!

2007-02-22 06:23:21 · 8 answers · asked by kimmyj 1 in Pets Cats

8 answers

Most likely she will not have them when you are around. She will avoid you. If you want to be a vet that is simple animal behavior you should have known and you should have aborted the babies. An outside life is no way to bring kittens into the world. That to me is very cruel of you.

2007-02-22 06:39:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all don't listen to jerks who think you shouldn't be a vet because you don't know everything. You have no reason to know everything, that's what they have vet school for. No matter how much you knew, you'd still have to go to school to become a vet. Second, it is safer for the kittens to be born inside, but that is a moot point because your mom won't let them in. If you have a basement, garage or shed that she might be allowed in, you could try keeping her in there. Other than that, make sure she has a comfortable shelter where she will be safe and warm. Also, listen to Karen, she obviously knows what she is talking about and is giving you constructive advice to your question rather than putting you down because of her own beliefs, or giving you grief over things you didn't ask about.

PS spaying when she is pregnant is an abortion, just like with people it is an individual choice, so if you aren't comfortable with it (and since I gather you are young, and probably don't have your own income), just make sure that you talk to your mom and get her to understand if girl kitty is going to be an outdoor cat, she needs to be spayed after these kittens are born so she won't be adding to the surplus kitten population anymore.

2007-02-26 09:23:59 · answer #2 · answered by kodak_2057 2 · 0 0

do you have a friend you can give the mother too or kittens? they should really be inside with you all while they are still small and when their born of course. I think it isnt til 7 weeks that they can be away from therir mother.. where do u live?http://petoftheday.com/talk/forumdisplay.php?f=4

go to that site click on the cat part register and ask people on their what to do and or if they can take some in. they will help you alot

2007-02-22 14:29:58 · answer #3 · answered by Mandy 2 · 0 0

It is incredible watching kittens being born. I've seen it many times. I often help the mommas because the first time they are very scared and don't know what is going on. I wish you could see them being born.

I have mostly indoor/outdoor cats and a few of them have decided to have them outside. I knew she had them so I would watch her, usually she wouldn't lead me to them, but lots of times, I could hear them crying for her.

A few years ago, one of mine got in the attic from the outside of the house. I was going to work and kept hearing kittens screaming. I finally figured out they were in the attic. It was in August and probably 120 degrees in the attic. I found them and saved them.

How she got in the attic from the outside, I don't know, but I saved those babies from certain death. I call them my attic babies. I brought them down and patted them all down with water. There were four of them. They all love water and they all survived.

Most cats are good mothers, they are just a little confused sometimes. The mom who had her babies in the attic didn't realize the heat would kill them, she was just having them away from other cats, dogs, and wildlife. she meant well.

2007-02-24 03:17:39 · answer #4 · answered by Karen H 5 · 0 0

first of all, you can't make sure you will be there for the birth, you cat will make a "nest" if you find this nest, don't disturb it and you may get to see the birth, i would start to find homes as farms are not the best place for young kittnes. Cats are instictively good mothers so i wouldn't worry too much.

2007-02-22 14:29:07 · answer #5 · answered by Me... :) 2 · 0 0

Your cat and those kittens will be in alot of danger outside. I really suggest you surrender your cat to a cat rescue if your mother does not let her inside. If she has them outside somewhere, they can get all sorts of dangerous parasites or even be killed by other animals. Cats are pets, not wild animals that are discarded outside.

2007-02-22 14:31:29 · answer #6 · answered by KathyS 7 · 0 0

Hmm... When I was little our neighbor wouldn't let us play with their kittens so we kept feeding the Mom cat. Eventually she brought her kittens to live in our bushes.

Id fed your cat often and love on her. couldn't hurt to sneak out luck meat and other goodies too (so long as its safe for the cat to eat.)

Good luck!

2007-02-22 14:29:22 · answer #7 · answered by roadkilltoad 2 · 0 0

I think you are being more cruel to the kittens letting them be born. there are too many unwanted kittens out there as it is why do you want to add to this population????? why didn't you have your cat spayed before this happed?

quit being selfish!

2007-02-22 14:30:03 · answer #8 · answered by catloverme123 7 · 0 0

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