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My last question seemed to anger a lot of mothers, Let me make clear, i do not blame the children, they are blameless, i just think the mothers or adults in charge should just be little considerate of others in their area.

Also safety is another factor why young children should always be near their mothers in public. My worst fear is that i will injure someone's child.

Have to say, you mothers are more agressive than a hoard of football hooligans.

I have a question for you and please honestly

If you were out with your child and you wasnt holding or directing child and they suddenly carelessly waddled into my path. i didn't see them in time and collided with them and they were slighty hurt, who would you blame????


2007-02-22 06:03:17 · 30 answers · asked by Blackout 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

Unsure, you are the kind of person, i detest. Why don't you get a car? Listen i won't complaint in person to any mother i thought was doing wrong. All im saying little a consideration from both sides goes a long way

2007-02-22 06:21:56 · update #1

30 answers

well it I was out in public and my child got away from me cause I was not keeping an eye out for MY child and MY child got hurt then i would have to say it is MY fault. If MY child was carelessly running around and u bumped into him or her cause I was not watching MY child then it is MY fault again. I do think people should be aware of their surroundings but it is not ur fault if u turn around or something and accidently hit my kid not knowing he or she was there. I should have a better eye on my kid and where my kid is. If u hit my kid on PURPOSE then all HELL would break loose. But im sure that wouldnt happen.

2007-02-22 06:17:30 · answer #1 · answered by goober 4 · 2 0

I see how this question would anger a lot of people. I will answer to the best of my ability without trying to step on anyone's toes.
I feel that the responsibility falls on the parent. There are too many stories in the media about parents who turn their backs for a moment... or looked away... or weren't in the same room for whatever reason. The excuses for lost, missing and dead children are unnerving. If you have a child it is YOUR responsibility to keep up with the child.
Children have been snatched in stores... pulled off playgrounds...taken from homes... walked out unsecure doors in the wee hours of the morning...and taken from public restrooms. I firmly believe if the parents were present and accounted for these types of incidents would be rare.
Now on the other hand if you collide with a persons toddler... you may have a fight on your hands regardless to who blames who. People do not like people putting their hands on their kids. When I was growing up anyone and everyone who's care I was in was allowed to discipline me. Not anymore. I'd just be on the lookout for stray toddlers. They truly don't have any fault in just being a child and doing what children do. They must be taught.
Parents are territorial and will come to the defense of their children with a quickness Honeychild!

2007-02-22 06:25:22 · answer #2 · answered by fatbabyceesay 5 · 0 0

If my toddler ran into your path I'd be wondering what had happened to the reigns she'd got on when I left the house!

Up until they are 5yrs-and even then only if I can't practically hold a hand my children are physically attached by one means or another for their own safety. I was a teen when Jamie Bulger went missing and it makes my stomach turn to think about it even now, but I digress.

If one of the boys wandered aimlessly into your path, giving you no time to avoid them and got 'slightly hurt' as you put it then I would say 'Sorry' and reprimand them shortly thereafter-they're 7 and not only are they old enough to watch where they're going but they are always given clear direction not to wander off and to be mindful of other shoppers. It would be their fault directly and mine indirectly for not having seen it coming in the first place.

That said, they are however, my responsibility as children and as a parent I am not only responsible for their behaviour, be it errant or accidental but also their safety and if, post impact, your manner was threatening or obscene language wise(as I have seen happen in shopping centres) then I may well take a different tone with you due to your behaviour. Rest assured the child would still receive their reprimand though.

2007-02-23 00:09:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Mothers and fathers who allow children and toddlers to roam have a much bigger problem than who the child runs into. My grandchild got out of my site for 30 seconds in a Sears store. In 30 seconds, he was gone. He was hiding in the clothes racks where we were looking at clothes but nevertheless, he just disappeared. From that day on I studied all stores, carnivals, etc and realized how fast someone could abduct a child. That one incident terrified me. So who would I blame...the parents or adult who had the child. Toddlers and youngsters must be under your control at all times...even those 30 seconds. A toddler is capable of crippling an elderly person if they knock that person down. Maybe if every adult who leaves a child unattended had the child mysteriously disappear within 30 seconds, they would think twice about allowing kids to roam stores and carnivals, and parks and parking lots.

2007-02-22 06:17:46 · answer #4 · answered by juncogirl3 6 · 2 0

I would feel bad if my child got in someone else's way and caused an accident. I probably would apologize to the person my child tripped. I irritates me to no end when parents don't take responsibility for their child's actions. My daughter knows how to behave at home and in public because we have always tried to be considerate of people around us. It was not so long ago that I was a childless person who hated to have dinner interrupted because of the bratty child at the next table. It was not so long ago that I turned and rolled my eyes at the mother sitting behind me in the movie theater who was allowing her child to scream and act up during the movie that started at 9pm at night. I remember what it is like to not have kids and I hope that I display consideration for others by expecting my child to act properly around people. It's a shame that you have encountered such a rude person and their children, but try to have a little more patience with people. Some people will never understand what it means to put others' needs before their own and to think about how what they do affects everyone around them.

2007-02-22 06:45:04 · answer #5 · answered by disneychick 5 · 2 0

You are an ADULT the child is a CHILD! you should be looking where you are going and take responsibility for when you have made a mistake. As a mother it is a mothers responsiblity to watch over there children and keep them safe, but it is impossible to watcha child 100% of the time as the are impulsive, fast little things that need experience of walking around in public places in order to learn not to bump into things and ppl. If you were stomping about and knocked my child and hurt it - Yes i would expect an apology, I would also expect my child to apologise for bumping you. I think People are more upset at your comments about buses. this comment is very rude and offensive - PUBLIC transport - The clue is in the word PUBLIC This includes children and adults.

2007-02-22 06:22:18 · answer #6 · answered by carlyjayne 2 · 0 1

Having read quite a few of the responses I would agree with the majority which is of course it is the parents responsibility to keep the child to hand (especially as you are painting the scene as a busy area), however, as a responsible (hopefully!!) adult you too are expected to responsible as to where you are going. Quick question back to you. Replace the child/toddler in this scenario with an adult with a growth disorder and you bumped into each other? Who would be to blame then??????

2007-02-23 03:33:15 · answer #7 · answered by FiB 2 · 0 0

It would the fault of both of you, neither one was paying attention....but why do we have to place blame? **** happens and life moves on. Both of you should apologize (I would prompt my kid to say sorry, and I would expect you to apologize like you would to any other adult that you carelessly ran into) and move on with your lives.

And your worst fear is that you'll injure someone else's child? Your worse fear isn't something like you'll go blind? Or die of the pox? Or run a car of the road during a heart attack? Or get toxic poisoning from all the household chemicals that are used daily to clean office buildings? I find your fear rather odd and limiting....there's so much more to be afraid of.

2007-02-22 16:57:52 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

I agree with you, in part. It's not your responsibility to keep the kids safe. It is your responsibility to watch where you are going. After all, these are just young kids. So, if you run into them, then I have to say it is your fault.
Parents can't control the kids 24/7 no matter how hard they try. While you're watching one kid, then the others are into something. If you are a parent, you know what I mean. I, like you, have seen parents that don't do a good job watching their kids and it annoys me also. You need a license to drive, but you have to have anything to be a parent. That's my 2 cents.

2007-02-22 06:20:08 · answer #9 · answered by Fordman 7 · 0 0

In that instance No i wouldnt blame the other person, but to be honest you wound a lot of people up in your last question.
I dont quite get why your going on about this, you dont have kids so maybe if you did you would think a little more diffrently.

Why the big thing against kids?

2007-02-22 07:06:38 · answer #10 · answered by hayles 3 · 0 0

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