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an attacker, for example you hit them and they get realy angry and have alot of adenaline and are to beat the living cra* out of you what would you do

once this did happen and i was scared as they were coming full steam at me, and i had no adrenaline or anything
how would you deal with this in a situation ever came

2007-02-22 05:38:18 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Martial Arts

24 answers

why are you learning martial arts?you must have the worst sifu in the world or you must be blind,deaf,dumb and stupid.obviosly you don't take any notice in your lessons.i think you might be bending the truth a bit when you said you where doing ma?the best way to deal with someone is when there angry and coming at you fast.a broken leg slows them down real quick.

2007-02-22 07:13:12 · answer #1 · answered by BUSHIDO 7 · 2 0

Hi there

This is all about evaluation and confidence.

If you can't win then don't fight. In fact one shouldn't be fighting in the first place. Its a sign that you have already made all the wrong choices.

But if it comes down to losing your confidence then let your feet do the talking. There's a lot to be said about ego. It seems to be a thing that only men suffer from. Sometimes you just cant win with what you have got at that time? Doing a runner doesn't mean that the next time will be the same? The odds may be in your favor next time round. If you are backed up against the wall then you have got to look for the exits and find a quick distraction and make your escape. Forget the ego it will get you killed.



2007-02-22 21:50:55 · answer #2 · answered by idai 5 · 0 0

My teacher has always told me that you only do what is necessary to stop the fight. If what is necessary is to run away then that is what you do. First and foremost. Nobody is judging you if you run, and if they do they're not worth listening to in the first place. But if that is not possible, then there are a couple of possibilities. Most important is you need to stay calm! I can't stress enough how important that is. If you are scared or stressed not only will your reaction time go down, but you will have a harder time being able to think of any responses at all. Think of your attacker as "the co-operative victim" - not as someone scary but as someone to be pitied.
now if someone is charging at you one thing you can do that most people don't expect is to drop in a ball to the ground. they are so intent on charging you that they usually can't stop and will go sailing over you. But timing is important. You have to wait for the very last second or all you are is lying on the ground for him to pummle. Another option with the charge is to get out of the way - remember the bullfighters? Your attacker is just a big bull. at the last moment, you pivot out of the way, he goes sailing by and you pummle him as he passes. those are just two, there are many others, but the best solution is still not to be in the fight in the first place, or to run away.

2007-02-22 23:16:20 · answer #3 · answered by samina 3 · 0 0

first mistake was under-estimating your opponent.
second mistake was only hitting once.

if you intend to hit someone, for the devils sake go hard!
no one hit warnings, hit hit hit hit hit hit hit. then you have no worries about retaliation.

prevention is better than cure (which is what you wanted).

also, as soon as you perceive a threat, the adrenaline is already starting to take effect. the brain is in a constant trigger phase, ready for threat identification. so you would have been under the influence. it is that fast. the sad part was that he had the advantage because he was the attacker.

you were, but gave up your advantage and gave it to him. very dumb strategy. you should be taught to never give an inch, because they will take a mile.

and I personally never advocate that "evasive and dodging" style of McChicken burger. every time you dodge, the moment resets, and starts again. you HAVE to finish it as soon as possible. if you have to evade, you are being taught rubbish. You HAVE to fight fire with fire, and even better: Napalm!

forget the ying yang mysticism, and go for instant violence. you dont have to be violent to utilise the perfection of violence. for every action there is an energy source. violence is brutal, and overwhelming to the opponent.

dont rely on Jedi CHI saving your @ss either.
being scared is fine, as long as you are acting in such a way as to swing the balance into your favor.

the winner at any given moment is always advancing, and landing the blows.

2007-02-22 19:45:43 · answer #4 · answered by SAINT G 5 · 0 0

Do some research into arts like Aikido, Jujitsu, Taijiquan, or Baguazhang. Aikido and Jujitsu work extremely well if an attacker is offering a lot of energy in their attacks.

Confidence in your ability to deal with a situation will help you deal with the fear.

2007-02-22 15:37:04 · answer #5 · answered by Shaman 7 · 0 0

When this happens in a fight I become very evasive. Dont stay in to close and dodge everything. Dont focus as much about hitting him as much as not letting him hit you. You basicly want to bore him back down to normal and when he feels the let down after the adrenaline give him a good focused strike between the eyes or to the side of the neck (not to hard!! can be lethal.), the back of the head is also a good knock out point. Some things to remember when fighting an enraged oponent are:

1. Dont let him get you on the ground. While this is true in every fight its more important with an angry one because they will tear you apart and spit out your bones if they get you on the ground. I dont know if you know about sprawling when people try to tackle you but its good to avoid the oponent getting you on the ground. And if you 2 do go to the ground and you sprawled your on top of him. Make sure if he gets on the ground you go absolutely crazy claw , bit , poke eyes, punch , knock him out of that adrenaline rush and into the hospital

2. Take advantage of his anger. If hanging back and waiting isnt your style counterattack him and enrage him more! As people get angry they tend to take more risky chances and this means you'll have an easier time getting a hit in. However dont do this if the oponent seems to have some inteligence to him as he can be deceptive enough to trick you and really go to town on you.

3. Be aware of you surroundings. I personally dont agree with using weapons unless your oponent is fighting dishonorably( having friends help, surprise attack, he has a weapon) But if you want to thats up to you. Also in this subject make sure you get yourself in a nice open area so you have good room to evade. If your boxing go absolutly bullistic like you life depends on it because it might!

O ya and dont get scared. If you know anything about chi try sinking it and focusing. It increases your reaction time and speed. If you dont know anything just stay calm

2007-02-22 14:23:54 · answer #6 · answered by The Wall 2 · 0 1

First of all, like everyone above said- don't hit the guy first! AND, if you do HAVE to hit the guy first- learn to hit him so he DOESN'T get back up.
It sounds like you basically picked this fight without having any idea of how to finish it. Take some classes...learn Martial Arts. Maybe next time you won't feel like you have to hit the guy to begin with.
Sensei Cox

2007-02-23 11:45:24 · answer #7 · answered by hitman142002 3 · 0 0

I'd probably blast him in the face with an elbow and then get the hell outta there. While it may not be particularly glorious to fight that way self defense is not about winning fights It's about getting the situation over and done with as quick as possible and in one piece.

2007-02-22 15:18:48 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would deal with them by not hitting them in the first place!

There are several alternatives yet most people around here seem to take it for granted that conflagration should be the first option.

2007-02-22 16:22:17 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The key phrase here is "I was scared". You need to learn to control that. That is part of the "Do" in TKD. If someone is coming in full steam, they ivevitably leave themselves open somewhere. If you can stay calm, you will be able to recignize & exploit that opening.

2007-02-22 14:11:50 · answer #10 · answered by yupchagee 7 · 0 0

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